Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Open Knowledge Commons and Harvard Medical School http://www.archive.org/details/elementaryanatomOOhitc ELEMENTARY ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, FOR COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, AND OTHER SCHOOLS. BY EDWAKD HITCHCOCK, D.D.,LL.D., AND EDWARD HITCHCOCK, JR., MD., PBOFESSOBS IN A M H B B B T C O L X. E Q S. REVISED EDITION. NEW YORK: IVISON, PHINNEY, BLAKEMAN Ss CO., CHICAGO: a 0. GRIGGS & CO 18 68. HARVA'=>D UMIV'FRSITY .SCHOOL OF MlC C . Z -:0 PUBLiC HEALTH ■?c ibRARY 0 SEP 1937 p_c 6.1:^-^Ujlw, h^':^. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by IVISON & PHINNEY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. ■lbotbottpkd bt Smith &i MoI>oi7aA&» 82 d ? What practica.1 b«*ne-, fit is -'w»' yao o OoO o O^ pc o oo:^t^ C o„ or r 49. Intestinal Fluid.— The intestinal fluid, a colorless, tenacious fluid, with strong alkaline reaction, whose function is to assist in digestion. Secreted hj the epithelial cells of the intestinal follicles. 50. Milk.— Milk, a glandular secretion, showing under the mi- croscope an immense number of fat globules, suspended in a clear fluid, as in fig. 4. 51. Saliva, — Saliva, a secretion chiefly from the parotid and submax- illary gland into the mouth, to assist in diges- tion. oTo^c^vgSiooO-"^ ^2. Bile.— Bile, a greenish or brownish bitter fluid, secreted by the liver to assist in digestion. 53. Pancreatic Juice.— Pancreatic fluid, a colorless, taste- less, but somewhat alkaline fluid, secreted by the pancreas to aid in digestion. 54. Urine. — Urine, secreted by the kidneys. 55. Tears. — Lachrymal fluid for lubricating the eyeballs, secreted by the lachrymal gland. 5Q. Oil and Wax. — Sebaceous secretions, fatty fluids thrown out by what are called the sebaceous follicles of the skin, to keep it moist. ' 57. Sweat. — Perspiration, or sweat, a colorless, watery 49. What is the Intestinal fluid ? 5i). How does milk appear under the microscope ? .^l. What is the origin and use of saliva? 52. State the secretion of the liver. 58. &c. Describe Pancreatic Juice. Urine. Tears. Oil and Wax. 57. From what glands is sweat produced ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 17 fluid, with a saltish taste, and having odor, secreted from the perspiratory glands. Elementary Tissues. 58. Simple, or Basement Membrane. — 1. Sifiiple Mem- brane. This is usually a structureless layer of coagulated albumen, often not more than 20000th of an inch thick. It forms the walls of all cells, and is also spread out, as an in- ferior layer of the skin and mucous membrane, and is then called basement membrane. It is the most simple of all the tissues, yet it is the agent of secretion, and sometimes of ab- sorption, and these Professor Peaslee considers as its vital properties, though of a low grade. 59. Imbibition. — Simple membrane also possesses the re- markable property of allowing fluids to pass through it when it is placed between two fluids ; the efiect depending in part upon the electro-chemical relations of the substances, but not, as generally supposed, on the difference of specific gravity of the liquids. This is called endosmose and exosmose, or Imbibition, and is the principal means by which fluids are made to pass from one part of the system to another, where no distinct vessels are provided far that purpose. 60. Simple Fiber, — 2. Simple Fiber. This consists es- sentially of threads of coagulated fibrine, whose average diameter is about 8 -'0 oth of an inch thick. It does not appear to be a permanent constituent of the body, but only a basis for the development of the more complicated tissues. A good example of the simple fiber may be seen in the membrane lining the inside of an egg shell, as in Fig. 5. ^ 58. What is slmpla membrane ? How thick ? Where is it found ? What other name is given to it? 59. Describe Imbibition. What purpose does it effect? 60. Descfibo •imple fiber. Its size. Where best sc en ? 18 HITCHCOCK'S ANAl O M Y 61. Shape of Cells.— 3. Cells. These aie merely mem- branous-Jbags, or vesicles, from , ioth to b^'ooth of an mch in diameter, filled with some kind of liquid, or solid substance. When free, the form is spherical, or spheroidal, as m Fig. 6. But, as they press against one another, they are brought into a polyhedral form, as in Fig. 7, showing a group of fat ve- sicles. Fig. 6. Fig. n. 62. Contents of Cells; Granules; Nucleus and Nucleo- lus.— The fluid of cells is transparent, except in the case of blood. In it there generally float an immense number of gra- nules, having no investing membrane, but sometimes they are thus invested. Each cell has also a nucleus and a nucleolus ; the first being a globular, or lenticular body, from ^ o'o oth to eo'ooth of an inch in diameter, attached to, or imbedded in the wall of the cell, though some are free. The nucleolus is a granule within the nucleus. Both are shown, as well as the common granules, in Fig. 6. 63. Appendages of Cells. — Sometimes cells have a sort o? tail attached to them, and are hence called caudate, as in Fig. 8. Sometimes, too, they are stellate, as in Fig. 9, show- ing the pigment cells of a frog's foot. Cl. Define cells. What is tho original form of theiii? How do they .icq;;iro the poly- hedral form? C2. Explain nucleus, nucleolus and cell wall. 63. What are the appendages of cells ? and physiology. Fig 8. 19 FiQ. 9. 64. Cytogenesis. — The cell is the most important of the ele- mentary tissues, for, by its multiplication, mo^^t of the other 64. Give the process by which cells increase and form tissuet £0 HITC IT cock's ANATO:\rY Fig. 10. tissues in animals and vegetables are made up. This is called cjtogenesis. The increase usually takes place by duplicative subdivision, which is shown on Fig. 10. The cell a a first becomes elongated, as at &, and then it divides at c c. The subdivision going on will give an increase in lapid ratio — 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. Fig. 11 shows an example of this division, A, B, C, D, in its earlier stages, and E, F, G, H, in its more advanced condition. Sometimes cells multiply by the development of new cells in the interior In this case the nucleus subdivides into two or more portions, which at length fill the original cell, as is shown in Fig. 12. Some- times cells are formed by the expansion of homogeneous" 9i): mm Fig. 11. B 0 P vr granules into cells ; or they are even produced in the midst of a formative fluid (called a blastema), poured out from the blood. Doecrlbe the roodo of fornrntioo as lUustratod lo Figures 11 and 12. What U tb« AND r I! Y S 1 O L O G T . 21 Fig. 12. 65. It is in these ways that most of the tissues of the body are built up, and the animal enlarges to its full size. It has been maintained that all the tissues orig- inate in cell develop- ment. But, m some cases, simple fibers and membranes seem to be formed directly out of an organizable s u b - stance, without the in- tervention of cells. QQ. Vital Force of Cells; Chemical Trans- formations; Vitalization of the Cells; Change of Form; Development of Nerve Force.— The multiplication of cells is one of the manifestations of the vital force inherent in them. Another is the chemical transformations exerted upon the con- tents of the cell in some instances, whereby new products are generated. Another is the vitalization of a portion of the cell contents, whereby they are able to produce new cells. Another is permanent changes of form in connection with growth. Another is temporary changes of form, ac- companied with sensible motion, as in the oscillatory move- ments of the leaves of Hedysarum gyrans, and th-e fold- ing of the leaves of the Mimosas upon touch. Finally, the development of nerve force from cells, by which all the bodily operations may be modified, and which is intimately connected with mental agency. 67. Periods in the Life of the Cells. — In cell life there is a ' 65. Show how the tissues of th« body are moda tip. 66. Meotion the different cluosos which cells anderso. 22 II I T C 11 C O C K ' S ANATOMY period of augmentation, another of perfection, another of de- cline, and, finally, one of cessation. So long as vitality can use chemical and physical agencies for building up the system, they tend to its preservation, but, when life ceases, they tend to its destruction, not, as is generally thought, because the vital principle has not the power of resisting these agencies, but because it can no longer turn them into the channel for pre- serving the system. PRIMARY TISSUES. The chief mass of the animal system is made up of the ele- mentary forms that have been described, variously combined so as to form plexuses and webs^ which are called primary tissues by some, and compound tissues by others. They are differently classified by different writers. The arrangement which follows is that of Professor W. B. Carpenter : 1. Simple Fibrous Tissues. 68. White and Yellow Fibrous Tissues.— This embraces the white and yellow fibrous tissues, as well as the areolar or connective tissue of other writers. The white fibers are from isVooth to the oooooth of an inch in diameter, and form the tendons, ligaments, and fibrous membranes. (Fig. 13.) The Fia 13 Fig. U 67. Give the four different periods in the life of cells. 6S. Give the size of the libera of white and yellow fibrous tissues. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 23 yellow fibers are about 73^0 otb of an inch in diameter and form a part of the larynx, and the middle coat of the arteries. 69. Areolar Tissue. — The areolar tissue consists of fibers of white and yellow tissue interwoven, so as to leave irregular spaces, or areolae, between them. This tissue originates from cells, as is shown in Fig. 16. The areolar tissue is more widely diffused than any other in the body, so that if it were possi- ble to remove all but this one, the form of the part would be preserved. It surrounds all the arteries and veins, the nerves, muscles and internal organs ; and it forms one of the layers of the skin and mucous membrane. Fig 15. FfG. 16. 2. The Fibro-Cellular Membranes. 70. One of the layers of the skin, of the mucous membrane, and the serous and synovial coat that lines the shut cavities of the body, is composed of interwoven fibers of simple basement membrane , and of one or more layers of cells upon the free 69. What is the composition of areolar tls.sue? What of its abundance In the body! Whore Is It principally found ? 70. Describe the fibro-celliilar jnembrane. 2 24 II I T C H C O C K ' S .V N' A T O il Y surface. This is the fibro-cellukr membrane or tissue. Its position and character will be better understood when the parts above referred to have been described in subsequent sections. Fig. 17. Fig. 38. 8. Cellular Tiss^ues. 71. Fat and Cjirtilage. — These embrace the adipose tis- sues, Fig. 17, and the cartilaginous, Fig. 18. The first is the usual form of fat, wherever it occurs in the system. It retains the pure form of the primitive cells. In cartilage, also, these cells sometimes exist alone, but more frequently they are inter- woven with fibers, as seen by the figures. 4. Sclerous Tissues. 72. Bones and Teeth.— These constitute the bones and teeth, and are composed of an animal basis of fibers and cells ce- mented together by phosphate and carbonate of lime. Fig. 19, which is a transverse section of one of the bones of the arm, will give an idea of the arrangement of the animal matter, the earthy part having been dissolved by acid. Fig. 20 shows a transverse section of the shoulder blade, exhibiting the dark spaces called lacunas. 71. Describe fat and cirtilage. T'i. What 13 the coinpositioa of the bones and th» teeth ? 73. Wh;it are the cajullaries ami absorbents ? Give tho size of the capillarlos. and physiology. Fig. 19. 25 TuBULAK Tissues. 73. Capillaries and Absorbents. — These form those minute blood vessels called capillaries, and others called lym- phatics or absorbent ves- sels, which exist m every part of the body, and are distinct from, al- though connected with, the arteries and veins. The capillaries c o n - necting these are from so^oth to ai'oith of Fig 20 58 Hitchcock's anatomy Fig. 21. an incli in diameter, less often than the blood cor- puscles. In some other animals thej are larger, as may be seen in the capillary plexus of a frog's foot, shown in Fig. 9. The lymphatics abound with valves, ds may be seen in Fig. 21. 6. Muscular Tissue. 74. Striped and SKiooth Muscle. — This tissue is made up of two forms of fiber, the striped and nnstriped. The stripes in the first form run both transversely and longitudinally, as may be seen Fig. 22. Fig. 23. w m m m m m m ■ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in Fig. 22. When separated loQgitudinally, the fibrillae have a beaded appearance, each bead being in fact a cell, as is here represented in Fig 23, which shews the cells a when most relaxed, and b when most contracted. Muscular fiber is capable also of being divided crosswise in the direction of the transverse striae into discs, as seen in Fig. 24. Both the striated (striped) and non-striated muscles originate in cells. Figs. 25 and 26 show their development. 75. Myotility. — The grand peculiarity of muscular tissue is its power of contraction — a phenomenon as mysterious and wonderful as any thing in nature. This is called myotility or contractility. What do the lymphatics abound in ? 74. Distinguish between the strii)ed and the nnstriped muscular fiber. Give the reason of the difference between a .lud & iu Fig. 23. 15. Define inyctillty. AND PHYSIOLOGY Fig 24. Fig. 25. Fig. 26. 76. The Chemical Composition of Muscle. — The chem- ical composition of the muscular tissue is almost exactly the same as that of blood, as the following analysis will show : Blood. Carbon 51.83 Hydrogen I.Ql ITitrogen 15,01 Oxygen 21.36 Ashes 4.23 100.00 Muscle. 51.95 1.11 15.07 21.39 4.52 100.00 76. state the chemical corapositioii of muscle. ■2$ HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 7. Nervous Tissue. 77. NcFTOUS Tissue; Tubular Cells. — This, like some of the other tissues, is composed of cells, fibers and tubes, but it is distinguished from all others by its vital endowments. In the ordinary nerve trunks the tissue is the fibrous or tubular, as is shown in fig. 27, A, B, and C. In C some of the original cells are shown. Pig. 27. 78. Vesi- Fig. 28. cular Cells; Granular Cells.— -In those nervous masses called ganglia, w e find, in addi- tion to the fibers, a sub- stance made up of vesicles or cells, as is shown in the ganglion of a mouse on fig. 28. 77. Tlow is nervous tissue to be distinguished from all other tissues? 78. Describe the vesicular cells. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 29 Another primary element of the nervous system is com- posed of nucleated cells, containing a finely granulated sub- stance. These sometimes have processes -which give them a caudate or stellate form, as in Fig. 29. Fig.. 29. 79. All Organ. The System.— Such are the tissues which^ combined in various proportions, make up the organs of the human body. And by the term organ we mean a part usually composed of several tissues adapted to certain functions. And though harmoniously united into a single system, that is, the body, the anatomist can dissect and describe them separately. In this work the following order will be adopted : 1. Osteology^ or an account of the Bones or framework of the system. 2. Myology^ an account of the Muscles or the moving pow- ers of the system. 3. Splanchnology^ or the Nutritive Organs. 4. Angiology^ an account of the Circulating System of the arteries and veins. Tf , Define an organ. What is the sfstem ? What is Osteology ? Myology ? etc. 30 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 5. Pneumonology^ or an account of the Respiratory, Vocal, and Calorific Organs. 6. Ichor ology^ or the Lymphatic and Secreting System. 7. Neurology^ or the history of the Nervous System, the vivifying power. 8. The Inlets of the soul, or the Senses. 9. Religious teachings of the subject. CHAPTER FIRST. THE FRA^IEWORK OF THE SYSTEM.— OSTEOLOGY, OR A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 80. Chemical Composition of Bone. — The Bones of all vertebrate animals are principally composed of the Phosphate and Carbonate of Lime, and, with the exception of the Teeth and articular extremities, are closely covered by a firm mem- brane called the Periosteum. By chemical analysis the com- position is as follows : Organic substance (Osteine or Cartilage) 33.00 Phosphate of Lime 57.00 Carbonate of Lime , 8.00 Fluorid of Calcium 1.00 Phosphate of Magnesia 1.00 100.00 81. Cartilage and Salts of Lime shown. — Hence we see that the principal constituents of bone are the salts of Lime and Cartilage. The former can be easily obtained by burning the bone a while in a hot fire, which appears like a white powder when crushed. The Cartilage is obtained by im- mersing it for a considerable time in a dilute acid, when we have the form of the bone perfectly retained, although nothing is left but cartilage. Its elastic character may be inferred 80. What are the principal ingredients of bones? Where is the Periosteam found? Give the chemical analysis. 81. How can the earthy ingredients be shown ? The car- 32 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY ^iG. 30. from Fig. 30, "which is a human Fibula tied in a knot after hav- ing been immersed for some time in muriatic acid. wjii^^^MS 82. Mechanical Construc- tion of Bones. — As a general ^^^^^___ _ laTV the extremities are the ^ ^^^^^^^m. largest, and the bodies or shafts .^^^^^^^^^. ^^^ smooth and of a uniform surface. Thej are in most V'^^^lll^llllillililil^^ cases so constructed as to give ^^^^^^^^m the greatest strength and sup- port, and at the same time fur- nish as little weight as possible. Hence the long bones are most- ly hollow, or have an arched form, while the flat bones are portions of a circle or sphere. In the face also the bones are not all solid, but some of them contain large cavities, so that firm attachment maj be given to the muscles, and protection to the more delicate parts. 83. Average Weight of adult Skeleton.— The weight of the skeleton is as 10.5 : 100, or about one tenth the weight of the whole body. And since the average weight of an adult man is 136 pounds, the weight of an adult skeleton is about 13.5 pounds. 84. Strength of Bones — The power of the human bones as levers when compared with different substances is remark- able, as is seen by the following table. Freestone (sandstone) 1. Lead 6.5 Elm and Ash (wood) 8.5 Box, Tew, and Oak 11. Human Bone. 22. 82. Which part of the bones is generally the largest? Why are many of the bones hollow or partially so? 88. Give the weight of the human skeleton. What is its pro- portion to that of the whole body ? 84 Give the comparative strength of the bones. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 33 That is, bone when used as a lever is 22 times as strong as Sandstone, 3^ times as strong as Lead, nearly 2^ times as strong as Elm and Ash, and 2 times as strong as Box, Yew, and Oak timber. 85. Microscopic Structure of Bone. i'ig- si. Haversian Canals. — Examined by the microscope the bones are found to be made up of plates or layers for the most part, arranged concentrically in the long bones, and in parallel layers in the flat ones. These are traversed in all directions, and espe- cially in their long diameters, by minute tubes or vessels called Ha- versian canals, which are also en- circled by several laminae or plates besides those following the general outline of the bone. Fig. 31. These canals have a diameter varying from T2V0 to 04 o^li of an inch, while the accompanying lamellae show a thick- ness of eoVoth of an inch. They sometimes contain a capillary vessel, but more usually carry only the nutritive and watery portion of the blood. 86. LacunsB, Canaliculi. — Besides these canals we find a smaller set of vessels or cells located directly in the substance of the concentric lamellae, called Lacunae or Bone Corpuscles, which average yoVoth of an inch in length, and carry the fluid which nourisbes the bone. These are of a black appearance, of an oval form, and with rays divergent in all directions, as TransversG section of bone magnified 15 diiinicters. 1, Outer layer. 2 and 3, inner layers. 6d-.- How-are tbe- particles of matter arranged in the long bones ? How in tbo flat ones? Describe the Haversian canals. Their diameter. What vessel does each one contain and what is the purpose of that vessel? 86. What are the LacunjB or Bono Corpuscles? 34 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY LacuniB of Bone, a, central portion. &, canaliculi or Bone Pores. 87. Ultimate Graniiles.- FiG. 33. ^M Fig. 32. seen in Fig. 82. These rays are minute canals, and nearly all of them anastomose, or have com- munication with each other. They are called Canaliculi, or Bone Pores, and mea- sure sooooth of an inch in diameter. The ultimate histological ele- ment, or the smallest element of bones as yet discovered, is made up of pale oval granules, about e^oVoth of an inch in diameter. These granules constitute all the substance of the bone except the minute vessels already mentioned. 88. Hence the microscopic elements of bone are four : 1. Haversian Canals. 2. Lacuna or Bone Corpuscles. 3. Canaliculi or Bone Pores. 4. Ultimate Granules. 89. Periosteum. — In all parts of the body, both solid and fluid, we find that nature has made ample protection by providing for nearly every organ a firm membranous sheath. This not only serves as a protection and support, but in many cases a means of nutriment. Upon the bones ac- cordingly we find a very firm whitish yellow membrane closely attached to them in most places, and very smooth, called the Periosteum. This occurs on every part of every bone, except at the articulations, and upon the crowns of the teeth. It is, when healthy, perfectly insensible, and contains the vessels which ramify into the bones, being in fact the What are the Bone Pores or Canaliculi? 87. What is the smallest or nltimate element of bones ? 88. Give the four microscopic elements of bone. 89. What is the color of the Periosteum? On what part of the t)oaes is it wanting? What two Important purposes does it subserve ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 35 nutrient membrane of the bones. Besides ^i^- 34. this function, the periosteum serves as a point of attachment for the ligaments and tendons, in as much as they could not find firm attachments on the bone itself. Remark. — Diseases of Periosteum. — In the diseases known as Felon and Fever Sore, the Periosteum is the seat of the inflamma- tion, although, if it be not soon checked, the bone itself becomes implicated. 90. Processes of Bones. — The bones of animals are not constructed after any regu- lar geometrical form or curve, but are mod- eled upon the plan which may secure the » 1 r -T ^ • Periosteum of a liumo- greatest firmness and lacility oi motion, rus partly taken off. Accordingly we find their surfaces quite uneven, presenting in many places prominent projections, which serve as a firm point of attachment for muscles and ligaments. These are called Processes, and are generally found near the extremities of bones, and are largest where the greatest strength of muscle and ligament is required, as shown in the bones of the lower extremities. 91. Nutritious Foramina. — Upon nearly all the bones of the body may be found small tubular openings w^hich, after extending for a short distance into the bone, ramify and give off the minute capillary vessels which circulate through the larger Haversian canals. They are called nutritious fora- mina, or openings, since they convey nutriment to a large portion of the bone. 92. Four Classes of Bones. — Bones are divided according to their shape into four classes : long, flat, short, and irregu- What is the seat of Felon and Fever Sore? 90, What is the general outline of bones? What are Processes? 91. What are the nutritious foramina, and with what vessels do they communicate ? Their uso ? 92. Give the four classes of bones, and give examples of the long ones. ^ 36 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY kr. The long ones are mostly found in the extremities, and consist of a hollow shaft with enlarged and partially smoothed extremities, and sometimes a rough or elevated portion along their central portions. Those which belong to this class, are the Clavicle, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Femur, Tibia, Meta- tarsus, and Metacarpus, Phalanges and Ribs. 93. Short Bones. — The Short bones are irregularly cuboid in form, and are found in those places where there is but little motion of the part. They are the YertebrsD, Coccyx, Carpus and Tarsus, Patella, and Sesamoid bones. 94. Flat Bones. — The Flat bones are arranged to enclose and protect cavities. Those of the head are made of two layers of bony matter, with an intervening porous substance called the Diploe. These are the Occipital, Parietal, Frontal, Nasal, Lachrymal, Vomer, Sternum, Scapula, and the Os Innominatum. 95. Irregular Bones. — The Irregular bones are those which belong to neither of the pjreceding classes, and have no typical form. They are the Temporal, Sphenoid, Eth- moid, Superior and Inferior Maxillary, Palate, Turbinated, Hyoid, and Sacrum. 96. Development of Bone from Cartilage. — The early condition of bone is that of cartilage, which has the general outline of the bone, and from the subsequent process may be called the mould of the bone. Very early in life, and even before birth, bony matter begins to be deposited in the cells of the matrix (cartilage) until at length, the whole becomes solid, as it is found in adults. At birth the only bone which is completely ossified is that portix)n of the tem- poral called the petrous, which contains the organ of hear- ing, while all the bones are not completely ossified be- fore the 12th year of life. This process of hardening, or os- 93. What is the general outline of short bones and where are they found? Give es- amjAes. 94. Give the use of the flat bones. Examples also. 95. What are some of tlie-irregular bones? 96. What is the first stage of bone? When is the process of ossifi- cation complete ? What boucs are the first that become ossified? AND PHYSIOLOGT. 37 sification, begins at certain points, and continues until the whole is completed as is seen in the Eig, 36. In some of these bones there is but one of these centers, or points, where ossification commences, while in the Sphenoid there are 12. 97. Number of Bones. — The num- ber of bones in the human system is reckoned differently by different anatom- ists since many of the bones are well exhibited only in hard working or well developed mus- cular subjects. The number 246 will be given in this book as taken from Eras- mus Wilson, whose work on Anatomy is adopted as the text Fig. 35. Section of cartilage near the point of ossification. 1, ordinary appearance of cartilage. 2 and 3, more ad- vanced stages of ossification. 1', 2' and 3' portions 1, 2 and 3 more highly magnified. book in nearly all the medical schools of this country. This in- cludes the teeth, and sesamoid bones, of which the latter areiiot constant in every individual. They are summed up as follows : 9". What is the number of bones in the human body? Give the dififcrent gi-oups. 88 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 36. Fig. 37. mm A knee joint showing points of ossification, 1, 2 and 3. Head S Ear 6 Face U Teeth 32 Vertebrae, Sacrum and Coccyx 26 Os Hyoides, Sternum and Ribs 26 Upper Extremities 64 Lower Extremities 62 Sesamoid Bones 8 246. 98. VertebrsB, Groups of Verte- bra, Cervical Vertebrse. — The Ver- tebrae or Spinal Column claim the first attention, since they are the Description of Fig. 87. Lateral view of the Spinal Column. 1, Atlas. 2, Axis (second Vertebra.) 3, Last Cervical Vertebra. 4, Liist Dorsal Vertebra. 5, Last Lumbar. 6 and 7 Sacrum. 8, Coccyx. 9, a Spinouis Process. 10, Intervertebral Foramina. AND PHYSIOLOGY 39 Frontal Bone. FlG, 38. Parietal Bon«. \ — / Crblt — Lower Jaw. — - Cervical Vertebrae. -- Shoulder Blade. Tibia. Fibula. TT?,im, , . W /^ Ulna. / Eadiu3. 1 1 m Carpus. "Ja Metacarpus. — --^| 1 1^ Phalanges. = — 'SM 1 l\ Femur. — . 11 Temporal Bone. Clavicle. __ Ilium. - Patella. ,, Tarsus, ,. Metatarsus. ., Phalanges. 40 H I T C II C O C K ' S A X A T O M Y first developed bones, and the center around "which the others are formed. Thej may be separated into the true and false : or those which are separable from, and movable upon each other, and those which are firmly joined together. Of the true vertebras there are three sections, named in accordance with their location on the body : Cervical, Dorsal, and Lum- bar. The Cervical, or those of the neck, are seven in number, the first and second of which are the most remarkable. The first is named Atlas, from the mythological story that a giant of this name supported the earth on his shoulders, and it is Fig. 39. Fig. 40. The Atlas. 1, Anterior Tubercle. 2, Articular Face. 8, Posterior surface of Spinal Canal. 4, In- tervertebral Notch. 5, Transverse process. 6, Fo- ramen for Artery. 7, Superior oblique process. 8, Tubercle for transverse Ligament. The Axis. 1, Body. 2, Proces- sus dentatus. 8, Articulating sur- face. 4, Foramen for vertebral Artery. 5, Spinous process. 6 and 7, Oblique processes. upon this one that the head is moved in a direction backwards and forwards. The second, called Axis, is characterized by a projection or pivot, which admits motion of the head in a horizontal direction, but in no other. It is the dislocation of this process, and the consequent pressure upon the spinal cord that causes death in criminals executed by hanging. 99. Dorsal VertebrsB. — The Dorsal Vertebras, or those of the back, are twelve in number, and give attachments to all the ribs. The central portion or body of each increases from above downwards, that they may more firmly support the superincumbent weight of the body. 93. Why are the Vertebrae first described ? What two groups may they be divided Into? What other three sections of Vertebra}? What is the name of the first and Becond Vertebra ? 97. How many Dorsal vertebrae, and what bones are attached to them ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 41 Fig. 41. Fig. 42. A Dorsal Vertebra. 1, The Body. 2 and The Sacrum. 1 and 2, Articular sur- 7, Faces for head and tubercle of Rib. 8, faces. 8, Promontory of the Sacrum. 4 Upper face of the body. 4 and 5, Interver- and 10, Lines of former division of Sa- tebral Notch. 6, Spinous process. 8 and crum. 5 and 6, Foramina. 7, Sacro Ischia- 9, Oblique processes. tic Notch. 8, Ahe of the Sacrum. 9, Ob- lique processes. 100. Lumbar Vertebrse. — The vertebras of the Loins, or the Lumbar, are five in number, and are the largest members of the spinal column, since they are the only bones in this part of the body. They are more massive and solid in all their parts than the rest of this column, that they may be equal to the strength required of them. 101. Sacrum. — The Sacrum is a single bone, although its typical form is that of five vertebrae, which are actually found in some animals. Its appearance is that of five verte- brae, which are partially anchylosed or grown together. The form of the bone is somewhat like a wedge, with the base directed upwards, and the point curving inwards and for- wards. 102. Coccyx. — The Coccyx is the lower extremity of the Spinal Column, formed of four anchylosed and imperfect verte- brae ; and it is an extension of these bones in the monkey which makes the tail. Fig. 43. The Coccyx. 1, First bone. 2, 3, Processes to join the Sacrum. 4 and 5, Notches to form Foramen. 6, Last bone. 100. How many Lumbar VertebriE? Why are they the largest in size ? 101. Describe the Sacrum. How many rudimentary vertebrai does it consist of? Iu2. Describe the Coccyx. 42 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 103. General Remarks on the Spinal Column. — The Spinal Column viewed as a whole may be considered as made up of four cones, owing to the different sizes of the ver- tebrae. The apex of the upper one commences with the Atlas and extends as far as the ^ first dorsal vertebra. Here the second one commences in an inverted position, extending over the upper three dorsal vertebrae. The third reaches with its base as far as the top of the Sacrum, where the inverted fourth one terminates with the Coccyx. Viewed from the front the spinal column should be in a straight line when in a healthy condition ; but a lateral view shows two curves, one at the lower part of the neck, and the other at the lumbar vertebrae, the design of this curvature being to place the head and its delicate contents upon an elastic and flexible support, and the design of the straight position in the other direction, being to give equal tension to the muscles on both sides. 104. Intervertebral Cartilage. — Between all the vertebras is placed a thick cushion of cartilage. This by yielding not only allows a free and ready motion to the column as a whole, but is an additional protection to the brain, by diminishing the severity of any vibration communicated from below. 105. Bones of the Head. — The Skull may be considered as the superior expansion of the spinal column, when it — the spinal column — is taken as the center of development of the whole body, which contains in the cranium the brain, and in the face most of the organs of sense. 106. In the Cranium or true skull are eight bones: 1 Frontal, 2 Temporal, 2 Parietal, 1 Occipital, 1 Sphenoid, 1 Ethmoid. 103. Of how many cones may the Spinal Column bo considered as composed? From what direction does the Spinal Column appear in a straight line? What curvatures does a lateral view show ? 104. What substance do we find between the vertebrse? Give Its use. 105. What may the Skull bo considered as? What organs does it contain? 106. Give the bones of the Skull. AXD PHYSIOLOGY 43 107. Frontal, Temporal, Parie- tal, Occipital, Spfienoid,and Eth- moid Bones. — The rrontal Bone is sit- uated in the upper and front part of the head, occupy- ing that portion of the skull called the forehead. It is mainly a flat bone, but the portion lying above the eye is hollow, in order that protection may be afforded to this delicate organ, as well as to give sufficient prominence to the up- per part of the face. The two Temporal Bones cover the front part of each side of the skull in that position com- monly known as the temples, and each bone is a little larger than the space which is pro- tected by the external ear. In the inner por- tions, called the petrous, are located the organs Fig. 44. 1, Frontal, 2, Parietal. 8, OccipitaL 4, Temporal. 6, Nasal. 6, Malar. 7, Upper Jaw. 8, Lachr7mal, 9, Mandible. Fig. 45. Frontal Bone. 1, Frontal Protuberance of riglit side. 2, Superciliary ridge. 3, Superorbitary ridge. 4 and 5, Angular processes. 107. What kind of a bone is the Frontal ? Why is a portion of it hollow ? W here are the Temporal Bones located i 44 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Left Temporal Bone. 1, Squamous portion. 2, Mastoid portion. 8, Petrous portion. 4, Zygo- matic portion. 5, Articulating surface for lower jaw. 6, Temporal ridge. 7, Glenoid fissure. 8, Mastoid foramen. 9, Canal for ear. 10, Groove for digastric muscle. 11, Styloid process. 12, Va- ginal process. 13, Glenoid Foramen. 14, Groove for Eustachian tube. Fig. 47. ^^^•^^- of hearing. Directly behind the external ear is felt a hard projection wMch is the mastoid process of this bone, and serves for the attachment of many muscles, which move the head. And directly in front of the ear is another prominent pro- cess, called the zygo- matic, which articulates with the malar bone, and to which is at- tached one of the ele- vator muscles of the jaw. The two Parie- tal Bones are eminently flat bones of a square shape, forming the es- sential parts of the pro- jections on the back sides of the head, and uniting; with each other on the median line, up- on the top of the skull. They join with the frontal bone in front, the temporal bones below, and the occipital bone behind. The Occipital Bone has an imperfectly circular outline, and at its lower What i.s the mastoid process ? Where is the zygomatic process ? Give the form of the Parietals. What is tbe outline of the Occipital Bone ? What is the large orifice la Its lower part for? Give the position and general outline of the Sphenoid Bone. With ■what bones does this articulate ? Left Parietal Bone. 1, 2. 3, 4, Superior, Infe- rior, Anterior, and Posterior surfaces. 5, Ridge for Temporal Fascia. 6, Parietal Foramen. T and 8. Inferior angles. AND PHYSIOLOGY 45 edge a large orifice for the passage of the spinal mar- row, just as it enters the vertebrae. It is in the most posterior part of the skull, joining with the sphenoid in front, and rest- ing upon the Atlas verte- bra. The Sphenoid Bone is directly underneath the skull, extending from side to side, forming a very small portion of the out- side of the skull at the Fig. 48. External surface of Occipital Bone. 1 and 4, Semicircular Ridges. 2, Occipital Protube- point where the frontal ranee, 3, Attachment of ligamentum nuclte, , , -, 5, Foramen for Medulla oblongata. 6, Condylo and temporal bones come of right side. 7 and 8, Condyloid Foramina. the nearest to each other. ^' Jugular Eminence. 10, Jugular Foramen. . 11, Basilar process. 12, Points of attachment From Its name we learn for odontoid ligaments, is, Edge for attach- ment with Parietal bone. 14, Point of attach* ment for Temporal bone. Fig. 49. that it is somewhat wedge The Anterior and Inferior Surface of the Sphenoid Bone. 1, 1, Apophyses of Ingras- slas. 2, 2, The great Wings. 3, Ethmoidal Spine. 4, Azygos Process. 5, Sphenoidal Cells, after the removal of the Pyramids of Wistar. 6, Posterior Clinoid Processes. 7, Sphenoidal Fissure. 8, Foramen Rotundiim. 9, Depression for the Middle Lobes of th« Cerebrum. 10, Surface for the Temporal Muscle. 11, Styloid Process. 12, Exter- nal Pterygoid Process. 13, Internal Pterygoid Process. 14, Pterygoid Foramen. 15, Ar- ticular Face for the Os Frontis. 16, Points to the Sella Turcica. 48 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY shaped in its general outline, although it is covered and filled with cavities and processes for the protection and proper direction of many of the delicate organs which pass through it to their destination. This bone articulates with all those in the cranium, and five of those in the face, and serves as a point of attachment for twelve pairs of muscles, and is one of the most complicated bones belonging to the human skeleton. The last bone of the skull is situated at the base of Pig. 51. Fig. 50. An Upper, and Posterior View of the Ethmoid Bone. 1, Nasal Lamella. 2, Body or Cellular Portion. 8, Crista Galli. 4, Cribriform Plate. 5, Superior Meatus. 6, Superior Turbinated Bone. 7, Middle Turbinated Bone. S, Os Pli.niim. 9, Sur- face for the Olfactory Nerve. A View of the Outside of the Vault of the Cranium, showing the Sutures. 1, The Coronal Suture. 2, The Sagittal Suture. 8, The Lambdoidal Suture. the front portion of the cranium, between the sockets of the eyes, and behind the root of the nose. It is called the Ethmoid Bone. Its outline is that of a cube, consisting of a perpendicular plate, and two lateral portions. From the fact that it is extremely fragile, owing to the great number of perforations which it contains, it derives its name from the Greek word signifying a sieve. It is so deeply seated that it receives the attachments of no muscles. 108. Sutures. — The bones of the skull are united by Give the shape and position of the Ethmoid bone. Why called Ethmoid? AND PHYSIOLOGY 47 ragged edges called Sutures. These are small and rough projections of bone which are largest at their extremities. Thej are made to fit into the edges of the opposite bone with great firmness, thus joining the bones together, by essentially the same process which in cabinet work is known as dovetail- ing. The name Suture is applied, since when these edges are perfectly joined by this 'articulation, they resemble the seam made by sewing together two pieces of cloth by the "over and over" stitch. Situated directly within these sut- ures are frequently found small bones, uncertain as to number, sometimes two inches in diameter, called Ossa Tri- quetra. No special use for them has been discovered as yet. 109. The Lower Surface of the Skull.— The whole of the lower surface of the skull is extremely uneven for the attachment of a great number of muscles, and the protection of delicate nerves and blood- vessels which pass to and from the brain and face. 110. Bones in the Face. — The Face is that portion of the head situated below a line drawn from the orbit of the eye to the passage of the in- ternal ear. Its framework con- tains fourteen bones. 2 Nasal ; A Front View- Bones coiiii)osin£ of the Skull, showing tho the Face. 1, Os Frontis. 2, Nasal Tuberosit}-. 3, Supra-Orbital Ridge. 4, Optic Foramen. 5, Sphenoidal Fissure. 6, Sjilieno-MaxiUary Fissure. 7, Lachrjnnal Fossa, and conuneuceuient of the Nasal Duct. 8, Opening of the Anterior Nares, and tho Von)er. 9, Infra-Orbital Foramen. 10, Ma- lar Bone. 11, Symjihysis of the Lower Jaw. 12, Anterior Mental Foramen. 13, Ramus of the lower Jawbone. 14, Parietal Bone. 15, Coronal Suture, 16, Temporal Bone. 17, Squamous Suture. 18, Great Wing of tho Splienoid. 19, Commencenu^nt of the Tem- poral Ridi:e. 20, Zygomatic Process. 21, Mas- toid Process. IIow do the bones of the skull join with each other ? What process in cabinet making doe.s it correspond to ? What are often found in these sutures? 109. What is the sur- fivco of tba lower part of the skull ? 1 10. Q-Ive tho boundaries of the face. 3 AB HITCHCOCK'S A X A T O 31 Y 2 Malar; 2 Lachrymal; 2 Superior Maxillarj; 2 Palate: 2 Turbinated ; 1 Inferior Maxillary ; 1 Vomer. 111. Nasal Bones . — The Nasal Bones are oblong, foursided bones, about an inch in length, which together form the bridge or base of the nose. Tick 53. Fig. 54. An Anterior and Posterior Yiew of the Nasal Bones. Right Hand Figure. 1, An- terior Inferior Extremity. 2, Articulating Surfixce for its Fellow. 3, Surface for the Nasal Process of the Superior Maxillary Bone. 4, Points to the Groove on the In- ner Side, for the Nasal Nerve. 5, Articu- lar Face for the Os Frontis. C, Foramen for the Nutritious Artery. — Left Hand Figure, 1, Posterior Inferior Extremity. '2, Surface for its Fellow. 3, Surface for the Superior Maxilla. 4, Groove for the Internal Nasal Nerve. 5, Surface for the Cs Frontis. 6, Lower portion of the Groove for the Nasal Nerve. An Anterior Yiew of the Malar Bona of the Eight Side. 1, Anterior Orcital Angle. 2, Orbital Face. 3, Superior An- gle for articulating with the Os Frontis. 4, External An-le for the Zygoma of the Temporal Bone. 5 and G, Inferior An- gle and Surface for the Superior Manilla. 7, Nutritious Foramen. 112. Malar Bones.— The Malar Bones giye the promi- nence and form to the cheek. They are partially hollow, of an irregularly quadrangular outline, and articulate with the frontal aboYC, the zygomatic process of the temporal behind, and the superior maxillary below. The name is from the Latin Mala^ a " cheek," hence cheek bones. 113. Lachrymal Bones. — The Lachrymal Bones are the How many bones in the Face, and what are their names? 111. Describe the Nasal Bones. 1 12. What bongs are found in the cheeks ? AND PHYSIOLOGY 49 smallest bones in the Face, being about |th of an inch in diameter. They are situated at the inner angle of the eye, and are named from the Latin Lachryma^ a " tear." since the tears pass into the nostrils through a canal in these bones. This bone is also called Os Unoruis. Fig. 56. Fig. 55. An Anterior Yiew of the Os Un- guis of the Left Side. 1, Its An- terior Inferior Angle. 2, Orbitar Plate and Side for the Os Pla- num. 3, Fossa for the Lachry- mal'Sac. 4, Superior Extremity. A Posterior and Half Lateral View of the Pal- ate Bono. 1, Palate Plate on its Nasal Surface. 2, Nasal Plate. 3, Pterygoid Process. 4, Sur- face for Articulating with its fellow. 5, Half of the Crescentic Edge and Spine for the Azygos Uvula? Muscle. 6, Eidge for the Inferior Spongy Bone. 7, Spheno-Palatine Foramen. 8, Orbital Plate. 9, Pterygoid Apophysis. 10, Depression for the External Pterygoid Process of the Sphenoid Bone. 11, Same for the Internal Pterygoid Process. 114. Palate Bones. — The Palate Bones are the most ir- regular bones of the face, and ^vhen viewed in one direction resemble the capital letter L. They form a part of the orbit of. the eye, the wall of the nose, and a large part of the roof of the mouth which is known as the hard palate. 115. Turbiiial Bones. — The Turbinal Bones (really the Inferior Turbinated Bones, since corresponding plates upon the ethmoid bone are called Superior Turbinated Fig. 5T. An External View of the Inferior Spongy Bone of the Ptight Side. 1, An- terior Extremity, for resting on the Kidge of the Upper Maxilla. 2, Posterior for resting on the Ridge of the Palate Bone. 3, Hooked portion, for resting on the Lower Margin of the Antrum Iligh- morianuin. 4, Its Inferior Border. 113. What are the smallest bones of tlio face, and wliy called Laclu-ymal ? 114. What arc the most irregularly-shaped bones in the face, and ^^■hat portion of the mouth Is made up by the Palate Bones? 115. Give the description of the Turbraal Bone*. 50 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOilY Bones) are curved laminse or thin plates of bone, resembling a loose scroll, and are found in each nostril, for the purpose of affording as large a surface as possible for the expansion of the mucous membrane of the nose, which contains the nerves of smell. The name Turbinal or Turbinated is ap- plied because of their scroll-like appearance. 116. Superior Maxillary Bone.— The Superior Maxilla- ries are the largest bones of the face, joining with each other FiCr. 58. Fig. 59. An External View of the Superior Max- illa of tho Left Side. 1, Orbitar Process. 2, Infi-a-Orbitar Canal. 3, Space for tho Os Unguis. 4. Upper part of the Lachry- mal Canal. 5, Nasal Process, and Sur- L\ce for Articulating with the Os Frontis. G, Surface for the Nasal Bone. T, Anterior portion of the Floor of the Nostril. 8, Sur- face for Articulating with its Fellow. 9, Al- veolar Process. 10, Points to the Depression j'lst below tho Infra-Orbitar Foramen. 11, iiurfuce for tho Malar Bone. Tho Inferior Maxillary Bone. 1, The Body. 2, The Eamus. 3, The Symphy- sis. 4, Alveolar Process. 5, Anterior Mental Foramen. 6, The Base. 7, Groove for the Facial Artery. 8, Tho Angle. 9, Extremity of the Eidge for the Mylo-Uyoid Muscle. 10, Coronoid Process. 11, Condyle. 12, Neck of tho Condyloid Process. 13, Posterior Men- t.J Foramen. 14, Groove for the Infe- rior Maxillary Nerve. 15, Molar Teeth. 13, ricuspidate Teeth. 17, IS, Middle and Lateral Incisors. on the median line, and thus form a portion of the roof of the mouth. Each one of them articulates with eight teeth, with all the bones of the face but the lower jaw, and two of the cranium. Their name is from tho Latin, MaxLla, a "jaw," and both of them constitute the upper jaw. 117. lilandiblc. — The Inferior Maxillary, or lower jaw, is 116. How aro tho Superior Maxillaries situated! of thorn ? 117. Describe the Maodlblo. llow many teeth aro found in each AND PHYSIOLOGY. sr the only movable bone of the head or face. It contains the sixteen lovfer teeth, is of an arched form, and at each ex- tremity has a square-shaped process for articulation ^vith the temporal bones, and the attachment of muscles. 118. Vomer.— The name of the Vomer is derived from the Latin meaning a "plow- FiG. 60, share, on account of its approximate resem- blance to that object. It completely separates the nostrils from each other, and like the tur- binated bones gives at- tachment to no mus- cles. , Incisors, c, Canine, d, e, BicuspiJs. /. g, MoIsj-s. h. Wisdom teeth. 125. Fracture of Teeth. — All the bones o£ the body, ex- cept the teeth, when broken will become united again ; but if the teeth lose a portion of their enamel, or even if it be cracked, the tooth so injured at once begins to decay, and will be entirely consumed, unless the disease be checked by artificial means. 124. What is said about a third set? Give the names of the permanent t«cth. 125. What it tlie teeth ure broken or cracked ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 55 An Anterior View of the Os Ilyoides, 1, Thf^ Anterior Convex Side oi tlie Body. 2, The Cornu Majus of the Left Side. 3, The Cornii Minns of the same Side. Tho Cornua were ossified to the Body of tho Bone, in this specimen. 126. Hyoid Bone. — The fig. gt. Hjoid Bone is the bone which forms the base of the tongue, and the upper extremity of the trachea. It has the shape of the Greek letter U (or Upsilon) and articulates with no other bones, but is completely enveloped bj the soft parts. It has a consi- derable range of motion in a vertical direction, and hence gives attachment to no less than eleven pairs of muscles. 127. Sternum. — The Breast Bone is flat, about eight inches in length, one and a half in width, and is located on the median line of the bodj upon the front portion of the tho- rax or chest, articulating with the seven upper ribs on both sides, and also with the clavicle. 128. Ribs. — There are twentj-four ribs in the human Fig. G8. '\-yfm^^^ Fig. 69. A View of the Upper Side of the First Eib of the Right Side, half the size of na- ture. 1, The Head. 2. The Tubercle. 3, Anterior Surface. 4, Groove for the Sub- clavian Artery. 5, Groove for the Sub- clavian Vein. 6, Anterior E.xtreuiity for A Front View of the Sternum. 1, First the Cartilage. T, Tubercle for the Scalenus Piece. 2, Second Piece. 3, Ensiform Car- Anticus Muscle. tilagc, or Third Piece. 4, Articular Face for the Clavicle, 5, Articular Face for the First Eib, 6, Articular Face for the Soconl Eib, 7, S, 9, 10, Articular Faces for the Last Five Time Elba. 126. Where is the Hyoid Bone? What Greek letter does it resemble ? 127. Describe tho Sternum, With what bones does it articulate ? 12S, Number oi Eibs in man? 3* 56 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 10, General Character of the other Eibs, seen on their Upper and Under Surface. T/i6 lefnxand figure is the Upper Face of the Rib. 1, Head of the Eib. 2, Its Tubercle. 3, Anterior Extremity for the attachment of the Costal Cartilage. 4, Groove for the Ar- tery and Nerve. 5, Angle of the Rib. The right hand figure is the Under Surface of the Rib. 1, The Head. 2, Its Tubercle. 3, ^interior Extremity. 4, Groove for Inter- costal Artery and Nerve. 5, Angle of the Eib. body, which are divided into two classes, the true and the false, or those which are closely united with the sternum, and those which are remotely attached to it by long cartilages. They are attached at their posterior extremities to the verte- brae, and run downwards and forwards, so that when elevated, Fig. n. Vertebral Column. Eibs. Intercostal Muscles, Clavicle. , .Third Eib. - Stefnum. Seventh Eib. False BlU. AND PHYSIOLOGY 57: they enlarge the cavitj of the chest. The true ribs are the seven uppermost ones, and the false the five lower ones, and are so arranged that thej form a cone with the apex at the neck. The two lowest ribs are sometimes called '^ floating,'^ because thej are only attached to the vertebrse. Fig. 72. An Anterior View of the Clavicle of tlic Eight Side. 1, The Anterior Face of the Body of the Bone. 2, Origin of the Clavicular por:ion of the Steino- Cleido-Mastoid Muscle. 3, Tlie Sternal Extremity of the Bone. 4, The Acromial Extremity of the Bone. 5, Articular Face for the Acromion Process of the Scapu- la. 6, Point of Attachment of the Conoid Ligament. 7, Point of Attachment of the Rhomboid Ligament. 129. Clavicle.— The Collar Bone is the commencement o f the upper extremity. It is one of the class of long bones ex- tending from the highest point of the scapula to the upper part of the sternum, and bears a partial resemblance to the Italic letter F. The name is from the Latin C^avis^ "'a key," since it remotely resembles an antique key. 130. Scapula. — A large, flat, and triangular bone upon the upper part of the back, and forming the shoulder, is called the Scapula, or Shoulder Blade. It has a high and narrow ridge running through its longest diameter, which is the bone so distinctly felt upon the shoulder and upper part of the back. Its only articulations are with the clavicle and humerus, the posterior part being kept in its place by mus- cles and ligaments. (Fig. 73, p. 58). 131. Humerus. — The Humerus is the bone of the uppsr arm or shoulder. (Fig. 74, p. 58.) It is a long bone with a cylindrical shaft, and has a rounded head for its upper ex- tremity. The lower extremity is flattened from before back- What two classes are they divided into? What do they all nnite with behind? 129. What two bones does the Clavicle unite with ? 130. What is the general outline of the Scapula ? Where is it located ? What are its only articulations ? 131. What is the bone of the upper arm ? 5S HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Pig. 73. Fig. 74-. A Posterior View ot the Scapula of tLo Left Side. 1, Fossa Supra-Spinata. 2, Fos- sa Infra-Spinata. 3, Superior Margin. 4, Coracoid Notch. 5, Inferior Margin. 6, Glenoid Cavity. 7, Inferior Angle. 8, The Neck and Point of Origin of the Long Head of the Triceps Muscle. 9, Posterior, or Vertebral Margin. 10, The Spine. 11, Smooth Facet for the Trapezius Muscle. 12, Acromion Process. 13, Nutritious Fo- ramen. 14, Coracoid Process. 15, Part of the Origin of the Deltoid Muscle. An Anterior View of the Humerus of the Eight Side. 1, The Shaft, or Diaphysis of the Bone. 2, The Head. 3, Anatomical Neck. 4, Greater Tuberosity. 5, Lesser Tuberosity. 6, The Bicipital Groove. 7, External Bicipital Eidge for the insertion of the Pectoralis Major. 8, Internal Bici- pital Eidge. 9, Point of insertion of the Deltoid Muscle. 10, Nutritious Foramen. 11, Articular Face for the Head of the Eadius. 12, Articular Face for the Ulna. 13, External Condyle. 14, Internal Condyle. 15, 16, The Condyloid Eidges. 17, Lesser Sigmoid Cavity. wards, and so formed into grooves and elevations that it ar- ticulates with the ulna in essentially the same manner as the two portions of a door hinge. 132. Fore- arm. The Ulna. — There are two bones in the forearm, one of which onlj is articulated with the humerus, and the other to the bones of the wrist alone, in order to al- low the rotation of the hand upon the bones of the forearm, What is the shape of the lower, or ulnar articulation ? 132, How many bones in the fureaxui? Why are there two instca/1 of one? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 59 as if they constituted a pivot ; ^^^- *^^- an instance of which is seen in the turning of a screw, or in the unlocking of a door. Of these two bones the Ulna arti- culates with the humerus, form- ing only a ligamentous union with the bones of the wrist. It is prismoid in form, and is of a hooked shape at its up- per extremity, so that it makes the union between it- self and the humerus a very secure one. The word ulna is a Latin term signifying an ell, because the forearm in early times was used for that measure. 133. The Radius The Kadius is the mate of the ulna. Its upper extremity is the smallest, and the lower the largest, since its only true articulation is at the wrist. A firm membrane, however, unites this bone to its fellow nearly its whole length. It prob- ably derives its name from the fact that it measures the ra- dius of a circle which may be described by the hand about the elbow as a center. 134. The Carpus. — The bones of the Carpus or Wrist are eight in number, are small and irregular, and have the gen- eral disposition of two rows. The first row, commencing with the one nearest the thumb, contains the Scaphoid, Semilunar, ..#^^ Bones of the Forearm. 1, S'lio Ulna. 2 and 3, The Sigmoid Notches. 4, The Olecranon Process. 5, Coronoid Process. 6, Nutritions Foramen. 7. Ridge for at- tachment of Interosseous Membrane. 8, Capitulnm L'lniie. 9, Styloid Process. 10, Shaft of the Kadius. 11, 12 and 18, Head, Neck, and Tuberosity of Eadius. 14, Ob- lique Line for muscular attachments. 15, styloid Process. In what operations do we need the two bones of the forearm ? Give the derivation of ulna. 13.5. What is the mate "of the ulna? Where does this articiilatc? What is tho" derivation of its name? 134. lloi*' many bonos in the wrist? Give their nomes. 60 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 16. ' Fig. 11. A Posterior A^iew of the Articulations of the Bones of the Carpus in the Eight Hand. 1, The Ulna. 2, The Eadius. 3, Inter-Articular Fibro-Cartila2;e. 4, Meta- carpal Bone of the Thumb. 5, Metacarpal Bone of the First Finger. C, Metacarpal Bone of the Second Finger. 7, Metacar- pal Bone of the Third Finger. 8, Meta- carpal Bone of the Fourth Finger. S, The Scaphoides. L. The Lunare. C, The Cu- neiforme, P, The Pisiformo. T, T, Tra- pezium and Trapezoides. M, The Mag- num. U, The Unciforme. An Anterior Yiew of the Left Hand. 1, The Scaphoides. 2, The Lunare. 3, The Cuneiforme. 4, The Pisiforme. 5, The Trapezium. C, Groove for the Flexor Carpi Eadialis Tendon. 7, The Trape- zoides. S, The Magnum. 9, The Unci- forme. 10, 10, The Five Jlcta-Carpal Bones. 11, 11, First Eow of Phalanges. 12, 12, Second Eow of Phalanges. 13, 13, Third Eow of Phalanges. 14. First Pha- lanx of the Thumb. 15, Last Phalanx of the Thumb. Cuneiform, and Pisiform. The second in the same order, the Trapezium, Trapezoid, Magnum, and Unciform. 135. The Metacarpus. — The Metacarpus contains five bones. Each of these articulate with the carpus above, and the phalanges below, being found in the space known as the palm or body of the hand. 136. The Phalanges. — The Phalanges are the bones of the thumb and fingers, two in the former, and three in the latter, making fourteen in each hand. IZb. Describe the Metacarpal Bones. What part of the hand do they occupy? 136. IIow many Phalanges in the thumb, and how many io each finger ? What is tha whole number of them ? • ■ . AND PHYSIOLOGY. 61 187. Cones of the Pelvis. — The bones of the Pelvis are the two Innominata or nameless bones, and the Sacrum and CoccyXj which have already been described. (Fig. 78.) Fig. 13. 138. The Innominatum, Ilium, Ischium, Pubes. — Each Innominatum presents the largest surface of any bone in the body. They are irregularly flat bones and situated just beneath the abdomen, to the organs of which they give firm support by their broadly-expanded surface. In young skele- tons they are divided into three portions, and hence they are described in the adult as made up of three parts, although no line of division can actually be seen. The Ilium constitutes the broadly-expanded portion usually known as the hip or haunch. The Ischium, from the Greek signifying to ''hold" or *• retain," is the heavy portion projecting downwards, and that point on which the body rests, when in a sitting posture. 137. IIow many bones in the Pelvis, and what are their names? 13S. Describo tho Innominatum. Into how many parts are they . divided in young animals? Describo tho Ilium and tho lachiuai. 62 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOSIT Fig. 19. Outside of the Innominatutn of the Eight Side. 1, Dorsum of the Ilium. 2, Iscliium. 3, Pubis. 4, Crest of the Ilium. 5, Surface of the Gluteus Medius. C, Surface for the Gluteus Minimus. 7, Surface for the Gluteus Maximus. 8, Anterior Superior Spinous Process. 9, Anterior Inferior Spinous Process. 10, Posterior Superior Spin- ous Process. 11, Posterior Inferior Spinous Process. 12, Spine of the Ischium. 13, Greater Sacro-Sciatic Notch. 14, Lesser Sacro-Sciatic !No:ch. 15, Tuber Ischii. 16, xiscending llamus of the Ischium. 17, Body of the Pubis. IS, Ra- mus of the Pubis. 19, Acetabulum. 20, Thyroid roramcn. the Bone. 8, The An An'erior View of the Femur o the Ilight Side. 1, Depressifni for the Round Ligament. 2, The Head. 8, The Neck. 4, Trochanter Major. 5, Trochanter Minor. 6, Surface for the Capsular Ligament. 7, Shaft of External Condyle. 9, The Internal Condyle. 10, Surface for the Patella. The Pubis is tlie most central and anterior portion. These three divisions unite at the point known ss the acetabulum or receptacle for the head of the femur, which is a perfect hemi- spherical cup lined with cartilage. 139. The Femur. —The Femur is nearly two feet in length, and consequently the longest bone in the body, commonly known as the Thigh Bone. At its upper portion it makes a 109. What is the average length of tlio Femur? Give its general features. What ii the longest bono i a tho body ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 63 sudden bend inwards, forming the neck of the bone, the ter- mination of which is hemispherical, in order to articulate with the innominatum, forming the ball and socket joint. Its lower extremity has two large condyles or processes, for the purpose of giving attachments to the ligaments of the knee, and articulating with the tibia. 140. The Patella —Or Knee Pan is the ^ig. si. largest sesamoid bone in the body. It arti- culates with the femur, and lies imbedded in the extensor tendon of the thigh. The chief value of this bone is to give a change of direction to the force of the muscles which move the lower bones of this extremity we are now describing. Patella in Latin signi- ^^ ^^J^.^^ ^.^^. ^j fies a "plate," and hence the name of this thePatciia. i, 2, sur- - - ■"• ^. , , ,. face for the Quadriceps bone, because 01 its rounded outline. remoris Tendon. 3, Lower Extremity and 141. The Tibia.— That portion of the roint of origin of the , • 1 1 11 1 • 1 • Ligainentum Patella?. lower extremity below the knee, which is properly the leg, has two bones called crural for its frame- work. The largest of these is the Tibia (Fig. 82, p. 64.) It is somewhat triangular in its general outline, having its upper extremity depressed in two places for the reception of the condyles of the femur. Besides the femur above, it articulates with the fibula and astragalus below. The name tibia is given to the bone, since it resembles, though remotely, the ancient Phrygian flute. 142. T!ic Fibula.— The Fibula is the other bone of the leg:, loner and slender. It articulates at each end with the tibia. The meaning of the Latin fibula^ is a ''pin," or fastening of a clasp, owing to its slender form. The lower extremity of this bone, and also that of the tibia, forms what 140. Describe the Patella or Knee Pan. In what is it imbedded? 141. What is the Leg? What are the two bones of it? Which is the largest and consequently most im- portant one ? 142. Give the general descriptiou of the Fibula. What compose the ex- ternal and internal Malleoli ? 64 HITCHCOCK'S A I^ A T O il Y Fig. 82. Fig. 83. Eight Tibia and Fibula. 1, Tibia. 2 and 3, Inner and Outer Tuberosity. 4, Sjjihous Process. 5, Tubercle for attach- ment of Muscles of the Thigh. 6, Edge of Tibia. 8, Internal Ancle. 9, The Fibula. 10 and 11, Extremities of Fibula. A Yiew of the Upper Surface of the Left Foot. 1, The Astragalus on its Upper Face. 2, Its Anterior Face, Articulating ■with the Naviculare. 3, The Os Cahus. 4, Naviculare, or Scaphoides. 5, The In- ternal Cuneiform. 6, The Middle Cunei- form. 7, The External Cuneitbrni. 8, The Cuboid Bone. 9, 9, Metatarsal Bones. 10, First Phalanx of the Big Toe. 11, Sec- ond Phalanx of the Big Toe. 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, The First, Second and Third Phalanges of the other Toes. are known as the external and internal malleolus, or the two long projections on each side of the ancle. 143. The Tarsus. — The Tarsus is made up of seven ir- regular bones, forming the instep of the foot. The Astra- galus is of a cubical form (so named from its resemblance to the die, used in games of chance) and supports the tibia alone. The Os Calcis, meaning the bone of the heel, is the largest of the bones of the tarsus, and is irregularly cubical 143. How many bones make up the Tarsus ? Why is the uppermost called the Astra' galus ? Which is the largest of these bones ? AND PUYSIOLOGY. 65^ in form, making, bj a decided projection, the heel. Directly beneath and anterior to the last two, are found the Cuboid (cube-shaped) and the Scaphoid (boat-shaped), and anterior to these the three Cuneiform (wedge-shaped), articulating with the metatarsal bones in front. 144. Metatarsal Bones. — These are five in number, and correspond with those in the metacarpus, except that the one in the first toe is of equal length with the others, and does not admit of so free motion as that of the thumb. 145. The Phalanges. — The Phalanges of the foot are also like those of the hand, except that in the foot the first row is the longest, while in the hand it is in the third row or second finger. 146. Sesamoid Bones. — Besides the bones already men- tioned, there are frequently found in stout adult men small bones, or portions of bony matter called Sesamoid Bones, from their resemblance to the Sesamum, a kind of bean. And although they are not constant either in individuals, or in the same places in the individual, yet anatomists are accustomed to reckon eight, or four pairs as the normal number. They are all found enclosed in tendons, and serve like the patella to change the direction of motion. They are found at the point where the tendon glides over the joint made by the phalanges and metatarsus of the foot, and the metacarpus of the hand, in the tendon which plays over the under surface of the cuboid bone in the foot ; and also in the tendons that glide over the lower condyles of the femur. 147. Bones of the Ear. — In the Ear are three bones which will be more appropriately described with the organ itself 148. Number of Bones. Single Bones.— Of the 246 144. How many Metatarsal Bones ? 145. How many Phalanges of the Foot? How do they diflfer from those of the hand ? 146. Describe Sesamoid Bones. How many are there, and where are they generally found ? 147. How many bones of the Ear? 66 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY bones found in the human body, all but thirtj-four are found in pairs, or one upon each side of the body. The single bones are the frontal, occipital, ethmoid, sphenoid, vomer, mandible, hyoid, sternum, twenty-four vertebrse, the sa- crum and the coccyx. SYNDESMOLOGY. DE3CEIPTI0N OF THE LIGAMENTS. 149. Rinds of Articulation. — The modes or manner of connection between the different bones of the body are three : Synarthrosis, Amphiarthrosis, and Diarthrosis. The first of these modes, means the joining of such bones as have no motion between them ; the second, a joint with the aptitude for movement between the immovable synarthrosis on the one hand, and the movable diarthrosis on the other ; the third, a movable articulation, which constitutes by fir the greater part of the joints of the body. 150. Sutura, Ilarmonia, Scliindylesis, Gompliosis. — Of Synarthrosis there are four varieties : first, Sutura, the ar- ticulation between the bones of the skull by ragged inter- locking edges ; second, Harmonia, that between the two upper maxillaries, where the bones with comparatively straight edges are simply placed edge to edge ; third. Schindylesis, or the joint between the vomer and sphenoid, where the ex- panded edge of one bone is fitted into a corresponding groove in the other ; fourth, Gomphosis, the articulation of the teeth with the jaws, and so named since it resembles the manner in which a common nail is driven into a plank. 148. How many bones in the human body are found in pairs? Give the names of t]io unmated bones. 149. How many modes of connecting the bones together? Describo each. 150. Give the peculiarities of Sutura, of Harmonia, of Schindylesis, and of Gom- phosis. Give an example of tho latter. A X D PHYSIOLOGY. 67 151. Symphyses. — Of Amphiarthrosis there is but one kind, the Symphyses, or the apposition of two bones with simply cartilage between. Examples of this are the arti- culations of the vertebrae, and the ossa pubis. 152. Arthrodia, Giiiglymiis, Enarthrosis.— Of Diarthro- sis there are three Vi>ri3ties : Arthrodia, Ginglymus, and En- arthrosis. Arthrodia is a slightly movable joint, as of the wrist and ancle bones, or the radius and ulna. Ginglymus is the common hinge joint, where the degree of movement is very considerable, but only in two directions. The best example of this is in the knee. Enarthrosis is the ball and socket joint, that admits of movement in all directions. The only cases of this articulation are in the shoulder, hip, and thumb. 153. Anatomy of the Articulations. — In synarthrosis there is simply a membrane interposed between the two bones which keeps them in their places. In amphiarthrosis the two extremities are partly covered with cartilage, lined by synovial membrane, and partly connected by the interosseous ligaments, or by an elastic fibro-cartilage which adheres to both edges of the bones. In diarthrosis especially, as it is exhibited in ginglymus, the general outline of the bone is quadrilateral, upon each edge of which is found a ligament. The lateral ones, however, are the main supports of the joint, while the anterior and posterior ones are thin and a part of the lime loose, which are only of service to determine the amount of movement in the joint. An example of this is seen in the fingers, since they can only be extended so as to lie in the axis of the metacarpal bones. The reason why they can not be bent back upon the dorsal surface oS the hand is that the anterior ligament does not admit of sufii- 151, Describe the Symphyses. Give an example, 152. Give the three varieties of Diar- throsis. Give an example of Arthrodia, Ginglymus, and Enarthrosis. 153. What aro the component parts of the different articulations? Give the mode of articulation ot tho lingers. Why can not the finger l>« bent upon tbo back of the hand? 68 HITCHCOCK'S A X A T O M Y cient movement in that direction. In the knee, however, there are thirteen ligaments. 154. Motions of the Joints. — The motions of the joints may be comprised under four principal divisions : Gliding, Angular movement, Circumduction, and Rotation. 155. Gliding. — Gliding movement is where the bones simply slip over one another in the movement of the joint, and exists to a greater or less extent in all the joints. 156. Angular. — Angular movement may be performed in four directions : forwards and backwards, called flexion and extension, and inwards and outwards, called adduction and abduction. A joint, as the finger, h said to be flexed when it is bent upon itself, that is upon the palm of the hand, and extended when it u stretched to its fullest extent, or as in the finger, when it is made straight with the bones of the fore-arm. Adduction means the bringing of one of tho extremities towards the body, or its fellow, while abduction has the reverse signification. 157. Circumduction. — Circumduction can be performed only by the ball and socket joints. It consists in carrying the limb about the joint in a circular plane, or in other words, describing a circle about the joint as a center. 158. Rotation. — Rotation u the movement of a bono upon its own axis. A slight rotatory movement can be effected in the joints of the shoulder and hip, but the best instance is that of the radius rot itinoj asrainst the articular head of the humerus, producing the subdivisions pronation and supina- tion. Pronation consists in rotating the fore-arm so that the palm of the hand shall be downwar;^s, and Supination the reverse. Rotation is also observed in the movement of the atlas upon the pivot of the axis. 154. What are the four motums of the joints ? , 155. Describe the Gliding movement. 156. In what four directions can Angular movements be ? 157. What is Circumductiou ? 15a Describe Rotation. What is rronatlon and Supination? AND PIIYSIOLOGT. 69 159. structure of Ligaments. Ar- rangement of Liga- ments. Capsular Ligament. Round Ligam ent. — The bones are firmly bound together bj ligaments. These are for the most part bands of -white glistening fibres, as firm as steel, which are composed of white fibrous tis- sue. They are gen- erally very short, and attached only to the enlarged ex- tremities of the bone. In most of the joints, and es- pecially the gingly- mus, the ligaments are arranged in a cross shape upon the sides of tlie bones, so that one l^one miy glide freely over the extremity of an- other, as one half of a door bin ore o moves upon its other half In other in- stances the ligament surrounds tho whole Fia. 84. A tnngnifie.d View of a Vertical section- of Cartilago from a new-born Rabbit, showing the progress towards ossification. 1, The Ordinary appearance of Tempo- rary Cartilage. 1', The same, more highly magnified. 2, The Primary Cells beginning to assume the linear direction. 2', The same, more h.ighly magnified. 3» The Ossification is extending in tho intercellular spaces, and the rows of cells are seen resting in the cavities so formed, the Nuclei being more separ- ated than above. 8', The same, magnified more highly, —^ ro HITCHCOCK'S A X A T O il Y Pig. 86. An Anterior View of tho Ligaments of the Pelvis. 1, The Lower part of the An- terior Vertebral Ligament. 2, Tho Sacro- Vertebral Ligament. 3, The Ilio-Lumbar Ligament. 4, Tho Anterior portion of tho Sacro-Iliac Ligament. 5, The Obturator Ligament. 6, Poupart's Ligament. 7, That portion of the same Avliich is known as Gimbernat's Ligament. 8, The Capsular Ligament of the Hip-Joint. 9, The Ac- cessory Ligament of the Hip-Joint. Ligaments from Shoulder-Joint 1, The Superior Acromio-Clavicular Ligament. 2, The Coraco-Clavicular Ligament. -3, The Coraco-Acromial Ligament. 4, Tho Coracoifl Ligament. 5, The Capsular Liga- ment of the Shoulder-Joint. 6, The Liga- mentuxn Adscititium, or Coraco-Humeral Ligament. 7, The Tendon of the Long Head of the Biceps Muscle, issuing from the Capsular Ligament. joint, making it a shut sac, thus performing the double office of keeping the two ends in contact, and of holding the lubri- cating fluid in the joint. In addition to these, there is in the ball and socket joint another kind of ligamentous attach- ment between the two bones, called the round ligament, or Ligamentum Teres. This is a bundle of ligamentous fibres in the form of a cord, which is inserted into the summit of the rounded head of the bone, and also in the bottom of the cup-shaped cavity that receives the head. This is somewhat lax ordinarily, but not so much so but that it keeps the head from slipping out of its socket, and at the same time allows the most perfect freedom of motion. 1J9. What are tho Ligaments ? To what part of tlio bones are they generally at- tached ? How are they arranged in Ginglymus joints ? Why are they sometimes feaad In tho foria of a shut S.-VC ■? Dcscriba the round lIgam«nU AlfJ» PHYSIOLOGY Fig. 87. n Fig. 88. The Right Knee-Joint laid open. 1, The Lower End of the Femur cov- ered by its Articular Curtilage. 2, Tho Anterior Crucial Ligament. 3, Thu Posterior Crucial Ligament. 4, Tho Transvei'se Fasciculus adhering to the Semilunar Cartilages. 5, Tho Point of Attachment of the Ligamen- tum Mucosura,tlie rest of it has been removed. 6, The Internal Semilunar Cartilage. 7, The External Semilunar Cartilage'. 8, A part of the Ligamen- tum Patellas turned downwards. 9, Its Bursa laid open. 10, The Supe- rior Peroneo-Tibial Articulation. 11, The Interosseous Ligament. A Lateral View of the Ligaments of the Hip- Joint and Pelvis. 1, The Posterior Sacro-Iliac Ligament of the Pelvis. 2, The greater Sacro- Sciatic Ligament. 3, The Lesser Sacro-Sciatic Ligament. 4, The Greater Sacro-Sciatic Notch. r>, The Lesser Sacro-Sciatic Notch. 6, The Co- tyloid Ligament around tho Acetabulum. 7, The Ligamentum Teres. 8, The Line of At- tachment of the Capsular Ligament of the Hip- Joint, posteriorly. The Ligament has been removed, in order to show tho Joint. 9, Tho Obturator Ligament. 160. Aid of Atmosplieric Pressure. — Atmospheric pres- sure also helps to keep the bones together. For since the projection of one member so accurately fits the depression in the other, and as the lubricating fluid makes the coupling most perfect, the pressure of the atmosphere assists not a little to keep the parts together. 16 i. I n 1 1' r - a r t i c u 1 a r C a r 1 11 a g c .^Another arrangement in the joints is not a little singular, and well adapted to its pur- pose. This is an interarticular cartilage in the knee called semilunar, or a small disc of cartilage which lies loosely be- 160. What be3ide3 the ligaments heIx)S to keep the bones together ? 161. Describe tho latdrarticular cartilage and its iiso. ^i HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 89. Fig. ^0. A View of the Articulation of the Lower Jaw, given b.v sawing through the Joint. 1, The Glenoiil Fossa. 2, The Tubercle for the Condyle in its Forward move- ments. 8, Tlie Inter-Articular Cartilage. 4, The Sui)erior Sjniovial Cavity. 5, The Inferior Synovial Cavity. C, The Intor- Articular Cartilage removed from the stance. An Anterior View of the Ligaments of the Vertebra; and Kibs. 1, The Anterior Vertebral Ligament. 2, The Anterior Costo- vertebral Ligament. 3, The Internal Transverse Ligament. 4, The Inter-Ar- ticular Liaamcnt, connecting the Head of the liib to the Intervertebral Sub- Joint and .seen from below. tween the bones. The design of it is to distribute the fric- tion over a larger surface, as well as to diminish it. Fig. 91. 162. In Fi-T. 90 we see o the mode of attachment be- tween the vertebrae and ribs which is that of three dis- tinct ligaments to each rib, besides one common to each pair of ribs. Fig. 91 shows the anatomy of the elbow- joint. Here are no less than four distinct lineaments. We see in Fis;. 92 the liora- An Internal View of the Elbow-Joint. 1, The Capsular Ligament. 2, 2, The In- ternal Lateral Ligament. 3, The Coro- nary Ligament. 4, The Ligamentum Te- res. 5, The Interosseous Ligament. 6, The Internal C(mdyle, which conceals the Capsular Ligament behind. 1G2. Describe the ligaments in Figs. 90, 91, 92 and 93, 1G3, How are the joints lubri- cated? AXD PHYSIOLOGY. 73 merits which unite the lower end of the fibula to the tibia and the tarsal bones, and in Fig. 93 the ligaments of the foot. 1G3. Synovial Membrane and its Secretion. — The lubrication of the joints is effected by means of a thin membrane lining their cavi- ties which secretes an oily substance called the Synovia, (Fig. 94, p. 74), that is con- stantly applied to the oppos- ing surfaces. In health the action of the joint stimulates this membrane to the secre- tion of a proper amount of Fig. Fig. 92. A Posterior View of the Ankle-Joint of the Left Side. 1, The Interosseous Liga- ment of the Bones of the Leg. 2, The Posterior Inferior Ligament connecting the Tibia and Fibula. 3, The Transverse, or Long Fibres of the same Ligament 4, The Internal Lateral Ligament. 5, Tho Posterior Fasciculus of the External Lat- eral Ligament. 6, The Middle Fascicu- lus of the same. 7, The Synovial Capsule 5, The Os Calcis. A Vertical Section of the Ankle-Joint and Foot of the Eight Side. 1, The Tibia. 2, The Astragalus. 3, Os Calcis. 4, The Scaphoides. 5, The Cuneiforme Internum. G, Tha Metatarsal Bone of the Great Toe. 7. Tho First Phalanx of the Great Toe. 8, The Second Phalanx of the Givat Toe. 9, The Articular Cavity between the Tibia and Astragalus, Avitli its ArticuLir Adipose Matter. 10, Tlio. Synovial C";;psule between the Astragalus and Calcis. 11, The (Jalcaneo-Astragalian Interosseous Ligament. 12, The Synovial Capsule Ijetwocn the Astragalus anl Scaphoides. 13, The Calcaneo- Scaphoid Ligament. 14, The Caloaneo-Cuboid Ligament. 15, The Synovial Cipsule between the Scaphoides and Cuneiforme Internum. 16, The Synovial Capsule between the Cuneiforme Internum and the First Metatarsal Bone. 17, The Metatarso-Pha. langial Articulation of the Great Toe, with the Sesamoid Bones below. 18. The Pha- langial Articulation of the Great Toe. u HITCHCOCK'S AXATOMY Fig. 94. An Internal View of the Ankle- Joint of the Right Side. 1, Internal Malk-olus. 2, 2, Part of the Astragalus, the rest being concealed by Ligaments. 3, Os Calcis. 4, Scaphoides. 5, Internal Ciinc^ifonn Bone. G, Internal Lateral, or Deltoid Ligament. 7. Tiie Synovial Capsule, covered by a few Fibres of a Capsular Ligament. S, Tendo Achillis. A small Bursa is seen between this Tendon and the Tuberosity of the Os Calcis. synovia, the superabundance of which (when it is present) is removed bj the absorb- ent vessels. This lubricating fluid, however, is not poured out directly upon the ends of the bones, but upon smooth and elastic cartilage, which is found in every joint, not only for furnishing a smooth articular surface, but also to diminish the force of jars by its elastic character. FUNCTIONS OB, USES OF THE BONES. 164. The uses of the bones may be classed under three divisions : First, for a framework to the whole system. Second, to furnish points of attachment to muscles and ligaments. Third, to protect the softer parts. 165. A Framework. Ligaments used as Braces and Pins. — Exactly as a human architect plans and constructs a frame to the house, so the Great Architect has formed the bones. Each bone is fitted exactly to the position, size, and use of the part where it is placed, and nowhere can a supernumerary bone be found. In the house to be built, braces and joining pins must be employed, and those generally of a tougher material than the frame itself So in the human body, liga- Why i3 cartilage ll^^e^;.l in the lubrication of joints? 1G4. Give the uses of the bones 03 classed above. 165. Com4>a.3 tho bonea and ligaments with the timbers, brac«s and pina of a houM. ANDPHTSIOLOGY. 7q ments and cartilage exist wherever two opposite extremities need strength and support to keep them in their places. In the railway locomotive immense strength is required, and at the same time perfect freedom of motion in certain positions, all of which is effected bj the ponderous bars, levers and wheels, perfectly secured by bolts, keys and screws. But in the human frame by how much more simple means is the same end secured. No angular or cylindrical couplings secure the human joints, though beautifully adapted to pro- duce movement in every direction, and no attention or care is necessary to lubricate and preserve in good condition tho working parts of this machine, but a fcAV tough fibers and membranes, secure at once in a most perfect manner every portion of the frame, and provide at the same time means for its lubrication. 166. Use of the Anomalous Forms of Bones. — The bones are fitted for the attachment of muscles and ligaments. Hence it is that they are of such anomalous and curi- ous forms, apparently constructed without design or pur- pose. But as we study them, and understand the various motions which they must perform, as well as the organs which many of them must protect, or provide space for, we find that it is impossible to improve in the slightest degree on the construction of the skeleton. The size, the form, the quality of material, the exact position of every process, curve and foramen of the bones, and the manner in which all are arranged, are most wisely adapted to their functions and to the happiness of the vertebrated race. 167. Reason why the Long Bones are Tubes. — In this connection should be mentioned the reason why the long bones are hollow. It is for the same cause that the stems of grasses, grains, and many other vegetables are hollow cylin- ders, instead of solid rods : to secure great strength with as 166. Why are the bones of such peculiar shapes? 167. Give tho reason why many of tlio bones arc hollow. ^Q HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY little material as possible. For example, were the Imman femur a solid rod, instead of a hollow cylinder, as it now is, it would require a bone twice the diameter of the present one tj be sufficiently strong for the purposes required of it. Hence were the whole skeleton constructed on this principle, it would be so cumbersome and heavy that it would require a larger amount of muscle, making the body unwieldy, and thus deprive it of its rapid and easy motion. 168. Protection given to the Brain. Use of the Diploe* Reason for several Bones in the Skull — The bones af- ford much protection to all the enclosed and adjacent or- gans. In the bones of the head, for example, how perfect the guard over the nervous center. Here are three means for protection, two plates of bone, and an intervening cel- lular space. The outer table being very tough presents a substance somewhat yielding to blows inflicted by pointed substances, and even if the blow be so severe as to cause fracture, this can not extend so far as in a hard and brittle material. And the intervening space or diploe very materially deadens the force of any shock given to the outside of the head, precisely as the springs of a carriage j)revent the unevenness of the road from giving the same sudden jolt to the body that is communicated to the wheels. The inner table is necessarily brittle, since the brain de- mands the firmest possible support. But why is the skull made up of several bones instead of one ? In the first place a more symmetrical growth can be effected, provided the points of increase are numerous, and especially so since in early life, while the growth is going on, there is a thin layer of cartilage between the edges of each bone, thus allowing all necessary motion; secondly, because a fracture can not extend furthei than a suture, as all the vibrations are overcome by the inter- position of any soft substance like cartilage. And for this 1C3. IIow do the bones afford a protection to the softer parts? What is tho •use of the dipluii in tho bones of the skull ? State the reason of several bones in the Bkull. AND PnYSIOLOGY. 7? reason the jar of any blow is greatly lessened by the same cause. 169. Use of the Ribs. — Again we see the bones of the thorax arranged for the protection of the enclosed organs. Within this cavity are organs delicate and easily destroyed, but which require elastic and movable walls. The elasticity is easily gained by the cartilaginous portion of the ribs at- tached to the sternum, which yields considerably upon pres- sure ; and the motion and consequent enlargement is effected by the oblique position of the ribs, as they run downwards and forwards from their articulation with the vertebrae. As the vertebral extremity is the fixed point, of course the eleva- tion of the sternal end will enlarge the cavity of the thorax antero-posteriorly. Another use of the cartilaginous extrem- ity of the ribs is to lessen the chance of fracture. The tho- rax is exposed to blows and falls more than many other por- tions of the body, and therefore more exposed to fracture. For instance, if a person suddenly falls to the ground, the head by an instinctive movement is raised, while the trunk or extremities receive the force of the shock. Also the head or extremities can by rapid movements be suddenly removed from the contact Avith missiles, while the body, comparatively unwieldy, must meet the blow. 170. Use of tlie Iiiiiominata. — The expanded condition of the Innominatum affords service and protection in different ways. A depression, or cup-shaped cavity is thus made for giving a firm support to the organs contained in the abdomen, as well as a solid foundation to the spinal column. It how- ever renders especial service by furnishing a powerful point of attaehment for many of the muscles both above and below : those which form the walls of the abdomen, and many of those which move the extremities. 171. Why there are so many Bones in the Spinal 169. Describe the uses of the ribs, and the reason why they are partly made up of car. tilage. Why do thoy x-un obliquely from the points of attachment? 170. Explaia wliy the Innominata are so broadly expanded. 78 HITCHCOCK'S anatomy Column, — A large number of bones in the spinal column is necessary in order to give flexibility to the body. Were the number considerably less, the movements of the trunk would be attended with much more dijEculty than at present, and be devoid of grace. And were the separated vertebrae long bones, they would be much more easily broken, thereby en- dangering the spinal marrow. Another reason for the great number of these bones, is the necessity of the elastic cartilage between them, to protect the brain. Were the joints fewer, in order to give equal protection to the brain from jars, this cartilage must of necessity have been greatly thickened, thereby weakening the joint, and injuring it as a central axis of support to the whole body, and also increasing the liabil- ity to dislocations, as well as greatly endangering life, by pressure upon the spinal cord. 172. Use of the Clavicle. — The value of the clavicle lies in keeping the upper extremity in its proper position, so as to prevent the humerus from coming forward towards the middle portion of the body. By its direct resistance it also assists in some muscular actions, such as lifting heavy weights with the hands. 173. Need of two Bones in the Fore -Arm. — The use of two bones in the fore-arm, as already mentioned, is to pro- duce the movements of supination and pronation. And since these movements are of primary importance, and one bone can not answer this end, two are provided. Again, if one be fractured, the other will act as a splint for keeping the broken one in place, greatly superior to the artificial splint, because the natural splint needs no compression. 174. Why several Bones in the Carpus. — In the carpus are found eight bones, and yet we know there is but little motion between them. The reason why exactly this number 171, What is the reason why so many bones are placed in the spinal column ? What is the use of the intervertebral substance? 172. What service floes the clavicle render to the upper extremities? 173. Why are there two bones in the fore-arm? 174. What can be said of the many bones of the carpus ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 79 is required, is not so easily explained, but it is evident that one bone could not perform their function, nor the prolono-a- tion of the radius and ulna to the metacarpus. Several bones are required in order to give easy and graceful motion to the wrist, as well as strength. One bone could not answer the purpose, since the very many offices, which the hand has to perform, could not be effected, unless the wrist bones were very strongly bound together, and flexible to a certain extent. The arrangement of the bones in two rows allows a little movement of the hand upon the wrist. 175. Function of Metacarpus. — The metacarpus of five long bones gives support to the fingers. They are long rather than short bones, in order to give slenderness to the hand, and also to afford a solid surface for the fingers to meet in the act of prehension. 176. Need of three Phalanges to the Fingers, and two Phalanges to the Thumh. — The phalanges of each finger are three in number, whilst those of the thumb are but two. The obvious reason of this is to give greater firmness to the thumb, and flexibility to the fingers. The hand in man dif- fers from the anterior extremity of all other animals in the power of perfectly opposing the thumb to each of the fingers, which of course gives him a great superiority in all delicate manipulations, and especially in grasping minute objects. And it is easy to see that a third phalanx in the thumb would not only diminish the firmness of this member, but would render the hand an awkward and clumsy organ, instead of an instrument beautifully and perfectly adapted to the multi- farious offices which it has to perform. 177. The great Length of the lower Extremities. Pe- culiarities of the Femur. — The value of the great length in the lower extremities, is manifest as a means of rapid pro- Why would not ono bono bo sufiicient? 1T5. The use of the metacarpus. 176. Why are there but two phalanges in the thumb and three in each finger? What would bo the effect of a third phalanx in the tkumb ? 177. Why are the lower estrcmities pro* portionally longer than tho upper ? 4* 80 • HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY gression, and also for affording a firm support to the trunk when engaged in the various kinds of labor. Were these ex- tremities much shorter than they now are, walking would not only be a tediously slow process, but a laborious one. The femur has some remarkable peculiarities. In the first place it presents in its articulation with the innominatum the most perfect specimen of a ball and socket joint in the system. Besides this it bends at nearly a right angle at its upper end, making what is called the neck, and here it is that the frac- ture of the thigh-bone generally occurs. The use of this curvature is to place the points of support for the trunk as far as possible from the center of gravity of the body, thereby giving the body the most secure position on the lower ex- tremities, and especially for the attachment of powerful muscles to move the thigh and leg, as well as to maintain securely the trunk when the legs are the fixed points. This projection is called the Trochanter process, and is spongy or cellular in its structure. And it is not a little interesting to notice, when this process is sawn through in a perpendicular direction, that the cells are arranged in an arched form from below upwards, thereby greatly aiding the strength of the bone. The same arrangement is seen in some other bones of the body, when they are in an exposed position. The lower extremity of this bone, as has already been mentioned, is greatly expanded, in the shape of two condyles for the firm articulation with the tibia. The necessity for this lies in the fact that the knee-joint h one of the most exposed joints in the whole body, and the one which receives the hardest strain. The protection of the nerves and blood vessels, which are sent to the leg, is also worthy of a notice. It is effected by a deep groove between the condyles on the backside of the leg, which guards these vessels from blows in every direc- tion except behind, from whence they are the least apt to cotoe. What remarkable joint between th© femur and the innominata? What is the ar- rangement of the cellular structure in the upper part of the femur? Why has the fe- mur so largo processes on its lower extremity ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 81 178. Use of the Tarsus . — In the Tarsus we see the value of several bones instead of one. It is the movement of these upon one another that imparts elasticity to the step and firm- ness of support to the whole bodj ; and hence it is that all artificial legs produce a limping motion in the body. By no mechanical contrivance can the suppleness of the tarsus and of the muscular actions be supplied. 179, Two Bones in the Great Toe, and tln-ee Bones in all the Others . — The great toe of the foot, like the thumb of the hand, has only two phalanges. This is mainly for the purpose of securing greater strength to the foot in walking and standing. It is also of service for opposition to the other toes, as is seen in those rare cases of persons deprived of their upper extremities, who can readily make use of the foot for many of the delicate purposes to which the hand is adapted, such as writing, using scissors, and placing the crystal in a watch. The remaining toes, like four of tlie fingers, receive a tendon only at the base of the second and third phalanx, the first one being interposed merely to give strength and slenderness to the extremities, as well as the power of sur- rounding objects in the act of prehension. The slenderness of the fingers above the toes is a distinguishing characteristic of man, showing that the office of the foot is merely to sup- port the body on the ground, and of the hand to perform the business of every-day fife in its ten thousand forms. HYaiENIC INFERENCES. 180. — 1. Reason of Distorted Bones.— In the early life of man and other vertebrate animals, the animal portion of bones greatly predominates over the earthy constituents, and hence they yield more readily to pressure, but are not so ITS. How do the l)oncs of the Tarsns give elasticity to the step? 179. How do tho phalanges of the f(X)t compare ivith those of tho hand in number? Why are the hones of the hand longer than those of the foot ? JSO. What kind of matter predominates in the early life of bones ? 82 HITCHCOCK'S a ^^ atomy liable to break as in older persons. This is tbe reason why falls and blows so seldom do much injury to children. It is also the reason why distortions and curvatures of some of the bones are so common, since too often children are either urged or permitted to use their limbs excessively before their bones are made solid by the deposition of earthy matter. These distortions are most common in children who are weak and sickly, because in them the recuperative powers are small. 181. — 2. Danger of Constrained and Unnatural Posi- tions in Children,— Hence we infer that children should not be confined in any unnatural or constrained position, but allowed to move freely in whatever direction nature may de- mand. And all punishments of this sort, inflicted by parents, guardians, and school teachers upon young persons, such as standing on one leg, or holding a book with a,n extended arm for a long time, are dangerous and ought to be proscribed, since they are too often the cause of bow legs and curvature of the spinal column. 182. — 3. Canse of the Rickets. — The disease known as Rickets is produced by imperfect nutrition of the bones. Thifj is generally, though not always, the result of poverty or vice, or both combined. The direct cause of the disease is a de- ficiency of earthy matter in the bones. This is either ab- sorbed or never produced, and as a result the bone is softened, and by the tonicity of the muscles the body is drawn into un^ sightly deformity. An observance of the laws of health is the best medicine for this disease. 183.~4. Need of Cleanliness of the Teeth— Tooth Pow- ders—Tooth Picks— Decayed Teeth — Worthless Teeth j-;honld he Extracted . — From the almost inevitable exposure of the teeth to mechanical and chemical agen^s, we see that they need considerable care and attention. They need to he Why do falls an, A cell treated to acetic acid, showing tho nucleus c. What is the appearance of tho Animal Fibre under tho microscope? Also that of tli© Organic ? 231. Stat© the composition of the. Tendons. 110 HITCUCOCK'S ANATOMY remote from it is called its Insertion. These are exceedingly firm and strong, perfectly inelastic, and can not be torn from the bones without unnatural violence. If the extremity of the muscle has a large surface for attachment, its tendon is expanded into a broad membranous portion termed an Apo- neurosis, as may be seen in the muscles inclosing the abdo- men ; while the greater portion of the muscles have a fleshy portion called the Swell or Belly, and the tendinous portion contracted into the shape of a cord, or even of a thread. In general this belly of the muscle is in a place which is the most firmly fixed, and distant from the point to be moved, in order to effect grace of motion, and beauty of form. Fig. 126. A Eadiate Muscle. 282. Forms of Muscles. — In form the muscles present a great diversity. A Radiate Muscle (Fig. 126) is one where the fibres radiate from a central portion to distribute them- selves upon a large surface. In the Fusiform (Fig. 127) the Fia. 121. A Fusiform Muscle. fibres diminish in size from a center to each extremity. In What ii the fleshy portion of the masclc called ? What is an Aponeurosis ? Define the Origin and Insertion of a innscle. Where is the Belly of the muscle generally located ? 232. Dosciibo the Radiate aad Fusiform Muscles. AND PHYSIOLOGY. Ill Fig. 128. A Doubly Penniform Muscle. ^ the Penniform the fibres are short and arranged npon a long tendinous line, like the plumes upon the quill of a feather. The circular form, called Sphincter, is found in parts of the b )dj where the fibres are circular, surrounding some orifice which they partially or entirely close up by their contraction'. An example of this is seen around the eye and mouth. A few muscles resemble in structure a ribbon. Others a cord, and others are very thin and expanded, so that they resemble a membrane. All these forms are thus arranged to secure the greatest amount of power with dispatch, and also the most perfect freedom of motion, as Avell as to adapt themselves to the amount of space furnished them on the skeleton. 233. Number of Muscles, Single Muscles.— The number of muscles in man is 540, being more than twice the number of the bones. They are nearly all arranged in pairs ; that is, both sides of the body have similar muscles, while the single or unmated muscles are only thirteen. Each muscle is pro- vided with one or more antagonist muscles, or those which produce motion in an opposite direction, save a very few sur- face muscles about the head and neck, where the elasticity of the integuments produces the antagonistic motion. 234. Fascia. — Every muscle is covered by a firm and slightly elastic membrane called Fascia, which serves the double purpose of keeping the fibres firmly in their place, and also of producing a tonic pressure, which gives increased strength to the muscle. An illustration of the utility of this pressure is seen in the fact, that the school-boy, when engaged in running as rapidly as possible in his sports, ties a handker- Describe the Penp.iform and Circular Muscles. Are there ^iny other forms of muscles? Why are muscles of these different shapes ? 2-33. What is the number of human muscles? How docs this compare with the number of the bones? IIow many unmated muscles arc there? What is meant by antagonist muscles ? 234. What is the Fascia, and what purpose does it serve ? What illustration of its use ? 112 HIT^CHCOCK'S ANATOMY Pig. 129. Anterior View of the Muscles of the Body. 1, Frontal Bellies of the Occipito-Frontalis. 2, Orbicularis Palpebrarum. 3, Levator Labii Superioris Aliieque ISJasi. 4, Zygomaticus Mi- nor. 5, Zygoinaticus Major. 6, Masseter. 7, Orbicularis Oris. 8, Depres&or Labii Inferions. 9, riatysma-Myoides. 10, Deltoid. 11, Pccto- ralis Major. 12, AxMUary poition of the Latis- einius Dorsi. 13, SurraL is Major Anticus. 14, Bicepa Flexor Cnblti. 15, Anterior Portion of the Triceps Ex- tensor Cubili. 16, Supinator Kadii Longus. 17, Pronator Kadii Teres. 18, Extensor Carpi Eadialis Longior. 19, Extensor Ossis Metacarpi PoUicis. 20, Annular Liga- ineut. 21, Paluuir Fascia. 22, Obliquus Externus Ab- dominis. 23, Linea Alba. 24, Tensor Vaginae Femoris. 25, Section of the Spermatic Cord. 26, Psoas Magnus* 27, Adductor Longue. 23, Sartorius. 29, Eectus Fe- moris. 30, Vastus Exter- nus. 31, Vastus Internus. 82, Tendon Patellae. 33, Gas- trocnemius. 34, Tibialis An- ticus. 35, Tibia. 36, Ten- dons of the Extensor Com- manis. AND PHYSIOLOGY 113 Fig. 130. Posterior "View of the Muscles of the Body. 1, Temporalis. 2, Occipital por- tion of the Occipito-Frontalis. 3, Corn- plexus. 4, Splenius. 5, Masscter. 6, Sterno-Cleido Mastoideus. 7, Trapezius. 8, Deltoid. 9, Infra-Spinatus. 10, Tri- ceps Extensor. 11, Teres Minor. 12, Te- res Major. 18, Tendinous portion of tho Triceps. 14, Anterior Edge of the Triceps. 15, Supinator Eadii Longus. 16, Pronator IJadii Teres. 17, Extensor Communis Digitorum. 18, Ex- tensor Ossis Metacarpi Polli- cis. 19, Extensor Communis Di- gitorum Tendons. 20, Olecranon and -Insertion of the Triceps. 21, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. 22, Au» ricularis. 23, Extensor Commu- nis. 24, Latissimus Dorsi. 25, Its Tendinous Origin. 26, Posterior Part of the Obliquus Externus. , Gluteus Medius. 2S, Gluteus Magnus. 29, Biceps Flexor Cru- ris. 30, Semi-Tendinosus. 31, 32, Gastrocnemius. 33, Tendo- Achilles. 114 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY '^^^- ^^1- chief about his Tvaist in order to give strength to his mus- cles. And so important is this membrane to the muscu- lar system, that, upon the thigh, where very great strength and rapidity of movement is required, this membrane is thicker than in most of the other parts of the body ; and not only so, but a muscle is also provided for the especial purpose of rendering this membrane very tense, when any violent action is required, or its own elasticity is insufficient. 235. Descriptions of par- ticular Muscles. — In such a treatise as the present one, it will of course be impossible to describe all the muscles as minutely as the bones have been, nor will it be necessary ; but only those which are the most interesting and instruc- tive. 236. Orbicularis Palpebra. — The muscle which surrounds the eye is a sphincter which is made of circular fibres, and when contracted closes the eye, as it is termed. Consequently this action requires the movement of no bones, and no attach- ment to any thing but the soft pa,rts of the face. It is called the Orbicularis Palpebr^. A Transverse Section of the Neck, show- ing the Fascia Profunda, and its Pro- longations as Sheaths for the Muscles. 1, Platysma Myoides. 2, Trapezius. 3, Ligamentum NuchiB. 4, Sheath of Sterno- Cleido-Mastoid. 5, Muscle itself. C, Point of Union of its Fascia. 7, Point of Union of the Fascia Profunda Colli of each side of the Neck. 8, Section of the Sterno- Ilyoid Muscle. 9, Section of the Omo- Ilyoid Muscle. 10, Section of the Sterno- Thyroid Muscle. 11, Lateral Lobe of the Thyroid Gland. 12. Trachea. 13, (Esoph- agus. 14, Blood-vessels and Pneumogas- tric Nerve in their Sheath. 15, Longus Colli. 16, Eectus Anticus Major. 17, Scalenus Anticus. IS, Scalenus Medius and Posticus. 19, Splenius Capitis. 20, Splenius Colli. 21, Levator Scapula. 22, Complexus. 23, Trachelo - Mastoid. 24, Transversalis Cervicis. 25, Cervicalis Dc- scendens. 26, Semi-spinalis Cervicis. 27, Multifidus SpinsB. 2S, A Cervical Vertebra. Its antagonist is the Levator Pal- What is said about the importance of tliis fascia upon the thigh ? 236. Wliatis the mus- cle tliat opens and closes the eye, as it is termed? What kind of a muscle Is this? What is the antagonist of the Orbicularis Palpebraa ? axd physiology Fig. 132. 115 A Front View of the Superficial Layer of Muscles on the Face and Neck. 1, 1, Ante- rior Bpllies of the Occipito-Frontalis. 2, Orbicularis or Sphincter Palpebrarum. 8, Na« sal Slip of Occipito-Frontalis. 4 Anterior Auriculae. 5, Compressor Naris. 6, Levator Labii Superioris Ahequo Nasi. 7, Levator Anguli Oris.- S, Zygomaticus Minor. 9, Zygomaticus Major. 10, Masseter. 11, Depressor Labii Superioris Alseqne Nasi. 12, Buccinator. 13, Orbicularis Oris. 14, The denuded Surface of the Inferior Maxillary Bone. 15, Depressor Anguli Oris. 16, Depressor Labii Inferioris. 17, The portion of the Platysma Myoides that passes on to the Mouth, or the Musculus Kisorius. IS, Stcrno- Ilyoideus. 19, Platysnia-Myoides. It is wanting on the other side of the Figure. 20, Superior Belly of the Omo-Hyoideus near its insertion. 21, Sterno-Cleido-Mastoideus. 22, Scalenus Mcdius. 23, Inferior Belly of Omo-Hyoid. 24, Cervical Edge of the Tra- pezius. pebrse, which takes its origin far back on the sides of the cavity of the orbit, and is attached to the upper lid. When contracted it opens the eye. 237. Orbicularis Oris. —The Orbicularis Oris (circular muscle of the face) by its contraction closes the mouth. Like the corresponding muscle of the eye, it has its origin and in- sertion in the soft parts of the face, and u made up of concen- 257. "Where is the Orbicularis Oris, and what is its use? 116 TI IT ClI C O C K'3 anatomy trie fibres. And tlic antagonists are those muscles -which are inserted into it, coming from the diifferent bones of the face moving the lips and nostrils, and giving much of the expres- sion of emotion in the countenance. 238. Masseter and Temporal Muscles.— The elevators of the lower jaw are two : the Masseter (chewing) and the Temporal (from the bone on which it lies). They are at- tached to the posterior portion of the bone near the joint, since if their position was nearer to the front part of the bone they would not contract sufficiently to bring the jaws together. 239. Digastric Muscle. — The lower jaw is carried down- wards by the Digastricus (tvro bellies) muscle. This is a long round muscle like a cord, which commences just below the lower front teeth, and from thence runs downwards and back- wards to the 03 hyoides, where it runs through a tendinous loop ; after this it passes upwards and backwards to the mas- toid process upon the temporal bone, just behind the ear. The contraction of this muscle then will open the mouth, when the OS hyoides is made fast ; but if the jaw be confined by its elevator muscles, the os hyoides will be the movable por- tion, and will be elevated. The necessity of such an arrange- ment is evident from the fact, that no muscle from the jaw to the hyoides would be of sufficient length to open the lower jaw by its contraction ; and if it were to run backwards to the spinal column, the violence with which it must contract to accomplish its object, would produce such pressure upon the vessels and nerves of the neck as to injure them. 240. Stcrno-Clcido-Iflastoidcus. — A bow, or bending of the head upon the spinal column, is effected by the action of the Sterno-Cleido-Mastoideus muscle (named from its attach- Wliat arc its antagonists? What muscles aid verj much in giving expression to tha countenance ? 20S. What arc tlic two pairs of muscles that bring tlic jaws together in the act of chewing? 230. State the muscle that opens tlic mouth. What mechanical peculiarities in its structure and operation? Why tlic necessity of such a complicated arrangement ? 240. Whut is the musclo by whose action we bow the head ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 133. 117 A Lateral View of tlie Deep-seated Layer of Muscles on the Face and Neck. 1, Tem- poral Mnscle deprived of its Fascia. 2, Corrugator Supercilii. 3, Nasal Slip of the Ocr cipito Frontalis. 4, Superior or Nasal Extremity of the Levator Labii Superioris Alaequo Nasi.. 5, Compressor Naris. C, Levator Anguli Oris. 7, Depressor Labii Superioris ALTquc Nasi. S, Buccinator. 9, Orbicularis Oris. 10, Depressor Labii Inferioris. 11, Levator Labii Inferioris. 12, Anterior Belly of the Disastricus. 13, Mylo-Hyoid. 14, Sty'o-IIyoid. 15, Thyro-TIyoid. 16, Upper Belly of the Omo-IIyoid. 17, Stcrno-Cleido. Mastoid. IS, Sterno-IIyoid. 19. Scalenus Anticus. 20, Pectoraiis Major. 21, Deltoid. 22, Trapezius. 23, Scalenus Jiledius. 24, Levator Scapula3 and Scalenus Posticus. 25. Splenius. 2G, Complexus. ment to the Sternum, Clavicle, the Greek for which is kleis, and the mastoid process). The form of this muscle is essen- tially that of a thick ribbon. 241. Muscles of the Scapula.— The Scapula is covered with muscles on both sides, most of which are inserted into the head of the humerus. Their use is to rotate the hu- What is tho shape of this muscle ? offset? !il. What actions do tho muscles of the scapuli 118 HITCHCOCK'S A N A T O ^[ Y Fig. 134. A Yicw of the Muscles of tlio Back as shown after the reraoval of the Integuments, 1 Occipital Origin of tlic Trapezius. 2, Stcrno-CIeido-Mastoideus. 8, Middle of the Tra. pozius. 4, Insertion of the Trapezius into the Spine of the Scapula. 5, Deltoid. 6, Sec- ond Head of the Triceps Extensor Cubiti. 7, Its Superior Portion. 8, Scapular portion of the Latissimus Dorsi. 9, Axillary Border of tJie Pectoralis Major. 10, Axillary Bor- der of the Poctoralis Minor. 11, Scrratus Major Anticus. 12, Infra-Spinatus. 13, Teres Minor. 14, Teres Mnjor. 15, Middle of the Latissimus Dorsi. 16, External Oblique of the Abdomen. 1", Gluteus Medius. 18, Gluteus Minimus. 19, Gluteus Magnus. 20, Fascia Lumborum. merus, as well as to give it protection where it articulates with the scapula, and to keep it in ita place. AXD PHYSIOLOGY 119 242. Biceps.— The Biceps (two heads, or points of at- tachment) is the muscle which flexes or bends the arm to- wards the bodj. It arises from the head of the humerus and scapula, and is inserted into the upper end of the radius. It is a ver j fine ex- ample of a fusiform muscle, and though acting at a great mechanical disadvantage as to power, it effects a rapid move- ment. 243. Triceps.— The Tri- ceps (three heads), its antag- onist, is similar in its general form, and is attached to the ulna instead of the radius. It is situated upon the poste- rior side of the humerus, and the force with which it may be made to contract, is seen in the powerful blow given by the boxer, or the weights raised bj extending the arms upon the instrument made for the purpose in a gymnasium. 244. Muscles of the Forc- A r m . — The Fore- Arm is abun- A View of tlie Muscles on the Front of tlie Arm, 1, Clavicle. 2, Coracoid Pro cess and Origin of the Short Head of the Biceps. 3, Acromion Scapula. 4, Head of the Os Humeri. 5, Tendon of the Bi- ceps Muscle in the Bicipital Groove. 6, Ligamentum Adscititium dissected oflf. 7, Cut portion of the Pectoralis Major. 8, Long Head of the Biceps. 9, Insertion ol' the Deltoid. 10, Cut portion of the Ten- dinous Insertion of the Pectoralis Minor. 11, Coraco-Brachialis. 12, Short Head of the Biceps. 13, Latissimus Dorsi. 14, Inner portion of the Triceps. 15, Body of tho Biceps. 16, Outer portion of the Triceps. 17, Brachialis Internus. IS, Origin of tho Flexor Muscles. 19, Brachialis Internus near its Insertion. 20, Tendon of the Biceps. 21, Fasciculus from the Biceps Tendon to the Fascia Brachialis. 22, Flexor Carpi Ea- dialis. 23, Palmaris Longus. 24, Supinator Radii Longus. 242, Why is the name Biceps given to the muscle that fljxes the fore-arm ? What mechanical disadvantage in its structure? What gain from it? 213. What Is the antag- onist of the Biceps? What actions show its mode of action ? 6 120 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY I'iG. 136. dantlj supplied with muscles, many of which are fusiform in their appearance, and all of w^hich are for the purpose of moving the hand and fin- gers. Most of the fibres run in a direction parallel to the bones of the fore-arm, but those which perform the ac- tions of pronation and supina- tion lie obliquely, and some nearly at right angles to the long muscles. In this part of the body the muscles are distinguished by slenderness of form and consequent deli- cateness of tendon, the latter in many cases being equal in length to the muscular fibre, since there are very few mus- cles below the wrist, and those only which are short and thick, for the purpose of mov- ing the thumb and little finger. 245. Tendons of the Fin- gers.— The arrangement of the tendons which are at- tached to the phalanges, for the motion of the fingers, shows the contrivance and skill of an Infinite Being. In order that the fingers may bo slender and easily moved, it is desirable that there should be as small a quantity of matter in A View of the Outer Layer of the Mus- cles on the Front of the Fore-Arm (Flex- ors). 1, LoAver portion of the Biceps Flexor Cubiti. 2, Brachialis Internus. 3, Lower Internal portion of the Triceps. 4, Pronator Kadii Teres. 5, Flexor Carpi Eadialis. G, Palinaris Longns. 7, Part of the Flexor Subllmis Digitorum. 8, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris. ~ 9, Palmar Fascia. 10, Pahnaris Brevis Muscle. 11, Abtluctor Pollicis Manus. 12, Portion of the Flexor Brevis Pollicis Manus. The Line crosses the Adductor Pollicis. 13, Supiiiator Longus. 14, Extensor Ossis Metacarpi Pollicis. 244. Give the general :i:-r:in^;omeIit of muscles in the fyre-afm. and Supinators He? How do the Pronators AND PHYSIOLOGY. 121 Fia. 137. Fig. 138. A View of the tnuscles on the Palm of the Hand. 1, Annular Ligament. 2, 2, Origin and Insertion of the Abductor Pol- licis. 3, Opponens Pollicis. 4, 5, Two Bellies of the Flexor Brevis Pollicis. 6, Adductor Pollicis. 7, T, Lunibricales aris- ing from Tendons of the Flexor Profundus Digitornm. S, Shows how the Tendon of the Flexor Profundus passes through tho Flexor Sublimis. 9, Tendon of the Flexor Longus Pollicis. 10, Abductor Minimi Digiti, 11, Flexor Parvus Minimi Digiti. 12, Pisiform Bone. 13, First Dorsal Inter- ^ y.^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ j^^^^^ ^^ j^^^^^^, osseous Muscle. on the Front of the Fore-Arm (Flexors). 1, Internal Lateral Ligament of the El- bow-Joint. 2, Capsular Ligament of the Elbow-Joint. 3, Coronary Ligament of tho Head of the Radius. 4, Flexor Profundus Digitorum Perforans. 5, Flexor Longus Pollicis. G, Pronator Quadratus. 7, Adductor Pollicis Manus. 8, Lumbricales. 9, Interossei. tliem as possible. Hence, as above stated, the muscle that moves them is situated in the fore-arm, and the tendon is made as slender as possible. But here another arrangement claims our attention. A set of four tendons from a common muscle is attached to the base of the second phalanx of each finger, and a second set to the third row of phalanges. The question then arises, how can these two tendons pass upon 245. l>esaril>e tho arrans^emcnt of the tendons of tho flugers. 122 HITCHCOCK'S a x a t o :si y both sides (upper and lower) of the finger and be firmly enough secured to the finger to keep them in place, without making the finger of an unwieldy bulk, and at the same time allow the force to be applied upon the center of the finger rather than upon one side ? The answer is this : the muscle which sends its tendons to the second phalanx lies above the other set of tendons, and where the superior tendons join the second phalanx, they are each split into two parts, through which the tendons of the lower muscle pass to the last pha- lanx, and move freely without interruption from the superior muscle or tendons. This arrangement is found in the foot, as well as in the hand, for giving the same motion to the t033, and very much resembles the movement of a cord through a loop. 246. Muscles of the Tiiumb and Little Finger.— The thumb and little finger, as already mentioned, are supplied with separate muscles in the body of the hand, mainly for the purpose of giving motion from side to side, as well as a partial rotation. In addition to this, there are several muscles upon the fore-arm which give their tendons only to these two ex- tremities. The obvious use of this arrangement is to give strength and great variety of motion so necessary in the thumb and little finger. 247. Muscles of the Back, Dorsal Muscle. — Upon the back are found at least thirty pairs of muscles, which are ar- ranged in six layers. These are of various forms and sizes, with complicated and obscure attachments. The main use of these muscles, taken as a group, is to keep the trunk in an upright position, and give a firm attachment for muscles to move the extremities. The outermost layer is very super- ficial, lying directly under the skin, while the deepest layer is deeply imbedded between diiferent processes of the vertebrae. Why must one tendon pass through nnother rather than pass along by its side? 1)0 WG find this arrangement upon both hands and feet? 246. Which two extremities of the hand have the moit muscles given to them? 24". How many pairs of muscles iipon the back of the body? Give the number of layers into which they may bo dis- sected. State tlie essential purpose of theai. AND PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 139. 123 A View of the Second Layer of Muscles of the Back. 1, Trapezius. 2, A portion of the Tendonous ellipse formed by the Trapezius on both sides. 3, Spine of the Scapula. 4, Latissimus Dorsi. 5, Deltoid. 6, Infra-Spinatus and Teres Minor. 7, External Ob- lique of the Abdomen. S, Gluteus Medius. 9, Gluteus Magnus of each side. 10, Leva- tor Scapulffi. 11, Ehomboideus Minor. 12, Ehomboideus Major. 13, Splenius Capitis. 14, Splenius Colli. 15, A portion of the Origin of the Latissimus Dorsi. 16, Serratus In- ferior Posticus. 17, Supra-Spinatus. IS, Infra-Spinatus. 19, Teres Minor. 20, Teroa Major. 21, Long Head of the Triceps Extensor Cubiti. 22, Serratus Major Anticus. 23; Internal Oblique of the Abdomen. The largest muscle of the back (hence the name Dorsal) i; of value to move the arm 5. It has its origin from the lum- bar and sacral vertebrae, and the posterior third of the crest of the ilium, and is inserted bj a short tendon into the upper extremity of the humerus. The action of this muscle brings Give the origin and insertion of the Dorsal muscle. State its action. 124 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY the arm downwards and backwards, as in the movements of chopping wood or striking with the blacksmith's sledge. But when the hands are made the fixed points, the bodj is raised upwards. 248. Superior and Inferior Serrall. — Two muscles of the back are used in forced or violent respiration. These are the Superior and Inferior Serrati Muscles. The Superior Ser- ratus arises from the three lower cervical and two upper dorsal vertebrae, and runs downwards and forwards to be inserted into the border of the second, third, and fourth ribs. The Inferior Serratus arises from the last two dorsal and three upper lumbar vertebrae, and, running upwards and forwards, is inserted upon the four lower ribs. The name of these mus- cles means in Latin " saw-like," since the portions w^hich join upon the ribs resemble the teeth of a saw. The former of these elevates the ribs, thereby enlarging the cavity of the chest, while the latter assists in its compression by depressing the ribs, and consequently the diaphragm, downwards. 249. Tlic Diaphragm.— But the essential muscle of respi- ration is the Diaphragm. This, as its name implies, is a par- tition across the body just below the lungs, — with three large openings, — which separates the thorax from the abdo- men. Its attachments in general terms may be said to be upon an oblique line drawn about the body just below the ribs, which line intersects the first lumbar vertebra, where the central tendon of the Diaphragm, as it is termed, is at- tached. When relaxed, it presents the appearance of an in- verted and irregularly shaped cup or basin, but when in a state of contraction it becomes nearly a plane surface. Hence this muscle enlarges the chest by depressing its lower surface, thereby forming a partial vacuum. 24S. Which muscles of the back arc f-scd in forced respiration? Give the origin and insertion of llie two Serrate Muscles. Wliy called "Serrate?" 249. Give tlie form of tl'.c Diaphragm. Wliat two cavities of the body docs it separate? What is it an essen- tial agent in effecting ? and physiology. Fig. 140. 125 ATie-w of the Under Side of the Diaphragm. 1, 2, ?., The Greater Miisclo of the Dia- phragm inserted into the Cordiform Tendon. 4, The small triangular space behind the Sternum, covered only by Serous Membrane, and through ■which Hernia sometimes pass. 5, Ligamcntum Arcuatum of the Left Side. G. Point of Origin of the Psoas Mag- nus. 7, A small Opening for the Lesser Splanchnic Nerve. S, One of the Crura of the Diaphragm. 9, Fourth Lumbar Vertebra. 10, Another Crus or portion of the Lesser Muscle of the Diaphragm. 11, Hiatus Aorticus. 12, Foramen CEsophagcum. 13, Fora- men Quadratuin. 14, Psoas Magnus Muscle. 15, Quadratus Lumborum. 250. Intercostal Muscles. —Between the ribs arc placed two sets of muscular fibres, an external and an internal, called the Intercostal Muscles, which hj their action draw the ribs upwards. The fibres run in a diagonal direction from one rib to another, so that the greatest length may be given for their contraction without compromising too much of their power. And hence we can sec that w^hile the first rib is firm and im- movable, by contraction of these fibres the ribs must bo raised, and by their relaxation they must be depressed. The exter- nal fibres run downwards and towards the middle line of the abdomen, while the internal run downwards and backwards. 251. Abdominal Muscles.— The principal muscles of the abdomen are large and thin expansions of muscular fibres, 250. Give the arrangement of fibres in the Intercostal Muscles. 251. What forms tlio principal part of the Avails of the abdomen ? 126 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Tig. 141. which completely cover tho space below the border of tho ribs, and above the innomiiiu- tum. They are arranged un- der four different names, since they run in different direc- tions as they encircle the ab- domen. By their contraction they press upon the digestive organs, and thus diminish the cavity of the abdomen, and, in proportion to the elasticity of the diaphragm, the thorax also. Hence these are the essential instruments in cough- ing, laughing, crying, and sneezing, as well as in sing- ing, shouting, or any action requiring expulsive effort. By their elasticity they also per- form the function of expira- tion in natural breathing, as well as keep up a tonic pres- sure upon the stomach and alimentary canal. 252. Great Psoas Muscle. — The Great Psoas Muscle, known in animals as the ten- der loin (from the Greek signifying a loin), is the one which bends the thigh upon, or towards the trunk. It has its origin from the last dorsal and four upper lum- bar vertebrae, and passes from thence downwards and for- wards, gliding over the edge of the innominatum, and attaches Under how many Leads are they arranged? What actions do thoy accomplish when contracted ? 252. What is the scientific name of tho " tender loin ?"' Give its attach- ments. A Lateral View of the Muscles of the Trunk, especially on the Abdomen. 1, Latissimus Dorsi. 2, Serratus Major An- ticus. 3, Upper portion of the External Oblique. 4, Two of the External Inter- costal Muscles. 5, Two of the Internal Intercostal Muscles. G, Transversalis Ab- dominis. 7, Fascia Lumborum. 8, Poste- rior part of the Sheath of the Eectu?, or Anterior Aponeurosis of the Transversalis Muscle. 9, The Eectus Abdominis cut off .lud in its Sheath. 10, Eectus Abdominis of the Ei-ht Side. 11, Crural Arch. 12, Gluteus Magnus — Medius and Tensor Va- giniE Femoris covered by the Fascia Lata. AND PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 142. 127 A View of the Superficial Muscles of the Left Side, and of the Deep Muscles of- the Eight Side, on the Front of the Trunk. 1, Pectoralis Major. 2, Deltoid. 3, Anterior Edge of Latissimus-Dorsi. 4, Serrated Edge of Serratus Major Anticus. 5, Subclavius Muscle. 6, Pectoralis Minor. 7, Coraco-Brachialis. 8, Biceps Flexor Cubiti. 9, Cora- coid Process of tlie Scapula. 10, Serratus Major Anticus after the removal of the Ob- liquus Externus Abdominis. 11, External Intercostal Muscle of the Fifth Intercostal Space, 12, External Oblique of the Abdomen. 13, Its Tendon. The Median Line is the Linea Alba. — The Line to the Eight of the Number is the Linea Semilunaris. 14, The portion of the Tendon of the External Oblique, known as Pouparfs Ligament. 15, Ex- ternal Abdominal Eing. IG, Eectus Abdominis. The "White Spaces are the Linea Trans- A-ersffi. 17, Pyramidalis. IS, Internal Oblique of the Abdomen. 19, Common Tendon of the Internal Oblique and Transversalis. 20, Crnral Arch. 21, Fascia Lata Femoris. 22, Saphenous Opening. The Crescentic Edge of the Sartorial Fascia is seen just above fig. 22, and the Interior or Pubic Point of the Crescent is known as Iley's Ligament. itself to the front part of the lesser trochanter process of the femur. It is made up of a very compact band of fibers, and, though acting at a great mechanical disadvantage, it is ca- pable of moving the lower extremity with great power. By 6* 128 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY this muscle it is that the "bodj is bent forward when the thigh is fixed, and also bj its means we keep the body erect when in a sitting posture. 253. Gluteus Muscle— A Fig. 143. A Yicw of the Muscles on the Front of the Thigh. 1, Crest of the Ilium. 2, Its Anterior Superior Spinous Process. 3, Gluteus Medius. 4, Tensor Vaginae Fe- rnoiis. 5, Sartorius. C, Ilcctus Femoris. 7, Tastus Externus. 8, Vastus Internus. 9, Patella. 10, Iliacns Internus. 11, Psoas Magnus. 12, Pectincus. 1-3, Adductor Longrus. 14, Adductor Magnus. 15, Gra- cilis. movement in a direction oppo- site to the last muscle, is ef- fected by the contraction of the Gluteus muscle. This has its origin and insertion at points directly opposite to those of the psoas muscle — and forms the nates or but- tock. The fibers of this mus- cle are the coarsest of any in the whole body, showing that they are designed for strength and not celerity of motion. Besides the movement already mentioned, this muscle is of great value when the leg is made firm by keeping the body in an upright position, or raising the body upon the thighs when it is bent forward. 254. Muscles of the Thigh.— The leg (Tibia) is moved upon the thigh (Fe- mur) by the conjoint action of four muscles. These have their orio;in about the head of the femur, and the lower por- tion of the innominatum, and all unite into one tendon which is inserted,. iippn . the tubercle, or process of the What movcracnts arc effected by it? 2o-L What muscle produces motion in a con- trary direction to the psoa^ muscle ? What is said of tho size of tho fibers of the Gluteus ? 254. now many muscles act to extend the tibia or the femux? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 129 tibia near to its upper extremity. Spoken of together, these muscles are called the Quadriceps Extensor Femoris. The tendon is one of the strongest in the body, and has inclosed within it the patella, which bears the same relation to the tendon as the pulley does to the cord which passes over it. The action of these muscles extends the leg, as in Avalking, running, or lifting the foot, and also places the femur in a line above the tibia, when the latter is made the fixed point. 255. Sartorius Muscle. — The Sartoriaa or Tailor's mus- cle is a very long and slender muscle commencing at the an- terior portion of the innominatum, and, descending downwards and inwards, is inserted into the upper part of the inside of the tibia. The obvious action of this muscle will be to bend the leg somewhat backwards, and then to carry it across its fellow, as is done by the tailor when seating himself for work on his bench. 256. Tensor Yagino) Femoris. — A muscle already alluded to— the Tensor yagina3 Femoris, or stretcher of tbo sheath of the thigh — arises at the upper and front portion of the inno- minatum, and is inserted into the very strong fasciss of the thigh, its use being to assist the muscles in their action, by increasing the tonic pressure upon them. 257. Muscles of llie Posterior Part of the Tliigli.— The muscles found upon the posterior part of the femur and antagonizing the compound muscle in front, arc four in number, taking their origin from the ischium and pubes, ar.d being inserted into the broad head of the tibia. Their ten- dons make those portions of the thigh which arc familiarly known as the ham-strings. Their names arc the Biceps, Gracilis, Semi-tendinosus and Semi-membranosus. When taken togatlicr, what is tho musclo called ? What bone is iinbeddecl in the ten- don of the Quadriceps Extensor Femoris? 255. Describe the Sartorius or Tailor's mus- cle. 253. What is tho Tensor Vaginjs Femoris of service for? 2ol. IIow many muscles act as antagonists to tho Quadriceps, etc ? Give their names. 130 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 145. A Yiew of the Muscles on the Bcack of the Thigrh. 1, Gluteus Medius. 2, Glu- teus Magnus. 8, Fascia Lata covering the Yastus Externus. 4, Long Head of the Biceps. 5, Short Head of the Biceps. 6, Semi-Tendinosus. 7, 7, Semi-Membranosus. 8, Gracilis. 9, Edge of the Adductor Mag- nus. 10, Edge of the Sartorius. 11, Pop- liteal Space. 12, Gastrocnemius. A Yiew of the Muscles on the Front of the Leg. 1, Tendon of the Quadriceps Femoris. 2, Spine of the Tibia. 3, Tibi- alis Anticus. 4, Extensor Communis Digi- torum. 5, Extensor Proprius Pollicis. G, Peroneus Tertius. 7, Peroneus Longus. S, Peroneus Brevis. 9, 9, Borders of the Soleus. 10, Portion of the Gastrocnemius. 11, Extensor Brevis Digitorum. 258. Muscles of the Anterior Part of the Leg.— Upon the anterior portion of the Tibia, or leg proper, are found four muscles with slender tendons, which are for the upward moYe- ment or flexion of the foot. Thej have their origin near the head of the tibia, and are inserted into the bones of the meta- 253. Where are the four musdcs located that bend tho foot upward ' aod insertioQ. Give their origin AND PHYSIOLOGY. 131 tarsus and phalanges. Their names are the Tibialis Anti- cus, Extensor Longus Digi- torum, Peroneus Tertius, and Extensor Proprius Pollicis. 259. Muscles of tlie Pos- terior Part of the Leg.— The muscles on the reverse por- tion of the leg are three, con- stituting what is known as the calf of the leg. They are the Gastrocnemius, Plantaris, and Soleus. They are attached to the top of the tibia on its pos- terior side, as well as to the lower part of the femur, and all form a conjoint tendon, the largest in the body, and which is attached to the bone of the heel. It is called the tendon of Achilles, because the great Grecian warrior is said to have been killed by the wound of an arrow at this point. The use of these muscles is to raise the body upon the toes, and are the muscles which are of the greatest value to us in the act of walking. Immediately beneath these muscles are six an opposite direction to those leg. They are attached near fibula^ and inserted into the Fig. 146. A Vipw of the Muscles on the Back of tha Leg. 1, Tendon of the Biceps. 2, Inner Hamstring Tendons. 3, Popliteal Space. 4, Gastrocnemius. 5, Soleus. 6, Tcndo- Achilles. 7, Its Insertion on the Os Calcis. 8, Tendons of the Peroneus Longus and Brevis. 9, Tendons of the Tibialis Posti- cus and Flexor Longus Digitorum behind the Internal Malleolus. others which produce motion in upon the anterior portion, of the the upper part of the tibia and metatarsal bones and the pha- 259. State the muscles which constitute the calf of the leg. T\'hat ij Tendon of Achil- les, and why is it so called ? IIow many muscles lio deeply covered ia the calf of the 133 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY langes. In the tendon of one of them (Peroneus Longus) is found a sesamoid bone, at the point where it glides over the cuboid bone. 260. Muscles of the Fool. — A few muscles are found upon the upper and under surface of the foot, most of which Pj^ j4^Y arise near the tarsus, and are inserted at the base of the phalanges. In their action the toes are either bent or extended. 261. Annular Ligaments. — An interesting contrivance for preserving the slenderness of the hand and foot is found in the Annular Ligaments. These are large bundles of ligamentous tissue which pass around the wrist and ankle, ver J much resembling a brace- let. (Figs. 148, and 149, p. 183.) Thej are very firm and stout, and their design is to keep in place the tendons which move the extremities. When, for example, we move the toes upwards, the muscles which effect this motion with their tendons would extend in a straight line from the upper part of the tibia to the last phalanx, thus making the leg and foot very cumbersome and unwieldy organs, and poorly adaptecl to their present use. A Yie-w of the Muscles on the Sole of the Foot iiTiinetliately under the Plantar Fas- cia. 1, Os Calcis. 2, Section of the Fascia Plantaris. 3, Abductor Pollicis. 4, Ab- ductor Minimi Digiti. 5, Flexor Erevis Dicritoruin. G, Tendon of the Flexor Longus Pollicis. 7, T, Lumbricales. 2C1. What is the use of the Annular Ligaments ? What ornamcats do they very closely icscmble ? Suppose thcso or their equivalent was wanting ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 133 Fig. 148. Fig. 149. A View of tlie Outer Layer of Muscles on the B. Duodenum. I\ Pan- creas. /. Small Intestine. Ji. Eectum. B. Blad- der. The numbers indicate t'.ie course of the Peritoneum. S03. What is the Peritoneum ? Is the cavity of the abdomen of a regular outline? What is the principal seat of disease i:i inflammation of the bowels? 307. "^Vhat is the Mesentery and the Omentum ? Wh it is it thickly packed with? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1G9 their positions, and also, from tli3 amount of fat contained in them, to protect the intestines from cold and mechanical violence, and to furnish a soft surface for them to glide over in their various movements. In a lateral view of the abdo- men, Fig. 182, some of the parts of the Omentum and Me- sentery may be seen. At 4 is seen what is known as the lesser Omentum, connecting the Liver and the Stomach. At 5 and 6 are seen the folds which constitute the greater Omentum. At 10 is found the Mesentery, which encircles the small intestines. This is a broad fold of the Peritoneum connected to the middle of the cylinder of the Jejunum and Ileum throucjh their whole lenojth, and is attached to the posterior wall of the abdomen. Within the layers of the Me- sentery are found from 130 to 150 bodies of almond shape and size, known as the Mesenteric Glands. Through these the Lacteals pass on their way to form the Thoracic Duct. 808. Lacteals. — The Lacteals are minute vessels, which commence with the inner or mucous coat of the intestines, Fig. 183. Aorta. Thoracic Canal. Lymphatic Glands. ( Eadicles of the ■< Chyliferoua ( Vessels. Intestine. Lacteals. Mesenter)-. Chyliferous Vessels. What small bodies are found in It, and what is the use of the Mesentery! 176 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOilY Fig. 184. and terminate in the Tlioracic Duct. These at their com- mencement are about the same in anatomj with the radicles or small veins, and at this point act the part of absorbents. Soon after they have left the Intestines, sev- eral of them unite into one and pass through small bodies of about the size of peas, called the Mesenteric Glands. As they emerge from these glands, they are fewer in number but larger in size, until they all unite into one tube called the Thoracic Duct, a little larger than a goose quill, at about the point of the last Dorsal Vertebra. This vessel passes immedi- ately upwards, lying closely upon the Spinal Column, sometimes separating into two smaller tubes for a few inches. A View of the Course and Termination of the Thoracic Duct. 1, Arch of the Aorta. 2, Thoracic Aorta. 3, Abdominal Aorta. 4, Arteria Innominata. 5, Left Carotid. 6, Left Sub-CIavian. 7, Superior Cava. 8, The two Venae Innominatse. 9, The Internal Jugular and Sub-Clavian Vein at each side. 10, The Vena Azygos. 11, The Termina- tion of the Vena Hemi-Azygos in the Vena Azygos. 12, The Receptaculum Chyli : sev- eral Lymphatic Trunks are seen opening into it. 13, The Thoracic Duct dividing, op- posite the Middle Dorsal Vertebra, into two branches, which soon re-unite; the course of the Duct behind the Arch of the Aorta and Left Sub-Clavian Aorta is shown by a Dotted Line. 14, The Duct making its turn at the Root of the Neck and receiving sev- eral Lymphatic Trunks previous to terminating in the Posterior Angle of the Junction of the Internal Jugular and Sub-Clavlan Veins. 15, The Termination of the Trunk of the Lymphatics of the Upper E-Ktreniity. 308. Where do the Lacteals begin, and where do they terminate ? What do they re- semble, and what do they pass through ? State the size of the Thoracic Duct, its course and termination. AND PHYSIOLOGY 171 until it reaches a point as high as the clavicle, where it gradually curves forward, and joins itself to the left sub- clavian vein. The Lacteals and Thoracic Duct are all made up of three coats and present a silvery white appearance from the color of the fluid they contain. Their function is to convey the Chyle or nutrient portion of the food into the blood. 309. Ridiieys. — The Kidneys are two in number, situated upon the side of the lumbar vertebrae, and are generally en- closed in a large amount of fat. Their average size is be- tween four and five inches in length, two and a half inches in breadth, and one in thickness. Their color is of a reddish yellow, and form decidedly oval, with a depression in one of the sides. Upon its upper extremity is a small body, called the Renal Capsule, and the whole organ is abundantly sup- plied with blood. The design of it seems to be the removal Fig. 185. Fig. 186. Diagram of the Urinary Apparatus, a^, The Kidneys. 1>, The Ureter, c, The Bladder, d, Canal of the Urethra. A Section of the Eight Kidney surmounted by the Eenal Capsule. 1, Supra-Renal Capsule. 2, Cortical Portion. 3, Medullary or Tubular. 4, Two of the Calices receiving the Apex of their corresponding Cones. 5, The Infandibula. 6, The Pelvis. 7, The Ureter. "What vein does it empty into ? What fluid does it carry ? features of the Kidneys. What is found upon its upper edge ? State the leading 172 -HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY of the waste Nitrogen of the system, and many salts, espe- cially the Phosphates, which can be eliminated by no other organ. The secretion of the kidneys is the urine, upon the regular secretion of which the health of the system greatly depends. FUNCTIONS OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. 310. Mastication; Use of the Tongue; Use of the Saliva. Amount of Saliva. — The first process through which the food must pass is Mastication, or reducing it to a pulp by means of the teeth and admixture of the saliva. The service of the tongue is to keep the food between the teeth and to place it in such a position that it will readily receive the saliva. The saliva is of use to moisten the food, since the gastric fluid will much more readily dissolve it than if dry or solid. It aids articu- lation and the sense of taste by keeping the lining of the mouth in a moist and pliant state. It also is of use to cleanse the mucous membrane, and by its moisture to quench or pre- vent thirst. Air is also carried by it into the stomach to aid the process of digestion. But the most important use of this fluid is the conversion of starch into sugar. This property depends mainly upon a peculiar organic active substance con- tained in it called Ptyalin, and is most active when in a state of incipient decomposition. The saliva secreted daily varies, according to diiSerent authorities, from about three pounds to six pounds and a half, and is alkaline in its character. Acid, aromatic, and pungent substances increase the amount of the secretion very much. 311. Deglutition. A part of the Process involuntary. — After mastication, the next process is that of swallow- ing, or deglutition. The first step is to place the bolus, or mouthful, upon the back part of the tongue, when by Ofwhattcroat use are the Kidneys? 310. Describe the process of Mastication. Of what use is the Saliva ? How much is secreted every day ? What increases its amount? 311. Describe the process of swallowing. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1 7.3 the muscles of the tongue and fauces it is forced into the Pharynx. As soon as it fairly enters this passage, the mus- cles by an involuntary movement seize it, and force it rap- idly past the opening into the lungs, and at the same moment the epiglottis is forced down upon the larynx, to prevent its entrance into the trachea. This part of the pro- cess is involuntary, from the necessity of keeping the passage to the lungs open as much as possible, in order to admit air, and also from the great danger of introducing any other sub- stance. And so perfectly carried on is this function that it is seldom — compared with the frequency of deglutition — that even a fluid escapes the vigilance of this sentinel. 312. Passage of the Food through the Esophagus. — The food passes slowly through the Esophagus into the stomach, it being forced along by the contraction of the muscular fibers, aided by the oily secretion of the JEsophageal glands. 813. Gastric Digestion. — As soon as the food reaches the stomach, the most important part of the process of digestion commences, all the previous steps being preliminary. When- ever any solid substance comes in contact with the inner or mucous membrane of the stomach, it excites the gastric glands to pour out in abundant quantity the Gastric fluid. 314. Gastric Fluid— its Amount— Pepsin. — This fluid is a transparent liquid of a little greater consistency than water, and of a perceptibly acid taste. It possesses the property of coagulating albumen, and of separating the whey or serum from the milk in a very short time, and is secreted at the rate of seventy ounces per day. This property, however, is owing to a peculiar organic compound called Pepsin, which acts after the manner of a ferment at the normal temperature of the human body. The Gastric fluid also possesses antiseptic What part of the process is under, and what part is not under the control of the will? 812. How is the food carried through the Esophagus? S13. Where does the inost im- portant part of digestion take place? What effect has any solid substance upon the Gas- tric Glands of the Stomach ? 314. What are the properties of the Gastric Fluid? How much is secreted daily ? What effect has it on the decay of substances ? 174 HITCHCOCK'S anatomy properties, or the power of preventing decay or putrefaction for a long time. These three properties, the acid, fermenta- tive, and antiseptic, are of service in the following manner. The acid assists in the solution of the different materials in the stomach. The Pepsin, which constitutes two thirds of the solid materials of the gastric juice, does its office bj es- tablishing the lactic fermentation, such as is seen in the changes through which milk passes in hot weather. The antiseptic properties are important in order to prevent putre- faction, which would be so liable to be set up among organic substances in such a condition, and at such an elevated tem- perature as the stomach usually possesses. 315. Digestion partly dependent on Chemical Action.— Thus we see that this part of digestion is mainly a chemical affair, although not entirely so : since by experiments care- fully conducted in a vial outside of the body, maintaining the same temperature and all the essential conditions of digestion, the process goes on very slowly and quite imperfectly. It was found, however, that a piece of meat did digest in a vial in nine hours and a half, while that in the stomach under precisely similar circumstances, was digested in one hour and a half 316. Digestion partly a vital Process. — Consequently to say exactly what stomach digestion is, must at present be im- possible. We can only say that it is a chemico-vital process, essentially a chemical action depending upon vital power. 317. Movements of the Stomach in Digestion. -In order to bring the food in contact with the largest amount of Gastric Fluid, the stomach, by an instinctive movement, carries its contents over the greater curve in it, frcm the right to the left, and returns it in a reverse direction, occupying about What constituent is it that is primarily essential in this process? 315. How much of the process thus far flescribecl is mainly a chemical one ? What experiment proves it ? S16. What definition can be given of Digestion ? 317. What instinctive movements doeg the stomach seem to possess? AND PHYSIOLOGY. l7o three minutes for each revolution. And in order that all of it may be permeated bj this fluid, contractions frequently take place in the muscular coat of the stomach, resembling a churning process. 318. Intestinal Digestion, Chyme. — The process thus far is Gastric Digestion, or that which takes place in the stomach, and the object accomplished seems to be the con- version of the nitrogenous constituents of the food into albu- minose called histogenetic digestion, or the preparation of the food to be made into the tissues of the body. But when all the food is thoroughly dissolved, or made into a liquid condi- tion called Chyme, the Pyloric orifice is opened, and the food passes into the Duodenum. When it arrives here — and never sooner, in a healthy state — the secretions of the Liver, Pan- creas, and mucus of the Intestine mix with it, performing the second or Intestinal digestion, which is called calorifacient or heat making, since it prepares the food which supports the heat of the body. The process, however, is somewhat obscure, aU though it is certain that food is not perfectly fitted for absorp- tion until it has well completed this process. 319. Use of the Pancreatic Fluid. — ^The Pancreatic Pluid secreted at the rate of from five to seven ounces per day, re- sembles quite closely the Saliva, converting starch into sugar, and aiding in the absorption cf fatty matters, by forming an emulsion, which, however, is much more readily formed by the presence of bile. 320. Action of the Bile, an Antacid and Excre- tory Agent. — The Bile, thrown out at the rate of fifty-four ounces a day, seems from its large quantity to be of no little importance. And since the juices of the stomach are mostly acid in their character, it seems desirable that there should be some counteracting agent, which is furnished in the 818. What 13 the principal thing accomplished by stomach digestion ? What is food called after it has passed through this process? Describe Intestinal digestion and Its use, 819. What amount of Pancreatic fluid is secreted daily ? What is its principal use ? 820. How much Bile is secreted daily? 8* 1 76 ir I T c II c o c K ' s anatomy highly alkaline character of the biliary secretion. Another use of the bile is to remove certain materials from the blood (the carbonaceous), by allowing them to pass oflf with the waste portions of the food, the liver thus performing the office of an excretory organ. The liver also seems to possess the power of forming sugar and even fat, when it is not contained in the food, thus seeming to act the part of an equilibrator in the process of blood making. And since all the blood re- turning from the small intestines passes through the liver before going to the heart, without doubt an important change is accomplished in it by the liver, although the change is as yet by no means fully understood. 321. Purposes for which Food is required. Two kinds of Materials in the Food, azotised and non-azotised. Azotised Constituents. Albumen, Fibrine, Casein, Gela- tin.— In the animal body we find that food is required for at least three purposes : First, to build up the organism at the outset, or, in other words, to secure its first growth. Second, to maintain the organism at its normal standard after its growth is complete, or to furnish material to supply the waste which is perpetually going on while life lasts. Third, to maintain the proper temperature of the system. Hence there must be at least two kinds of material contained in the food: one that will sustain and promote the growth of the tissues called histogenetic, and another that will keep up the heat of the body to a proper standard, called calorifacient. The first of these requisites is found in food containing Nitrogen, called azotised, and the other in that with no Nitrogen, called non- azotised. Of the azotised food the most important constituents are Albumen, Fibrine, Casein, and Gelatin. Albumen is fami- liarly known as the transparent portion of an egg before it is cooked, or the white of the egg after a cooking process. It ex- ists also in the blood, muscles, and bones of all animals, and is How is its alkaline character serviceable ? Wliat other processes does it accomplish ?. 821. What three purposes is food required for ? Hence what two kinds of food must ba brought into the system ? Give examples of azotised food. A N D P II Y S I O L O G Y . 1 77 coagulated or made hard and white by heat or mixture with Nitric Acid. In some parts of vegetables also, especially in the seeds and fruit, is found a substance which, from its re- semblance to animal albumen, is called vegetable albumen. Fibrine exists in the blood and muscles of animals, forming the coagulum or clot of blood, and the proper muscular sub- stance. There is also a corresponding substance in plants known as vegetable Fibrine. Casein closely resembles Albu- men in its constitution, but differs in many of its physical properties. For while Albumen is coagulated by heat, Casein is only coagulated by lactic and acetic acids. Casein is best seen in cheese. These three substances are the essential ele- ments of nutrition in mammals, and though every other prin- ciple may be supplied in the food, yet the body is insuflBciently nourished without Albumen and Fibrine. Gelatin, which exists abundantly in the cartilage of animals, is another azotised principle of food. This, however, of itself can not support life, although it can be changed into albumen, or some of its compounds by the action of the fluids of the stomach. 322. Non-azolised Constituents.— Of the non-azotised constituents of food, the Saccharine and Farinaceous and Oily, are the principal ones, although there are many others of less importance. Of the former, the principal element is starch, while the sugar is secondary or subsidiary to it, and in the latter we find an abundance of a Hydro- Carbon, or a compound of Hydrogen, Carbon, and Oxygen, and all are essential elements in combustion. 323. Is an exclusively Animal or Vegetable Diet tiio best adapted to Man? Testimony of Experience. Ex- perience of Dr. Kane.— The question then which naturally suggests itself here is, whether man is adapted to live ex- What eflfect has heat and Nitric Acitl upon Albumen ? Where is Fibrine found ? How does Casein differ from Albumen? Will Gelatin (or Jelly) of itself support life ? 822. What are examples of non-azotised kinds of food ?. 323. Is man made .to live on an ex- clusively vegetable or animal diet ? 178 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY clusively upon vegetable or animal diet. An answer cornea to us from both experience and chemistry. For while on the one hand hundreds of examples are adduced, as showing that some men have lived to a green old age in solid health, who have entirely refrained from animal diet, and many others who probably would have shortened their lives a score of years by the use of animal food, have prolonged it by adopt- ing a vegetable regimen, an equal number of cases can be mentioned to show that a mixed diet has promoted equally long and healthy lives. The geographical distribution of man, as well as the manner of life, also furnishes valuable evidence in this case. Travelers who have visited the polar regions, and pre-eminently Dr. Kane, give us undoubted testimony of the necessity of eating meat and animal fat to keep the body in health : since the low temperature not only requires a greater amount of combustive material, but this greater energy of respiration produces a more rapid waste of all the tissues of the body, requiring a more abundant supply of azotised and non-azotised material to supply the deficiency. And on the other hand experience shows^ that in tropical climates stimu- lating food and drink should be avoided, because the high temperature of the atmosphere depresses vital energy, and consequently less material for supporting animal heat is re- quired with a corresponding decrease in the waste of the body. 324. Example of the Esquimaux. — As examples of these principles one traveler among the Esquimaux relates that these people relish very heartily tallow candles as a dessert for din- ner. Another states that he has seen the Greenlanders eat from twenty to thirty pounds of blubber, or whale -fat, at one meal. This, however, was a sufiiciency of food to them for two or three days. Give the testimony of experience. Give the argninent derived from difference in climate. What kind of food is necessary to support life in polar, and what intropicaj countries? 324. State luxurious articles of diet among Esquimaux and Greenlanders. How much will a Greenlander sometimes eat ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 179 825. Voice of Chemistry.— Chemistry, however, teaches us that we can find in the vegetable world all the principles necessary to support the body without using animal food. And although the vegetable kingdom contains those elements which will support life in many instances, yet we know, as a general rule, that we find man in the highest degree of bodily and mental vigor, only when he makes use of a mixed diet. And we also find that all animals which are the most active in their habits, and rapid in their motions, are feeders upon animal flesh. There is also a race of half civil- ized savages, the Guanchos, who spend the greater part of their lives in the saddle and constantly in a state of great activity, who live almost exclusively upon animal diet, and yet are unequaled in their powers of physical endurance, and live lives fully equal to the average in duration. 326. Argument from the Teeth. — The strongest physio- logical argument in favor of a mixed diet, is found in the conformation of the teeth and alimentary canal of man. In those animals which live exclusively upon animal diet, the teeth are sharp and pointed, with a very short alimentary tube, since the nutrient portion of the food is readily absorbed by the lacteals. On the other hand, the teeth of vegetable feeding animals are smoothed upon their upper surfaces, being adapted to crush vegetable substances, and the alimentary tube very long, since the nutrient portion of vegetable food is not so readily parted with. Now in man we find neither of these apparatuses perfectly complete, but an admixture of both. Part of the human teeth are of the carnivorous or flesh eating kind, and another part of the herbivorous or vegetable eating kind : but each of them so modified, that either kind of food can be readily prepared for digestion. The alimentary canal too is intermediate between that of the carnivorous and herbivorous type, being equally well adapted 325. What does chemistry teach on this subject? How does great bodily activity affect the diet as illustrated by the Guanchos ? 326. State the argument derived from the te«th. What two kinds of teeth are found in man ? 180 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY to the digestion of animal or vegetable food, or an admixture of both. 327. Conclusions. — The kind of food which is the most perfectly adapted to the constitution of man, seems to be de- termined hy the following rules, based upon the temperature of the climate, the habits or employments of life, and the health of the individual. First. The lower the temperature the greater the amount of animal heat necessary for the support of life, which re- quires the fattest portions of the meat. Second. The more active the habits of the individual, and the greater the amount of exposure in the open air, the greater the demand for animal food. Third. If the system be suffering under inflammation of any sort, or if there be any tendency to inflammation, animal food should be used very sparingly, or entirely dispensed with. Fourth. That diet seems to be the most perfectly adapted to the human constitution in all climates and seasons, which is composed of animal and vegetable food in the proportion of one to two, or one third by weight of animal food to two thirds of vegetable food. This proportion is the basis of the diet scales of the United States and British Navies. 328. Use of the Lacteal s. — The use of the Lacteals is to absorb the Chyle or nutrient material from the contents of the intestines, and .carry it into the general circulation. The force by which this fluid is taken from the alimentary canal, is by no means understood at present, unless it be capillary ittraction. 329. The Chyle.— The Chyle is a white liquid somewhat thicker than milk, and is made up of a solution of albumen containing minute globules, or cells, which are mostly spher- ■ ^'7. What fonrconcln&ioiis arc drawn from this wHolc snlject of diet? 828. What is tb*- function of the Lacteals? What is the- force that circulates the Chyle? S29. Do.. iicri«>o the Chyle. AND PHYSIOLOGY 181 ical and about 3-o^ooth of an inch thick, and Chyle Cor- puscles, -which are simple cells about jo^o-oth of an inch in' diameter. 330. The Place where the Chyle enters the Blood. — Principle of Venturi. — As already mentioned the Chyle en- ters the blood through the left Subclavian vein of the neck. It is not, however, simply by the opening of one vessel into another that this is accomplished, but advantage is taken of the union of two currents, so that by their combined force the chyle is drawn in towards the heart. The mouth of the Pig. 187. Position of the Thoracic Duct and tho Veins of the Neck where it empties. S. V. Subclavian Vein. J. Jugular Vein. J). Thoracic Duct. Thoracic Duct, however, is provided with valves to prevent the blood from entering it, in case obstruction in the veins should occur. And " it is a physical fact that, when a small tube is inserted perpendicularly into the lower side of a hori- zontal conical pipe, in which water is flowing from the nar^ Give the size of the Chyle Corpuscles. 330. Give the description of the hydraiili« principle hy which tho chyle is drawn towards the heart 182 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 188. Illustration of the Principle of Yen- turi. "When a current passes tlirough a large tube, if another smaller tube open into its side, the current in this tube will be drawn into the large tube, even against the force of gravity. rower to the wider portion, if the vertical tube be made to dip into a vessel of water, not only will the water of the larger pipe not descend into the vessel, but it will draw up the water through the small tube so as to empty the vessel." This is called "the principle of Yenturi," and is well illustrated by the entrance of the Thoracic Duct into the Subclavian vein, as seen in the cut No. 187. A diagram illustrating the same principle is seen in Fig. 188, the arrows representing the direction of the currents, and the smaller, perpendicular tube illustrating the Thoracic duct at its entrance between the veins of the neck. 331. The Lymphatics. — The Lymphatics in general structure and function resemble the lacteals. The lacteals, however, are designed exclusively for promoting the growth of the tody by adding nutrient materials, while the lympha- tics give up to the general circulation not only useful pro- ducts, but all those which are absorbed. Hence whatever is presented to the mouths of the lymphatics, is carried into the general system, while injurious products are not usually taken up by the lacteals. (See also page 284.) 332. The Action effected by the Lymphatics. — Since the Lymphatics, as already described, are found in every Illustrate the principle of Venturi. 331. Give the general structure of the Lyaiphac tic*. State the probable differences in function between these and the Lacteals. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 183 part of the body in great numbers, and are almost constantly at work in removing the waste particles, it follows that in process of time a large part, or even the whole of the body, will be removed. And it is generally admitted that the whole body is actually renewed every few years, although the precise number can not be stated, since so many circum- stances modify the change, such as exercise, the amount of food taken, and climate, as well as other causes not so easily understood. It is, however, quite probable that the period of ten years is sufficient to complete the change in most in- dividuals, and the number is stated by some as low as seven. HYGIENIC INFERENCES. 833. 1. From the structure and functions of the Digestive Organs we can derive some hints as to the manner of pre- venting acute and chronic diseases in them. 334. Danger of Eating too much.— 2. We see that there is a great danger of eating too much. Large quantities of food distend the coats of the stomach, and give too much labor for them to perform. As a natural consequence the gastric glands are weakened from excessive action, and then indiges- tion or some other diseased action is sure to follow. And in how much better health would multitudes in the higher classes of society be kept, if some of the numerous dishes they use were omitted! And in this country the remark applies to nearly all classes. 335. We are apt to eat too many Kinds of Food. — 3. We also see that our meals are generally m^ade up of too many kinds of food. In the habits of the lower animals we dis- cover a great simplicity of diet. Even in those whose ana- tomical structure closely resembles that of man, the appetites 332. How great changes are effected in the body by the Lymphatics ? In what length of time is the body probably entirely renewed? 334.. What is the injury from eating too much ? 335. What is said about eating too many kinds of food ? 184 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY are easily satisfied bj the simplest food. Nor does man's intellectual superiority demand a greater variety in diet, all that is requisite being the materials necessary to support the growth of the different tissues. 335a. 4. It is evident that condiments and spices should be always used very sparingly^ and generally spices not at all. To be sure nature seems to indicate the want of a mode- rate supply of salt (perhaps for the juices of the stomach), but pepper, mustard, and ketchup excite the coats of the stomach to an action that is unnatural. And it seems to be a law of the system that stimulants and opiates, if used regularly, must be constantly increased in quantity, other- wise they will lose their effect, and disorder will follow. In fine, all experience seems to prove that the demands of nature for food are very simple and easily gratified ; but the appetite may be so trained as to loathe every thing of a simple and natural kind, and be satisfied only with the stimulating com- pounds of modern cookery. The law of nature, however, cannot be reversed, that he who lives in the simplest manner lives the longest, and sufiers the least from pain or disease. 336. lYc must not eat too fast. — 5. Most persons eat too fast. No time is gained on the sum total of life, by taking any from that demanded by nature for eating and digesting food. A fortune or great reputation, it is true, may some- times be gained a little quicker by using the time which the stomach rightfully claims, yet the penalty for such robbery is a shorter life, or a disease which makes life miserable. 337. The Time of Eating.— 6. We see that the time of eating shoidd not encroach upo7i the hours devoted to sleepy or those of hard labor. During sleep the brain needs quiet; but if there be any function going on such as that in the earlier stages of digestion, the brain, as a matter of necessity, Does intellectual superiority require so great a variety as is often introduced ? 835. Why arc condiments and spices to be used very sparingly? What are the demands of nature upon the appetite? How much may the appetite be perverted? 836. What danger in eating too fast ? 337. What time during the day should we eat? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 185 must labor till the process is accomplished, and as a result, dreams or imperfect trains of thought will produce that kind of sleep which cannot refresh the body. If again the time for meals precede or follow very closely upon hard labor, a law of nature is broken, and the penalty is sure to follow. The nervous energy cannot be immediately called off from the part to which it has for some time been directed (whether to the brain or the muscles), and consequently the stomach for a while must lie nearly inactive. Hence a short season of relaxation from all active exercise, whether mental or physical, just before and after meals, is very conducive to health, since in the former case the circulation is equalized, and the brain can prepare its energies to expend them on the stomach, while after meals the whole force of the nervous in- fluence is needed for a time by the digestive function before it can be directed to the muscles for exercise. Even a short time after dinner devoted to a nap promotes digestion quite rapidly, although the habit often is an inconvenient one, to say the least, since if by unavoidable circumstailces it is omit- ted for once, the person feels uncomfortable the rest of the day. 338. Danger of employing Stimulants for weak Stom- achs.— 7. We see the error and danger of a- very common practice : that when the digestive organs become iceak, and the appetite is poor^ stimulants are employed to waken the stomach to crave more food than it can digest. This only aggravates the difficulty and makes a demand for stronger stimulants, and thus often is the system prematurely worn out. Whereas, would men follow nature and when a dimin- ished appetite teaches them to eat less and give the organs an opportunity to rest, they would ere long rally and digest all that is necessary to give tone and energy to the system. To Why should not hard labor and a full meal come closely together ? How does a short nap after dinner affect digestion ? What is a serious objection to the habit? 38S. What danger results from using stimulants to help weak stomachs ? Should we eat more than the natural appetite craves ? 186 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY eat more than the stomach craves, is not the way to gain strength, but to increase weakness and shorten life. COMPARATIVE SPLANCHNOLOGY. 339. Digestive Organs of Mammals. — In many mam- mals the digestive organs in their general arrangement and construction resemble those of man. Fig. 189. Maxillary Gland. Trachea. Parotid Gland. Pharynx. ^Gullet. Colon. Caecum. Bmall Intestine. Stomach. Pancreas. Siileen. Kidneys. Colon. Abdomen. Eectum. Bladder. Digestive Apparatus of an Ape. 340. Esophagus of the Horse. — In the Horse, however, at the lower end of the Esophagus, there is a sickle-shaped 340. How does the Esophagus of the Horse differ from that of a man ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 187 fold of lining membrane, which makes it impossible for this animal to vomit. 841. Stomach of Ruminants. — Mammals, as a general rule, have very simple stomachs, and particularly those which live upon animal food. But in those herbivorous ones which chew the cud, this organ consists of four cavities, Fia. 190. Duodenam. Pylorus. The Eennet. 2d Stomach. Paunch. Stomach of the Sheep. the Ingluvies or "Paunch," the Reticulum or ''Honey Comb," the Omasum or "Many Plies," and the Abomasum Pig. 191. Gullet. Esophageal Groove. _^ Maniplies, or Third Stomach. Eennet, or Fourth Stomach, — " Duodenum. '^'M^i^^^^^^^^is, pylorus. Second Stomach. Paunch. Interior of Stomach of the Sheep. 841. What is the number of stomachs in herbivorous animals ? Give the names ci esush. 188 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Pig. 192. or «Ked." As the food enters the Inglu- vies, it is simply mixed with the fluid secreted by its coats, when it passes into the Reticu- lum, where it not only receives additional se- cretions, but is made into little ''cuds" or "pellets," which, when the animal is at rest, are returned to the mouth for the purpose of re-chewing and mix- ing with the saliva. After this process is completed, they are sent into the Omasum, which cavity seems designed to prepare the food to enter the fourth stom- ach where the true process of digestion takes place. And it is from this fourth stomach or Abomasum, that the Rennet is taken from young calves, and used by cheesemakers for the purpose of coagulating the milk. 342. Reason of this Complex Stomach. — The probable reason of such a complicated stomach in these animals is that since they have such poor means of self-defense, they need to crop their food as quickly as possible, and then retire to a safe place to masticate it. And it is also partly owing to the fact that vegetable substances require a longer process for di- gestion than does animal food. 343. Lpn Muscular Branch from the Anterior Tibial. 875. What do the common Iliac Arteries become as soon as they cross the pubis? Give tha location of the Femoral, Popliteal, Tibial, and Dorsalis Pedis Artery. A View of the Arteries on the Back of the Leg. The Muscles have been removed so as to display the Vessels in their wholo length. 1, The Popliteal Artery, cut off so as to show the Articular Arteries. 2f 214 HITCHCOCK ANATOMY each of the toes, and supplies the upper part of the foot with blood. The Posterior Tibial Artery follows upon the back side of the leg a corresponding course to the anterior tibial, and supplies the sole of the foot and toes with blood. 376. Capillaries.— The arteries just described area few only of the principal ones, since at nearly every inch of their course larger or smaller vessels are given off according to the Fig. 217. ^^P a ^^^^^s M ^^^S s Varieties of Capillaries, a, Those around Fat Cells. Aleuibrajie. d, Skin of Finger. B, In Muscle, c, In Mucous nature of the part to be supplied with blood, and, with a few exceptions, such as the one in the head (circle of Willis), they all terminate in minute vessels called Capillaries. 377. Diameter of Capillaries — Functions Performed in them. — These are minute tubes j^oth to -^oVoth of an inch in diameter, and are always the terminations of arteries. They are of a uniform size, and very regular in the distribu- 876. How do nearly all the arteries terminate? Where is the only exception ? St.ite tho diameter of the Capillaries. What of their uniformity ? 877. AND PHYSIOLOGY Fig. 218. 215 A Front View of the relative Positions of the Veins and Arteries of the Face and'rfeck. On the Eight side the Superficial Vessels are seen, and the Deep-seated ones on the Left. 1, Primitive Carotid Arteries. 2, Superior Thyroid Arteries. 3, Internal Jugular Veins. 4, External Jugular Veins. 5, A Branch known as the Anterior Jugular Vein. 6, Supc- I)erior Thyroid Veins. T, Facial Arteries. 8, Facial Veins. 9, Zygomatic Branch of the Facial Artery. 10, Nasal Branch of the Facial Vein. 11, Anastomosis of the FacirJ Artery and Vein with the Ophthalmic Artery. 12, Venous Arch above the Nose. 13, Frontal Vein. 14, Temporal Vein. 15, Temporal Artery. 16, Frontal Branches of the Temporal Artery and Vein. 17, Infr.a-Orbitar Vessels. IS, Sub-Aponeurotic Branch of the Temporal Vein. 19, 20, Venous Anastomosis around the Eye-Lids. 21, Frontal Branches of the Ophthalmic Vessels of "Willis. 10 216 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 219. tion of their branches, without any increase in their diam- eter. The only exception to this is where red blood is not re- quired for the nourishment of the parts ; as in the white of the eye, the finger nails, the tendons, etc., where the ca- pillaries are too small to allow the corpuscles of blood to pass through them. And yet in many of the capillaries we find their size to be so small that the corpuscles could not, if unyielding, pass through. But this is readily accom- plished in most cases by the flexibility of the corpuscle, which permits itself to be doubled up to such an extent that it will easily pass through a tube much smaller than its normal diameter. In the ca- pillaries the important pro- cesses of secretion, nutrition, and the production of a por- tion of animal heat take place ; so that there is no place in the whole body except the outer coat of the eye, the ten- dons, the nails, and white portions of the body gener- ally where true capillaries are not found. A Yiew of the Veins of the Trunk and Neck. ], The Descending Yena Cava. 2, The Left Yena Innominata. 3, The Eight Yena Innominata. 4, The Right Sub-Cla- vian Ycin. 5, The Internal Jugular Yein. G, The External Jugular. 7, The Anterior Jugular. 8, The Inferior Yena Cava. 9, The External Iliac Yein. 10, The Internal Iliac Yein. 11, The Primitive Iliac Yeins. 12, 12, Lumbar Yeins. 13, The Right Spermatic Yein. 14, The Left Spermatic Yein. 15, The Right Emulgent Yein. 16, The Trunk of the Hepatic Yeins. 17, The Yena Azy- gos. 18, The ITemi-Azygos. 19, A Branch communicating with the Left Renal Yein. 20, The Termination of the IIcmi-Azygos in the Yena Azygos. 21, The Superior Inter- Costal Ycin. Where are true c^ipillaries not fov.nd ? What takes place in them? AND PHYSIOLOGY 2V 878. The Veins— Their Coats— Their Yolume.— The Veins carry the blood from all parts of the body to the heart. Like the arteries, they have three coats, and the larger veins follow the same general course as the large arteries. The smaller veins, however, are much more numerous than the smaller ar- teries, and are most abundant just beneath the skin. The whole volume of the veins may be regarded as a large ©one, with the base at the surface of the body jand the apex at the heart, so that in these vessels the blood is continually flowing faster and faster, in consequence of the fluid coming into a larger channel from small extremities, while the reverse hap- pens in the arteries. The veins are much thinner in struc- ture than the arteries, so that after death they most usually collapse. (See Fig. 218, p. 215.) 379. Locatian of the larg- fig. 220. er Veins— Sinuses.— As al- l-eady mentioned, the larger veins usually lie near the larger arteries. Both also frequently have the same names. But there are sev- eral remarkable exceptions to this, as in the vessels of the brain. Here are but few veins, but several sinuses or channels. These are canals excavated in the dura mater of the brain with this mem- brane for an outer coat, and the serous layer of the true veins for an inner coat. These sinuses of the Base of the skuii. 1, mn in difierent directions on Ophthalmic Veins. 2, cavernous Sinus. . in 1 ^' Circular. 4, 6, Inferior Petrosal. 5, 9, the mSlde of the skull, and Occipital sinuses. 7, internal Jugular Vein. 8TS. What course does the blood take in the veins ? Give the coats of the veins. What is the relative proportion of small veins and small arteries ? What is said of their aggregate volnrrwe ? 379. Where are the larger veins usually found ? AVhat are Sinuses, and where are they found ? 218 HITCHCOCK'S a:nato:my most of them empty into the great veins of the neck. Their probable service is to afford a free passage of blood from the brain, even if by excess of arterial action this organ should be overcharged with blood. 380. Portal System— Use of the Portal System.— An- other apparent exception to the ordinary system of veins is seen in what is called the Portal System. This comprises those vessels which receive their blood from the intestinal canal, the stomach, and the spleen. As these small vessels unite into a larger trunk, instead of passing directly to the heart, they form what is called the Portal Vein, which emp- ties itself into the liver. This vein ramifies into every part of the liver, where the blood is again collected by a series of vessels which unite into several trunks, called the Hepatic "Veins, and which convey the blood to the heart. The design of this arrangement is not certainly known as yet, although it is probable that the blood which returns from the alimentary canal is not fitted to enter the general circulation until it has gone through some change in the liver. 381. Origin of the VpIiis — Valves— Their Discoverer. — The Veins all take their ori- gin in the capillary vessels in every part of the body except those of the stomach, and in number and length of tube greatly exceed the vessels of the arterial system. In the lining membrane of the veins, also, we find a peculiarity not presented in the arteries. This is the presence of folds, so that pouches or bags are formed, which readily suffer the flow of blood towards the Of what especial service are they? 880. Describe tho Portal System, What is the probable use of so marked an exception to the general circulating System? 381.' Where do the Veins take their origin ? What Is said of the Valves of the Veins? Fig. 221. a Vein laid open to show the Valves. Vein. &, Valves. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 219 heart, but almost entirely pre- vent its passage in an oppo- site direction. They act in the same manner as valves in machinery, although with no loss from friction, and conse- quently no necessity of a lu- bricating fluid. It was the. discovery of these valves in the veins which led Harvey, an English physician, to the greater discovery of the cir- culation of the blood. He in- ferred that the blood could pass in but one direction through the veins, and conse- quently in the opposite direc- tion through the arteries. 382. Inosculation — Use of Anastomosis. — The arter- ies and veins open into each other (i. e., their own vessels) very frequently, allowing a ready flow of blood from one vessel to the other, even if the flow does not happen to be in the most favorable direction from the center of circulation to the Fig. 22-2. The SupeiQcia 1, Axillary Artery, 2, Axillary Vein Front of Basilic Vein where the Upper Extremity, it enters the Axillary, 4, 4, Portion of the Basilic Vein which passes under the Brachial Fascia — a portion of the Vein is freed from the Fascia. 5, Point where the Median Ba^ silic joins the Basilic Vein, 6, Points to the Posterior Basilic Vein. 8, Anterior Basilic Vein, 9, Point where the Cephalic enters the Axillary Vein. 10, A portion of the samw Vein as scon under the Fascia ; the rest is freed from it. 11, Point where the Median Cephalic enters the Cephalic Vein. 12, Lower portion of the Cephalic Vein. 13, Mcdwn Cephalic Vein. 14, Median Vein. 15, Anastomosing Branch of the Deep and Superfldul Veins of the Arm. 16, Cephalica-Pollicis Vein. 17, Sub-Cutaneous Veins of the J'in- gers. 18, Sub-Cutaneous Palmar Veins, Who discovered the circulation of the blood? 220 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY ^^^* 223. extremities. This relation of parts is called Inosculation or Anastomosis. This arrange- ment gives a plentiful supply of blood to every part of the body, if, by wound or pressure, the ordinary channel of blood ,to any part should be ob- structed or completely closed up. Inosculation is most abundant in the veins and su- perficial arteries, since these are most liable to be thus im- peded. 383. The Blood — Micro- scopic Structure — Plasma or Serum — Red Corpuscles — White Corpuscles — Propor- tion of one to the other.— The blood of the human sys- tem amounts to about eighteen pounds, or nearly ten quarts. Is has a specific gravity a lit- tle greater than that of water, is of a bridit scarlet color if The Arteries and Deep-seated Veins on ^ "^ the Back of the Leg. 1, Popliteal Vein, drawu irom an artery, or dark 2, PoplitealArtcry. 8,4, Vein and Artery | -f ^^i f • in their relative Position on the Back oi tr ir "^ ) the Kncc-Joiiit. 5, Popliteal Vein on the "v^ith a tastC slightly alkaline, inner Side of the Joint. 6, Popliteal Ar- t ■• i t ^i ^ tery^vithout and beneath it. 7, Extremity and aU odor rCSemblmg that of Saphcna Minor Vein. 8, 9, Internal Ar- ticular Vessels, both Arteries and Veins. 10, 11, External Articular Vessels, both Ar- teries and Veins. 12, Junction of the Peroneal and Posterior Tibial Veins. 13, A Ven- ous Branch from the Anterior Tibial Vein. 14, A Vein from the Gastrocnemius. 15, Anterior Tibial Artery coming through the Interosseous Ligament. 16, Posterior Tibial Artery. 17, Its two Vcna3 Comites. IS, Peroneal Artery. 19, Its two Venae Comites. 20, Vessels on the Heel. SS2. What is meant by Inosculation or Anastomosis? What is the service of anasto- mosis? In what vessels is it most abundant? 383. How much blood is there in a hu- man adult? State its color and odor. A X D r II Y s I o L o a Y . Crystals from Human Blood. of the breath of the ani- ^ic^- 224 mal from which it is taken. It penetrates every solid tissue of the system, as may be known by puncturing any part of the body with even a pin, when blood is sure to follow. If it be ex- amined with a micro- scope when freshly drawn, it appears to be made up of a transparent liquid called the Serum or Plasma, and a num- ber of minute circular bodies, mostly of a red color, called corpuscles, or minute bodies. This fluid is found, on analy- sis, to be made up of water, albumen, fibrin, and several salts, some of which are found in crystals, as is seen in the cut. After it has been drawn from the body a considerable time, it separates into a thickened mass called Coagulum, made up of Pia. 225. fibrin and the corpuscles, while the serum with the albumen still remains as a transparent liquid. The Red Corpuscles prove to bo flattened discs with both surfaces slightly concave, and measuring about ^aVuth of an inch in diameter, and are in reality nothing but a cell, that is a bag or sac containing a fluid composed of the two proximate principles globuline and hematine. Besides the red corpuscles, there exists another kind in the blood known as the White or Colorless Corpus- cles. They are by no means so abundant, when the body is What is its apjjearanco imdcr the microscope ? How does it conduct itself after stand- ing a while in an open vessel ? Describe the Eed Corpuscles. Describe the White Cor- puscles. Red Corpuscles of Human Blood, a, Seen on the Surface. c, Seen in Profile. &, Seen in a Koll Magnified 400 Diameters. 222 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMT in health, a3 the red corpuscles. But in certain diseases, and especially if there be a wound in any part of the body to be healed, the white corpuscles are developed at a great rate, although their abundance ceases when the system is restored to a sound state again. Their average diameter is nearly u oV u th of an inch, and they appear to be nucleated cells. The proportion of the white to the red corpuscles in health is nearly as 1 to 346. The whole amount of blood corpuscles has been estimated as high as 65,570,000,000,000. 384. Effect of an Alternate Exposure to Oxygen and Carbonic Acid . — If the red corpuscles are alternately exposed to oxygen and carbonic acid they lose their circular form, and become corrugated or star-shaped, and finally are destroyed ; and it is calculated that millions of these corpuscles are de- stroyed at each pulsation of the heart. FUNCTIONS OF THE CIRCULATOEY SYSTEM. 385. The Main Use of tlie Blood-Vessels— The large Angle made by the Arterial Branches near the Heart. — The first and most obvious use of the blood-vessels is to allow a free and rapid passage of this fluid to every part of the body. This is evident from the smooth lining of all the ar- teries and veins, and from the fact that, with the exception of the large arteries near the heart, the vessels branch off at a small ano;le from each other, which arranoi;ement offers the least possible obstruction to the passage of the blood. In the organs near the heart, as the head and lungs, the blood would readily pass by smaller vessels and by less force of the heart in sufficient quantity. But in that case the parts of the body quite distant from the center of circulation of the blood would When are the -white ones the most abundant? State the approximate number of bloo(\ corpuscles in one individual. 3S4. What effect has an alternate exposure of oxygen and carbonic acid upon these ? How many are possibly destroyed at each pulsation of tho heart ? 385. Give the use of the arteries and veins. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 223 be imperfectly supplied. And apoplexies and congestions would be much more frequent than they now are in the vital organs, if the arteries did not branch off at nearly a right angle. 386. Why a large Amount of Arteries and Veins. — The necessity for such a large amount of arteries and veins, and thair numerous connections with each other, is evident from the great variety and extent of the tissues, and also from the great liability to obstruction from inflammations, ac- cidents, or even the ordinary compression of clothing. But arranged as these vessels are in the body, it is a very difficult thing by any mechanical means entirely to check the flow of blood to any part. But were it not for this system of ample inosculation the amputation of a portion of the body would generally produce fatal results. 387. Comparative Capacity of the Arteries and Veins. — If all the arteries in the body were to be made into a single vessel, the capacity of it would be much less than that of a similar vessel made by the union of all the veins. This dif- ference in capacity will in part result from the feebler char- acter of the forces which propel the blood through the veins than through the arteries, and consequently venous obstruc- tion could not be so easily overcome as if it were in the ar- teries ; and in order to compensate for deficiency in power, aU increased amount of tubing is provided. 388. Forces of the Arterial Circulation. — Theinquiry naturally arises. What are the forces that send the blood through the circulatory channels ? 389. Contraction of the Heart— Elasticity of the Mid- dle Coat. — In the first place the contraction of the heart is the most essential force in driving the blood outwards. This force has been estimated at thirteen pounds, though the re- Why do the arteries near the heart branch off at a largo angle? 8S6. Why Is therd 50 large an amount of arteries and veins ? 887. What is the comparative capacity of tha veins and the arteries ? 358. What are the forces of the circulation ? SS9. What is said o{ the contraction of the heart ? What is the estimate of the force that it esejta ? 10* 224 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY suit can not be relied on for perfect accuracy ; and that this is no inconsiderable force may be inferred from the great amount of resistance that is offered to this current from the ramifica- tions of the smaller arteries, whereby the velocity is increased as well as the surface of resistance. It may also be seen by wounding an artery of medium size, when the blood is sent out in jets, and sometimes to the distance of several feet. This, however, is not the whole amount of the propulsive force in the arterial system, for the middle or elastic coat as- sists by a secondary action. When the ventricle contracts, or the heart beats, the blood is driven into the aorta and its larger branches with so much force, that the middle coat yields considerably, and the artery is distended beyond its ordinary size. As soon as the contraction of the ventricle ceases, of course the blood is forced back towards the heart by the elas- ticity of the artery. But as soon as it commences to flow to- wards the heart the semi-lunar valves close at once, prevent- ing the flow in that direction, so that the whole force of the artery is expended in driving the blood towards the extremities. 390. Pressure of the Muscles. — Another power which aids in the propulsion of the arterial blood is the pressure of the muscles upon the arteries. This is effected by the en- largement which always takes place in the belly of the mus- cle whenever it is used. This is not a constant power, acting only during exercise of the muscles. 891. Forces of the Venous Circulation.— The agencies by which the blood is returned to the heart are not so well known as those just considered. The valves in the lining membrane of the veins seem to be a contrivance to supply the deficiency of power to drive the blood back. 392. Pressure of the Muscles. — The pressure of the muscles, without doubt, is another important impulse in When can the forces of the circulation in arteries be well seen? How does the mid- die coat assist in this work? Of what use are the semi-lunar valves? 890. How does the pressure of the muscles aid in the circulation? 891. How do the valves aid in the venous circulation ? 892. Does muscular pressure aid in this ? AND PHYSIOLOG"?. 225 aidinor the return of blood towards the heart. For, as in the aorta, its elasticity forces the blood, first against the semi- lunar valves and then onwards through the arteries, so the muscles, pressing upon the veins, urge the blood into the pouches or valves on their inner coat, which, preventing re- gurgitation, assist in returning it towards the heart. 393. Respiration. — Respiration is another cause that greatly aids in emptying the veins. In some persons a dis- tinct fullness or pulsation of one of the veins of the neck is noticed during each inspiration. This is produced by the partial vacuum made by the act of inhaling air ; that is, as a pressure is produced on all parts of the body by the atmos- phere, not only a rush of air is made into the mouth, but the blood is forced into the heart by the same cause. And could we examine all the large veins of the body during inspiration, without doubt we should see the blood returning rapidly in them at each inhalation of air. 394. Affinity of Venous Blood for Oxygen. -The affinity or desire of venous blood for the oxygen, and the arterial for the tissues, are important causes in the circulation, and es- pecially in the capillaries. It is a principle well known in physics, that if two fluids of different degrees of affinity for a third fluid meet each other in a capillary tube, the fluid hav- ing the strongest affinity for the third substance will either partially or wholly force out the other fluid. This takes place equally well through porous substances, membranes, or capil- lary tubes. 395. So that when pure air is present upon one side of the membrane of the lungs and venous blood on the other, the latter urges itself onward to meet the oxygen, and thus forces that which is already purified into the pulmonary vessels, and thence into the heart. 896. The same thing is seen in the capillaries of the ex- 893. How does the respiratory act aid the circulation of the blood ? 394. How does chemical affinity aid in the circulation ? 226 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY tremities, where the arterial blood, bj its affinity^ for the healthy tissues, forces along that which is already surcharged with carbonic acid into the systemic veins. 397. Forces of the whole Circulation.— The forces, then, which propel the blood through the whole system may be thus briefly summed up : 1. Contraction of the heart. 2. Elasticity of the arteries. 3. Capillary force. 4. Muscular pressure. 5. Act of inspiration. 6. Arterialization of the blood. 398. Course of the Blood through the Body. — As al- ready mentioned, the ventricles are the propelling and the auricles the receiving cavities. Hence, in tracing the course of the blood through the body, beginning with the left ven- tricle, we find the current passing through the aorta and ar- teries to all parts of the body except the lungs. As soon as it has gone through the capillaries it returns to the right au- ricle by the different veins, from which cavity it passes to the right ventricle, and thence to the lungs. After it has received its due supply of oxygen, it is received by the left auricle, from which it passes again to the whole system. The parts of this circle and their order are as follows : left ventricle, ar- teries, capillaries, veins, right auricle, right ventricle, lungs, and left auricle. Thus we see that the whole circulation in man and all mammalia follows through the body a course represented by the figure 8. 399. Relative Time Occupied by Contraction of Au- ricles and Ventricles .—The diastole or dilatation of auricles and ventricles occupies a longer period of time than the cor- responding systole, or contraction. If we divide the whole 397. Give a. synopsis of the circulatory forces. 89S. Giro tLo course taken by th» "blood as it circulates through the body. By what figure may it be represented? 899. What is the systole and diastole of the heart ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 227 Fig. 226. 3 4- ft 7 5 1 wrist, or anj other artery of the body. sounds do not corre- Auricles. "Ventricles. Diagram showing the relative Time occu- pied by the Contraction of the Auricles and Ventricles, the converging lines from left to right indicating the contraction, and the di- verging ones the dilatation. portion of time occupied by one pulsation into eight intervals, we shall find that the auricles employ only one of these in- tervals in contraction, and the remaining seven by dilatation ; while the time occupied by the contration of the ventricles is ^ ^ the same as their dilatation, as may be seen in the diagram. 400. The Sounds of the Heart— Cause of the First and Second Sound.— If the ear be applied over the heart of a healthy person, two sounds will be heard, one of which corresponds in time with the pulsation noticed at the large These spond to each other in intensity or duration, but are some- what indefinitely represented by the sounds given to the mono- syllables '' lub" and "dup;" the first a long and heavy sound, and the second a short and light one. The first sound is undoubtedly caused by the contraction of the heart, the rush of blood, and the impulse of the organ against the side of the chest ; while the second is the clicking of the semi- lunar valves as they close at the commencement of the aorta after the ventricular contraction. That the last sound is due to this cause is proved by an experiment performed on a dog, of introducing a hook through the aorta, and holding back one of these valves, when the second sound entirely failed. 401. Number of Pulsations per Minute. — The number of pulsations of the heart varies considerably at difierent pe- riods of life. Thus the following table shows the average number of pulsations each minute at different ages : Give the relative time occupied by the contraction and dilatation of the auricles and ventricles. 400. What two sounds are made at each complete pulsation of th? heart ? Give the causes of the first eound. What is the last sound owing to ? What proof of it? 228 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY New-born infant 130 to 140 During the 1st year 115 " 130 " " 2d " 100 " 115 From the 7 th to the 14th year 80 " 90 " 14th " 21st " 75 " 85 " 21st " 60th '• 70 " 75 Oldage 75 " 80 402. Causes affecting the Pulsations. — Muscular exer- tion has a considerable influence upon the rapidity of the con« traction of the heart. So also has the position of the body, whether sitting, lying, or standing. The time of day or night likewise has an important influence, the highest number of pulsations being found at noon, and the fewest at mid- night. 403. Use of the Corpuscles. — The function of the Red Corpuscles seems to be to convey oxygen to the tissues, and as this is the agent which is continually promoting the change or waste of the system, these corpuscles seem to be the great agents for disassimilating the tissues and the blood itself The colorless or white corpuscles seem to be the agents by which the repair of the body is efiected, since they are greatly aug- mented in number when there is a large wound to be healed, or when there is a great amount of internal or external in- flammation. 403a. Statistics . — In an ordinary life of a man the heart beats at least 3,000,000,000 times, and propels through the aorta one half a million tons of blood. ^ HYGIENIC INFERENCES. 404. But few Diseases of the Circulatory Organs. — 1. Though the blood-vessels are so constantly in use, and so easily excited by every muscular movement and mental emo- tion, yet they are afiected by only a few diseases, and many 401. State the number of pulsations of the heart at diflFercnt periods of life. 402. What causes modify the number of the pulsations ? 403. What is the probable business of the Kcd Corpuscles? What of the White? 404. Are there mauy diseases of the Circulatory organs? AN-D PHYSIOLOGY. 229 of these affections, which seem to be diseases of the heart, are merely sympathetic, and the difficulty lies in other organs. 405. Avoidance of sudden Efforts.— 2. But those per- sons who have a tendency to diseases of the heart, sympa- thetic or organic, should be on their guard against sudden exertions, and, to as great an extent as possible, avoid mental anxiety and alarms. Heart diseases are most common late in life, at or about sixty years of age. 406. Principal Danger from Wounds. — Treatment of Wounds of Arteries.— 3. The principal danger to be feared from these organs results from Avounds. If these are in the arteries, they require prompt attention, but if in the veins, they need scarcely ever excit3 fear. If an artery be wounded — which can always be known by the escape of blood in jets, and not a steady stream — the wound should be either closed, or the artery pressed upon between the wound and the heart with so much force as to stop the flow of blood through it. In case of any such arterial wound it will always be well to tie a bandage as tight as possible immediately over the wound, and then compress the artery as already mentioned. If the wound be on the hand or forearm, the brachial artery may be found and compressed just above the inner angle of the elbow. Or if it is desirable to compress the artery still higher up, the axillary artery may be found in the armpit, where by pressing outwards, nearly all the blood flowing to the arm may be checked. 407. Method of Checking the Blood to the Lower Ex- tremities .—4. If it is desired to check the flow of blood to the lower extremity, the popliteal artery lies directly against the femur upon the backside of the knee-jomt, where a compres- sion of it may be effected with great advantage. Nearer the heart (in the groin) the femoral artery is found, where it " 405. What should those persons predisposed to thes© diseases especially be on their js:TTard against? At what time of life are Heait diseases the most frequent? 406. How can we distinguish between the wound of a vein and that of an artery? How may ar- terial hemorrhage be most readily checked in the upper extremities ? 407. How may it bo checked iu the lower extremities ? 230 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY crosses the os innominatum lying just beneath the skin. Here an efficient compression may be made, since all the anterior part of the thigh and the whole of the leg proper, is supplied with blood from this artery. 408. 5. Except bad wounds, however, a tightly drawn band- age, directly over the wound, thoroughly wet with cold water, will check hemorrhage sufficiently, until a surgeon can be called. i COMPARATIVE ANGIOLOGY. 409. Heart of Mammals. Fig. 227, Circulation in Man. a. Eight Auricle. h. Eight Ventricle, c. Left Auricle, d. Left Ventricle, e. Aorta. / Vena Cava. g. Pulmonary Artery. h. Pulmonary Veins. ■In all mammals the heart is divided into four cavities, as in man. Its form, however, is more rounded and less elon- gated. In one species of the whale this organ is cleft in a peculiar manner, the division between the two ventricles being indicated externally by a deep fissure in its apex. In the Ox, Hog, Sheep, and Goat there are always found one or two bones in the di- visions between the ventri- cles. In most mammals it is placed more in a right Hne with the middle of the body, and not so obliquely as in man. 403. What treatment will check all ordinary hemorrhages? 409. What is peculiar m the heart of the Whale, the Ox, the Sieop, and Goat? Where is the heart located it quadrupeds ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 231 410. Aorta and Pulmonary Veins.— The manner in which the Aorta and its branches are given off varies greatly in these animals, as may be seen by the cut. The number of Pulmo- FiG. 228. D E P 23 23 2 3 7^?^ l^'fU^^'f' 1^ a b a h a h a ha hah a Dia^am of the Principal Varieties of the Aorta in its Principal Branches in a, Man ; B, Elephant c, Cetacea ; d, Bat; k, Carnivora; f. Seal; G, Ruminants; n, Eeptiles. 1, Eight Subclavian. 2, Eight Carotid. 3, Left Carotid. 4, Left Subclavian. 5, Verte- bral, a, Ascending and b Descending Aorta. nary Yeins varies upon the different sides of the body, and is generally according to the number of lobes in the lungs, the relations of the sides being represented by the formula 3 + 2. 411. Economy of Diving Animals. — In diving animals the vena cava is capable of great dilatation, in order to contain an unusual quantity of blood which accumulates there when the animal suspends respiration under water, since it can not be purified except in the lungs. Still further protection to the heart in diving animals is seen in the vena cava ascendens, where a circular muscle, by its contraction, can completely cut off the flow of blood to the heart Fig. 229. from the lower extremities. 412. Blood Corpuscles of Mammals — Wonder Nets. — The blood of mammals, for the most part, presents small round, disc-shaped corpuscles, similar to, but smaller than those in man. This is especially tt M c^ B A Eed Corpuscles of the Or. A, In their Natural State, a, Seen in Profile. &, Seen on the Surface. B, Altered Corpuscles. 410. What is peculiar about the aorta and pulmonary veins in many mammals ? 411, What is the arrangement of the vena in diving animals ? 232 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 230. true of ruminants. The largest animals, such as the elephant, have very small corpuscles. In some of the camels and llamas the corpuscles are large and somewhat elongated. The same is true of the dromedary. Crystalline substances are found in the blood of other mammals as well as man. The an- nexed cut shows crystals from the blood of the Guinea pig. The distribution ot the arteries of quadru- peds is a subject of con- siderable interest. In grazing animals, which Blood Crystals of the Guinea Pig. hold their heads loW, in addition to large arterial trunks, we find a great number of very small ones, which are exceedingly tortuous in their course, called "Wonder Nets." This arrangement is to prevent a too rapid flow of blood to the head by the force of gravity, which would of necessity take place when the head is so constantly in a dependent position. A similar disposition is seen in the limbs of the sloth and other animals which are like them in tardiness of movement. In the fore-leg of the lion, where great muscular force is exerted, the main artery passes through a perforation in the bone, so as to secure it from obstruction to the flow of blood by pressure of the rigid muscles. 413. Heart of Birds. — The heart of birds is highly mus- cular and of very large size in proportion to the bulk of the body, and in general structure resembles the same organ in mammals. The valves of the right ventricles, however, are supplied with a strong band of muscular fibers, which gives 412. What is peculiar about the blood discs or corpuscles of the larger animals? "What is the form of nearly all of them ? In what animals ar c they oval ? What are Wonder Nets, and why are they introduced? 413. What is worthy of note with refer- ence to the heart of birds ? AND PHYSIOLOGY 233 additional impulse to the blood as it is forced into the pulmo- nary arteries The need of this arrangement is to give a full supply of blood to the lungs, which the ordinary powers of the heart could not effect. Fig. 231. as cl Arterial System of a Bird. Arteries of the Grebe, a. Aorta, am, One of its large Branches. It gives off the Carotid {ac) and Subclavian, is ultimately distributed to the muscles of the chest, and corresponds to the mammary arteries of mammals, av. One of the Branches of the Vertebral Artery supplying the Muscles of the Shoulder, ce, Arterial Loops formed by the Branches of the External Carotid, al. Lingual Artery, t, Trachea, or wind-pipe. ar, Eenal Arteries, ai, Ischiatic Artery proceeding to the lower extremities, as, Sac- ral Artery, forming a continuation of the Aorta, and giving origin to the Inferior Mesen- teric Artery, etc. cl. The Cloaca. Why do the valves have aa especial muscle ? 234 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 414. Arteries— Wonder i^ets. — The trunk of the aorta is very short, and after giving arteries to supply the heart it di- vides at once into two large branches, quite unlike the con- formation in mammalia. Wonder nets, too, are often found in birds, and especially in those arteries supplying the brain, eyes and legs. Fig. 232. 415. Blood. — The blood of birds has the highest tem- perature of the vertebrate animals— 110° F. The blood cells, or corpuscles, are al- ways of an elliptical form and of a very uniform diameter. 416. Heart of Reptiles.— The heart of reptiles ordinarily consists of a single ventricle, Tig. 233. Pig. 234. ® (D Pigeon's Blood (red) Corpuscles Magni- fied 400 Diameters. A, In Natural State. B, Altered by Acetic Acid. Blood Corpuscles of the Frog, 400 Diameters. A, In Serum, a, Fully Developed. l>, Nucleus with clear contents. or propelling cavity, and two auri- cles, or receiving cavities, so that Circulation in Reptiles, a, Heart, the pure blood is mixcd with tho fc, Ventricle, c, c, Auricles. impure (or a portiou of it) as it comes from the lungs, which accounts in part for the general sluggishness of these animals. The blood corpuscles of rep- tiles are large and oval, as may be seen in Fig. 234. 414. Into how many branches does the aorta at once divide ? Where are wonder nets found in birds? 415. Wiiat is said of tho temperature of birds? What of blood-cells ? 416. Describe the heart of reptiles. What is the effect upon the blood? What is tho size of their blood-vessels ? AND PHYSIOLOGY 235 417. Blood- Vessels. —The arrangement of Blood- Vessels is very diverse, since one portion of them breathe bj gills and another b j lungs, while frogs in their early condition are fur- FiG. 235. Carotid /Artery. Arches of the Aorta. Left Auricle. Ventricle of the Heart. Pulmonary Vein. Brachial Artery. Pulmonary Artery. Pulmonary Artery. Inferior Vena Cava. Liver and Vena Portfe. Kidneys. Ventral Aorta. Intestines. Circulatory Apparatus in the Lizard. 417. "Why are blood-vossels arranged differently In many of the reptiles ? 236 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY nished with the former, but in adult age, after passing through a metamorphosis, have the latter system of respiratory vessels. 418. Heart of Crocodile. — Crocodiles and turtles ex- hibit the most perfect form of heart, for it agrees essentisilly with that of mammals, as may be seen in Figs. 236 and 237. But there is a small opening just at the outlet of the two ventricles, so that the pure and impure blood is mixed. 419. Portal System. - Reptiles have a double Portal System, one set of vessels supplying the kidneys and another the liver. 420. Lymphatic Hearts.— Many reptiles have small sac- like organs lying just beneath the skin in certain portions of the body, which, from their containing lymph and showing Fig. 23T. i Pulmonary Artery. Pulmonary Vein. Heart of Crocodile, v. Veins, ao, Eight Auricle, vt Ventricles, ap, Pulmonary Arteries, a, A Vessel proceeding from the Ventricle to the Aorta, off, Left Auricle. Pulmonary Artery.^ Pulmonary Vein. - Eight Auricle. Vena Cava. Left Arch of the Aorta. Eight Aorta. Left Auricle. Single Ventricle. Ventral Aorta. Heart of the Turtle. pulsations, are called Lymphatic Hearts. In the Frog, two such hearts are situated on the back of the animal, between the joints of the thigh bones. 41S. What animals of this class have the most perfect furm of a heart? 419. What kind of a portal system tlo wo find among reptiles? 420 Describe lymphatic hearts. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 23? 421. Heart of Fishes. — The heart consists of one auricle and one ventricle, which are covered bj a pericardium, and the whole organ is very small in proportion to the size of the whole body, being from 4 ^ o^h to ToVoth its weight. In the osseous fishes the heart is elongated and conical, while in the Sharks and Rays it is broader. The ventricle dis- charges its blood through the aortic trunk upon the gills. This trunk divides up into a large number of minute branches which ramify upon the gills, and after the blood has received its oxygen from the water, it is collected by a corresponding set of ves- sels, and emptied into another trunk which supplies all the rest of the body — which trunk corresponds to the aorta — thouorh it has no muscular power to propel the blood along. After it has performed its office it is collected by a system of vessels similar to veins, and returned to the auricle. 422. Pulsations in a Minute.— Commonly not more than twenty or thirty beats in a minute may be counted in fishes, 'Avhile in birds one hundred may be counted in the same time. 423. Portal Circulation. —In fishes, as in reptiles, there seems to be a double portal circulation. Circulation In Fishes, a, Heart, b, Auricle, c, Ventricle. d. Circulation through the Gills, or Lesser Circulation. g, Circulation through the Body, or Greater Circulation, e, Arteries, f, Veins. 421. Why is the heart of the osseous fillies called a branchial heart ? What proportion of the body does it constitute ? Give the course of circulation. 422. What number of pulsations can be counted in the heart of fishes, and what number in birds? 238 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 239. Branchial Artery. Arterial Bulb.^ \ Ventricle of the Heart. Auricle of the Heart. Venous Sinus, Vena Portae, Liver, «fec. Intestine. Vena Cava. — Branchial Vessels^ Dorsal Artery. Kidneys. Dorsal Artery, tit Aorta. Circulating Apparatus of the Fish. 424. Accessory Hearts— Caudal Heart. — Among many fishes are found wbat are termed Accessory Hearts, or small muscular organs which seem to aid in the propulsion of blood through the different parts of the body. Thus, in the myxine, the portal vein is distended into a large sac, which expands and contracts alternately; and in eels there is found upon 424. What are tha accessory hearts of fishes ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 239 both sides of the last caudal vertebra a pulsating organ which receives the blood from the delicate veins of the caudal fin, and propels it into the caudal vein, this constituting a true caudal heart. 425. Fishes' Blood.— The blood of fishes, almost without exception, is of a red color, and contains oval and slightly bi-convex corpuscles. In one family they are distinguished by their great size, and thus resemble those of frogs ; but other families have smaller ones. Fig. 241. Smaller Circulation. Fig. 240. Blood Corpuscles of a, Lamprey Eel ; h. Skate. Branchlo-Cardiac Canals. Heart. Arteries. Greater Circulation. Diagram of the Circulation in Fishes. 426. Dorsal Vessel, or Heart of Articulates. — In ar- ticulata, a vessel or tube passes along the back of the body — behind the intestines and in front of the chaui of ganglia — called the Dorsal Vessel, which is divided into as many por- tions as there are segments of the body. This is really the What peculiarity in the taU of the eel ? 425. What is the color of fishes' blood, and what are its corpsucles? 426. What is the Dorsal Vessel of articulates? 11 240 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Circulatory Apparatus in the Lobster, a, The Heart. 6, Ophthalmic Artery, c, An- tennar Artery, c?, Hepatic Artery, e, Abdominal Artery. ^ Sternal Artery, gr, Venous Sinuses, h, Branchiae. heart of the animal, since by the contraction of its coats the blood or contained fluid is forced along. Small arteries are given off from this dorsal vessel all along its course. This Fig. 243. Circulation in Insects, a, Dorsal Vessel. J, Principal Lateral Currents. The Arrowa show the direction of the Fluid. plan, however, is seldom completely carried out, but is most fully exemplified in the class of insects which is partly ex- hibited in Fig. 243. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 241 427. Ventral Trunk . — The blood which is driven forwards by this dorsal vessel is collected by a set of vessels which unite into a large tube called the Ventral vessel, or trunk, which returns it to the posterior part of the body. 428. Blood of Articulates. — This fluid called blood is a thin liquid, yellowish brown, red, green^ or even colorless, and never containing corpuscles ; and the only reason why it is called blood is, that it circulates like the blood of the higher animals. 429. Cliylaqueous Fluid. — But besides this fluid there is another found in the general or abdominal cavity of the body, which, though not contained in organs expressly designed for its circulation, yet is rapidly carried thiough the body by means of the motion of the different segments of the animal, which in many of this order is incessant. This fluid, unlike the true blood, is rich in corpuscles and easily coagulated, which gives it one of the essential characteristics of true blood in the higher animals. It, however, must probably be re- garded as the cylaqueous fluid of many of the lower verte- brata. Scorpions have arteries and veins. 430. Heart and Blood Fig. 244. of Crustacea.— Amongthe crustaceans, such as the crab ^ and lobster, we find a vessel ^ much shorter than the dorsal vessel of most articulata, -^ — ^^ B which resembles a heart from Blood Corpuscles of tlie Crab. A, Granule j.t i? J. J.U X 'i. • 1 Cells. B, Nucleated Cells. the fact that it is a propel- ling organ and has muscular fibers in its coats. The blood in these animals is of a whitish or purple color, and the pulsa- tions of the heart vary in number from fifty-one to two hun- dred per minute. 427. How Is the blood returned that Is circulated hy the dorsal heart f 42S. Describe the blood of articulates. 429. What other fluid is found in these animals ? 430, What la eaid of the heart and blood of the crab and lobster ? 242 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 431. Circulation in Molluscs. — The higher orders of molluscs show a system of circulating vessels which seem to be arteries and veins, witli a central vessel answering to a heart. There is usually a ventricle corresponding to the right ventricle in man, to send the blood to the respiratory organ. There is also another cavity which corresponds some- FiG. 245. Anatomy of the Snail, a, Mouth. &, Foot. (Z, Lung, e, Stomach. /Intestine, g^ Liver, h, Heart, i, Aorta, j. Gastric Artery. I, Hej»atic Artery, k. Artery of the Foot, m, Abdominal Cavity, n, Canal conveying the Blood to the Lungs, o, Vessel carrying Blood from Lung to Heart. what to an auricle, which receives the blood as it enters the heart. But with the exception of the vessels carrying blood to the gills, there are few separate tubes for carrying this fluid through the body, it being left to circulate by imbi- bition, or it is effected by means of the lacunar spaces. Fig. 245. 432. Blood of Molluscs.— The blood of these animals is generally destitute of corpuscles, and is sometimes colorless, though often white, brown, red, or green. 433. Contractions of the Heart. — The heart does not 431. What are the circulatory vessels in molluscs ? Ho-w is most of the fluid circu- lated ? 432. What of the blood of molluscs ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 243 expand and contract regularly, but in a spiral, screw-like manner, like the peristaltic motion of the intestines. 434. Circulation in the Radiata and Ppotozoa. — In a few polyps a vascular system is quite obvious, and may be inferred in them all. The blood is colorless, and has white corpuscles. In the Acalephae there exists a circulating fluid, which is thought by Agassiz and Dana to be merely water, intended to subserve the purposes of respiration rather than nutrition. The Echinoderms have one heart, and sometimes more. The Infusoria have pulsatory cavities, but no system of circulation. 433. How does the heart pulsate? 434, What is the plan of circulation among the radiate animals ? CHAPTER FIFTH PNEUMONOLOGY, OR HISTORY OF THE ORGANS OF BREATHING. —THE RESPIRATORY, VOCAL, AND CALORIFIC ORGANS. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 435. Location of Respiratory Organs. — Sympatliy be- tween the Heart and Lungs. — Within the thorax are con- tained not only the central organs of circulation, but other organs closely related, and connected with them, the Respira- Veln of the Arm. Eight Lung. Fig. 246. Vj t Tj \ u Artery of the Arm. Vein of the Ana. Left Lung. vc vd a vg Lungs, Heart, and Principal Vessels in Man. od. Eight Auricle, vd. Right Ventricle, "cg. Left Ventricle, a. Aorta, ae. Carotid Arteries, uc. Vena Cava. t. Trachea, ty, Jugular Veins. 435. What organs are contained in the thorax? What is said of the sympathy be- tween the respiratory and circulatory organs? ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 245 torj. These are not only related by position, but are mutu- ally dependent on each other for their action. Thus, if severe disease affect the heart, the lungs are very apt by imperfectly or irregularly performing their offices, to show their sym- pathy. In like manner, if the lungs exhibit disease, sooner or later the heart is sure to manifest its sympathy with its suffering neighbors. 436. The Lungs, their Shape, their Color, Lobes of the Right Lung, Capacity of the Right Lung, Amount of Fig. 247. A View of the Bronchia and Blood-Vessels of the Lungs as sho-\vn by Dissection, as well as the relative Position of the Lungs to the Heart. 1, End of the Left Au- ricle of the Heart. 2, The Eight Auricle. -3, The Left Ventricle with its Vessels. 4, The Eight Ventricle with its Vessels. 5, The Pulmonary Artery. G, Arch of the Aorta. 7, Superior Vena Cava. 8, Arteria Innominata. 9, Left Primitive Carotid Artery. 10, Left Sub-Clavian Artery. 11, The Trachea. 12, The Larynx. 13, Up per Lobe of the Eight Lung. 14, Upper Lobe of the Left Lung. 15, Trunk of the Eight Pulmonary Artery. 16, Lower Lobes of the Lungs. The Distribution of the Bronchia and of the Arteries and Veins, as well as some of the Air-Cells of the Lungs, arc also shown in this dissection. 246 HITCHCOCK'S AI«rAT03IY Blood ill eacli Lung. — The essential organs of respiration are the Lungs. These are light solids, two in number, and occupj nearly four fifths of the cavity of the chest. They Fig. 248. An Anterior Yiew of the Thoracic Viscera in Situ, as shown by the Eemoval of their Anterior Parietes. 1, Superior Lobe of the Eight Lung. 2, Its Middle Lobe. 3, Its Inferior Lobe. 4, 4, Lobular Fissures. 5, 5, Internal Layer of the Costal Pleura form- ing the Right Side of the Anterior Mediastinum. 6, 6, The Eight Diaphragmatic Por- tion of the Pleura Costalis. 7, 7, The Eight Pleura Costalis on the Eibs. 8, Superior Lobe on the Left Lung. 9, Its Inferior Lobe. 10, 10, Interlobular Fissures. 11, The Portion of the Pleura Costalis which forms the Left Side of the Anterior Mediastinum. 12, The Left Diaphragmatic Portion of the Pleura Costalis. 13, Left Pleura Costalis. 14, 14, The Middle Space between the Pleura), known as the Anterior Mediastinum. 15, The Pericardium. IC, Fibrous Partition over which the Pleurae are reflected. 17 Tlie Tracliea. IS, Thyroid Gland. 19, Anterior Portion of the Thyroid Cartilage. 20 Primitive Carotid Artery. 21, Subclavian Vein. 22, Internal Jugular Vein. 23, Bra* chio-Cephalic Vein. 24, Abdominal Aorta. 25, Xiphoid Cartilage. 436. What are the Lungs 1 AND PHYSIOLOGY. 247 are of a conical shape, the apex pointing upwards, the hase resting on the Diaphragm, of a pinkish gray color, frequentlj dotted with black spots, and divided by a deep fissure into two lobes. The right lung is shorter in its long diameter than the left, on account of the liver which raises the right side of the diaphragm higher than the left. The right lung is subdivided again, so that it is really made up of three lobes instead of two. It has also a larger capacity than the left, since the position of the heart, considerably upon the left side of the median line of the body, occupies a portion of the left thorax. Each of the lungs ordinarily contains a pint of blood. 437. Lobules of tlie Lungs. — A closer examination of the lungs shows them to be made up of small bodies called Lung- lets. These are from 4Vth to y 2 th of an inch in diameter, and of a conical or pyramidal shape. They are much more clearly defined in small children than in adults. Fig. 249, by the Fig. 249. f cl Jt A Lunglet with a Section of a Bronchial Tube, o, Bronchus, 5 and c, Vessels .[ Y pass through small bodies, varying in size from a mustaixl-seccl to a pea, which are called lymphatic glands, whose design is not yet clearly understood. They then pass upwards towards the heart as already mentioned, those of the left side of the body emptying themselves through the thoracic duct, while those of the right side enter a tube running parallel to this, called the Ki^ht Lymphatic Duct. i5, Fig. 2T7. Fig. 278. A Front View of the Femoral, Iliac, and Aortic Lymphatic Vessels and Glands. 1, Sa- phena Magna Vein. 2, External Iliac Artery and Vein. 8, Primitive Iliac Artery and Vein. 4, The Aorta. 5, Ascending Vena Cava. 6, 7, Lymphatics which are alongside of the Saphena Vein on the Thigh. 8, Lower Set of Inguinal Lymphatic Glands which receive these Vessels. 9, Superior Set of Inguinal Lymphatic Glands which receive thes9 Vessels. 10, The Chain of Lymphatics in Front of the External Iliac Vessels. 11, Lym- phatics which accompany the Circumflex Iliac Vessels. 12, Lumbar and Aortic Lym- phatics. 13, Afferent Tnmks of the Lumbar Glands, forming the Origin of the Thoracic Duct. 14, Thoracic Duct at Its commencement. 501. Describe the lymphatic glands. What is the right lymphatic duct?' AND PHYSIOLOGY. 287 Ly Lymphatics — Effect of Fig. 279. 502. Material Absorbed Various Substances Ap- plied to tlie Slfin— Nutri- ment Sometimes Intro- duced through the Sldn — Thirst Quenched by Wet Clothes. — These vessels not only remove useless particles, but absorb substances applied to the skin, although some maintain that this U done by the veins alone. And this is sometimes an effective method of administering medicines Tvhich it is not expedient to introduce through the mouth and nostrils, thus producing a desired effect upon the cir- culatory and venous systems without offending, or in any manner affecting the senses or feelings of the person taking the medicine. For instance, spirits of turpentine rubbed upon the hands of many per- sons, and green leaves of to- bacco placed upon the ab- domen, will often produce A Front View of tlie Deep-seated Lym- phatics of the Thigh. 1, Lower End of the Aorta. 2, Primitive Iliac Vein. 3, 4, Ex- ternal Iliac Artery and Vein. 5, Femoral Artery. 6, Section of the Femoral Vein. T. Vena Saphena on the Leg. 8, Lymphatics near the Knee. 9, Lymphatics accompanj- ing the Femoral Vessels. 10, Deep Lymphatics going from the inside of the Thigh to the Glands in the Groin. 11, Lymphatics of the External Circumflex Vessels. 12, Lym- phatics on the outer side of the Femoral Vessels. 13, A Lymphatic Gland always found outside of the Vessels. 14, A collection of Vessels and Glands from the Internal Iliac Vessels. 15, The Lymphatics of the Primitive Iliac Vessels. 502. What do the lymphatics absorb ? What value of this fact at times ? Give a com- mon effoct of tobacco and turpentine rubbed npon the skin. 13 ^88 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY distressing sickness. Mercury, too, rubbed vigorously upon iilmost any part of the skin, -will in a short time produce sali- vation, because the minute globules of this metal are forced through the pores of the skin, and are absorbed by the lym- phatics. In some cases where disease has so affected the mouth or passage to the stomach as to prevent the intro- duction of food, life has been maintained for a considerable time by nutriment introduced through the skin, by means of a bath of warm milk. Shipwrecked sailors in an open boat and deprived of fresh water, can for some time partly assuage their tliirst by wetting their clothes with salt water, or better still, by a thorough wetting during a rain storm. 503. Poisons Introduced throi]gli the Skin by llie Lym- phatics.— The poisoning vrhich frequently occurs from the contact of the skin with sumach or ivy, is owing to the ab- sorption of poisonous influence by these vessels. Animal poi- sons, too, such as the venom of mad dogs, serpents, and in- sects, are introduced to the general system by the lymphatics. 504. Pi'csrrare Increases their Action.— Pressure greatly increases the action of the lymphatic vessels. This is seen in a broken limb which has been tightly bandaged, when the muscles become very small from the removal of the tissue by the excessive action of the lymphatics. 505. Venous Absorption — Radicles.— Besides lymphat- ics, the small veins perform the function of absorption. It is easily seen that these can perform the same office as the lym- phatics, since both of them carry their fluids to the heart for purification, and no other use is made of them on their way thither. These radicles, or small veins, perform a very im- portant function in the stomach by the rapid absorption of the watery portion of all liquids, and its conveyance to the gen- l3 nntriinont ever convcyerl into tho systom In this vray ? Can thirst bo quenched in tlli3^vay? 5:3. Do thi; lymphatics ever introduce poison into the system? 504. Ilo^r docs pressure affect tho action of lymphatics? What example of it? 505. What is said of absorption bj^ the veins? What important service do the radicles perform in tha stomach ? - AND PnYSIOLOGT. 289 eral circulation without passing through the circuitous course taken bj the food. 50G. Effect of Moisture upon tlie Lymphatics.— Moist- ure stimulates these absorbent vessels to a morbidly vigorous action. Hence a person surrounded hy a moist atmosphere or immersed in water itself, will acquire additional weight. And as an excessive use of the eliminating organs of the sys- tem is injurious, locations for houses should be selected as far as possible on dry places, and not on wet or low land where heavy fresh water fogs prevail. For the same reason damp clothing injures the body, because it unduly stimulates the lymphatics. 507. Amount of Matter taken up by the Absorbents.— The amount of Chyle and Lymph poured into the blood by the lymphatics and radicles is about one third of the whole amount in the body. ORGANS OF SECEETION. 508. Follicles and Glands.— Character of Secretions.— Size of Follicles. — The organs which perform the office of secretion in the body are Follicles and Grlands. The former of these are small bodies in the form of sacs or tubes, exist- ing for the most part in the skin and mucous membrane, one end of which opens upon the surface of the membrane, for the discharge of its secretion. The secretion poured from these varies in consistency from the thick wax of the ear, to the limpid juice of the stomach. The follicles vary also in size from tubes perceptible to the naked eye down to«those ^Vth of an inch in diameter. 509. Glands.— The Glands are soft solids of various sizes (the liver the largest) made up of lobules or small bodies of 606. How does moisture affect the lymphatic action ? How do damp clothes injure tha ■wearer ? 507. What is the amount of matter taken up hy the absorbents ? 508. What Is the anatomy of the follicles? Of what character U their secretion? What la their size ? 509. What ia a gland ? 290 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 280. Iiilunuc btiucLiitc of -x Giind (the Parotid). minute proportions, each of which has an artery, a vein, and a duct to carry away the secretion. These ducts unite with one another, until they form one tube called the principal outlet of the organ. In some glands these lobules are quite Fig. 281. Aorta. Thoracic Canal. Lymphatic Ganglions. ( Eadicles of the Chyliferous ••■'' I Vessels. — Intestine. Lymphatic Vtssels. Mesentery. Chyliferous Vessels. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 291 large — one fourth of an inch in diameter — while frequently they are nearly the size of a niustaid seed. The color is also various. That of the liver is a dark red, the pancreas of a pale white or gray, the little gland in the inner angle of the eye pink, and the kidneys a reddish yellow. 510. F u 11 c t i 0 n 0 f S e c r e 1 1 0 n . —The function performed by these vessels is an exceedingly curious, and not easily ex- plained phenomenon. For from the blood are eliminated by the various secretory organs, bile, saliva, perspiration, tears, etc., none of which exist there as such^ but they seem to be formed from the chemical elements in the blood by the glands themselves. 511. Effect of the Emotions upon the Secretions.— The mental emotions greatly affect the secretions. A -person in fear is often covered with a cold perspiration, and in some persons in the same situation the salivary glands cease to act. On the other hand the thought of savory food has been known to cause the saliva to issue in a jet from the sides of the mouth. 512. Reserve Glands. — Some glands also act only on parti- cular occasions, as in the case of a broken bone, or cut in the flesh, when the appropriate vessels set themselves at work to repair the injury. 513. Secretion after Death. — Certain secretions are con- tinued for a time after the death of the individual. Thus it has been observed that the hair and nails grow considerably after death, provided the disease was a rapid one, so that the system was not reduced by loss or degeneracy of the blood and nervous system. It is also related that in dissecting the poison apparatus of a rattle-snake, the poison was secreted so Give the minute anatomy of the glands. Describe their ducts. Mention their various colors. 510. What is the use of the glands ? Do the secretions exist ready formed in the blood? 511. What is the effect of the feelings upon secretion ? Give an example. 512, What is said of reserve glands? 513. What is said of secretions continuing some time after death ? Give an esamijle. 292 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY fast that it was necessary to dry it off occasionally during the dissection. 514. Yi carious Secretion. — ^Another curious phenomenon connected with this subject is vicarious secretion, where one organ performs the whole or part of the office of another. This is often seen in the function of the lungs and liver, where one imperfectly performing its office, is aided by the other. This vicarious secretion is still more apparent between the liver and skin. For in the disease known as Jaundice, where some obstruction is offered to the passage or secretion of the bile, it is poured out by the skin, coloring it deeply yellow, and in some instances it has been known to stain the linen, which is worn next the skin, perceptibly yellow. 515. Ductless Glands. — In connection with this subject it is proper to mention a class of organs known as Ductless Glands, or bodies which have the form and general structure of glands, but no duct or outlet, and form no secretion, as do the true glands. These are the Spleen, the Tliymus and Thyroid Glands, and the Supra Renal Bodies. Of these only the former will be described here, since the latter are most perfectly developed during the earliest, or fetal stage of exist- ence. 516. The Spleen. — The Spleen measures in different indi- viduals from four to six inches in its longest diameter, and is situated under the left extremity of the stomach. (Fig. 282, p. 293.) It is of a reddish blue color, convex on its external, and concave on its internal surface. It is very abundantly supplied with blood-vessels, and consequently vascular or spongy in its structure. (Fig. 283, p. 293.) Upon a close inspection it is found to be made up of corpuscles from one third to one sixth of a line in diameter, each of which is com- posed of nucleated cells about 5 aVoth of an inch in diam- eter. (Fig. 284, p. 293.) 514. State the principle of vicarious secretion. What remarlcablc facts in this connec- tion about j.annclicc? 515. Describe the ductless glands. What are their names? At what period of life arc they the most fully developed ? 516. Describe the spleen. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 293 Fig. 282. Fio;. 283. Sliows tho Internal Face of tlic tiplcen Section of tLe Spleen. whero it touches the Stomach. 1, Supe- rior Extremity. 2, Inferior Extremitj^ 3, Posterior Part of the Concave Fr.ce. 4, An- terior Part of the same. 5, Fissure of the Spleen. G, Splonic ArtorJ^ 7, Splenic A'ein. 8, 8, Anterior Edge of the Spleen. 9, 9, Its Posterior Edge. Fig. 284. Section of the Spleen magnified. 294 HITCHCOCK'S AXATOMY 517. Function of this Organ.— Produces and Destroys the Red Blood Corpuscles.— As already stated there is no duct or outlet to this organ, or evidence of any secretion out- FiG. 285. Small Portion of the Spleen very highly magnified, showing two corpuscles and the minute Blood- Vessels. ward. But the idea has occurred to physiologists, though with no positive proof as yet, that a kind of secretion is pro- duced by the spleen which is poured directly into the blood, and consequently there is no necessity for any outlet. And again experiments have been carried so far as to give plausi- bility to the idea, that this organ is designed to 'produce hlood cojyicsc^es, and at the same time use up those that are 517. Of -what use is the spleen? What is said of it as an organ for producing blood corpuscles ? AND PHYSIOLOGY, 295 no longer of service to the body. Certain it is that no other organ in the body has as yet been discovered which subserves this purpose, and equally certain that in cases, where large wounds are to be healed, and in certain other conditions of the body, the white corpuscles are greatly increased in num- ber. 518. The Skin. — Among those organs whose offices are those of absorption and secretion, the Skin finds a prominent place. 519. Made up of Three Membranes. — This is a membrane simple in its general aspect, but under the microscope it is found to be composed of no less than three distinct layers : the Epidermis, Basement Membrane, and Corium. It covers every part of the body, except the portion immediately sur- rounding the various orifices, and those portions of the ex- tremities covered by the nails. It is highly elastic, as may be seen by the gaping of a long gash, and possesses a certain amount of contractility, owing to some muscular fibers con- tained in it. 520. Papilla;; their Size. — Upon several portions of the body the skin is roughened by small protuberances, either arranged in a circular form, or in rows, which are supplied w^ith one or more loops of nerves. These are termed Fig. 286. Papillaj, and are found most abundantly in the extremi- ties, and especially upon the palms of the hand and soles '^^^MIHW^mM^B of the foot. They vary in ^M^^S^^m^. height from s^rd to ^Vd of a fdi in difierent parts of the body. ^^.^ PapillEB from Palm of the Hand, magni- Ime, bemg of different lengths fied tinrty-fivo times. 519. Of what three membranes is the skin made up? State their general proper- tics. 520. What are the papillse ? Where are they found in the greatest numbers? Stat© their siza 18* 296 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 521. Epidermis or Cuticle; Has no Vitality.— Pigment Cells. — Composition of Pigmcnt-Celh. — The outer layer of the skin is called the Cuticle or Epidermis, and bears the same relation to the true skin, that the outer bark of the tree does to the inner. In thickness it varies considerably in the different parts of the body. It is tt J o-th of an inch thick on the chin, cheeks and brows, and y^ th to ^th of an inch thick on the soles of the foot. It is merely a layer of albumen — FiG. 287. Frj. 288. Vertical Section of Epidermis from a Negro, o, Deep Cells loaded ^vith Pig- ment. &, Cells more clev.ated and some- ■n-hat flattened, c, Scaly Cells at the Sur- face. Highly magnified Pigment-Cells. A. Scales of the Epidermis filled with Pig- ment Cells which are seen separate at &. B. Pigment Cells from the Choroid Coat of the Eye. the same substance as the white of an egg — and is secreted by the true skin, in the form of scales, which are closely compacted together, and it is in this form that they are de- tached from the body by washing and friction. In some cases, however, it is detached in large patches, so that after certain skin diseases have run their career, the whole epider- mis of the hand with the nails adherent may be removed in the manner of a glove. The epidermis contains no blood- vessels or nerves, and consequently no vitality, it being merely a secretion which hardens into a semi-transparent membrane. A part of the cells of the true skin, however, instead of se- creting the epidermis, produce what are termed the Pigment 521. Describe the epidermis. To what does it correspond in the tree? State its thick- ness and chemical composition. What vessels and what cells docs it contain? ,Wher« are tho pigment cells shown ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 297 Cells, Tvhich give color to the skin. These cells are best ex-- hibited in the eje where the pigmentum nigrum (black paint) is secreted, and are of the same kind with those in the epi- dermis. The J r.ro oval or rounded granules, measuring •Tou- TTuth of an inch in diameter, and one quarter of this in thickness, sometimes presenting a polygonal or stellate form. They have nearly the same composition as the coloring matter of the cuttle-fish, which contains a much larger proportion of carbon than is contained in most organic substances, namely 58} parts in bundred. The development of tbese cells de- pends mainly upon exposure to the sun's light. Hence v>-3 see that persons with a fair skin become of a darker hue, iF exposed to the strong and direct light of the sun. 522. Tlic Nails; Mode of Growth; Rdto of Growtli.— The Nails are composed of the same material as the epidermis, being merely an altered form of it. When their newest por- tions are examined with the microscope, they are found to bo nucleated cells closely resembling those of the epidermis, Epithelium cells. The nail increases in length by successive additions to its root, which push it forward over the end of the finger, while at same time it receives additional layers from the skin beneath. The nails of the hands grow about two fifths of a line per week, while those of the foot re- quire four times that period for the same amount of growth. The blood-vessels of the nails are very abundant, and arc Fig. 2 so. Section of the Thumb, r. La?t Tone of tl Thumb, h. Epidermis reflectcil on the Nail. Nail. d. Epidermis aL the Point of tho Tiinib. What is very remarkable about tho chemical composition of this pipnont? What does tho development of these cells depend on? o22. Of what composition arc tho nails? Of what kind of cells are they ? IIow fast do tho nails of the hand grow ? 29S . HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY situated just within the corium, into which the nail barely dips. And so numerous are these, and of so low a degree of vitality, that frequently the nails grow for a short distance after death. When the nails are badly injured, they are sel- dom perfectly regenerated, because of the injury done to the vessels and laminae. A rudimentary nail sometimes is found on the second joint, when the first is destroyed. Cases are also on record, where the nails have been shed and renewed periodically. The nails are thickest at their most convex portion, instead of their edges, and increase in thickness from the base to their free edge. They grow only so long as they are cut, and among the literary class of the Chinese, who never cut their nails, they are said to attain only a length of two inches. The time necessary for a nail to grow its whole length, varies from twelve to twenty weeks. 522 a. Basement Membrane of the Skin. — The middle layer of the skin is simply a basement membrane, and is in fact the mucous layer of the epidermis. It is, however, of little importance in the functions of the skin, and is believed to be a separate layer merely because, when it is immersed in a solution of potash in connection with the epidermis, the latter is dissolved, while the former is unchanged. 523. The Corium; its Composition,* Nerves of the Corium. — The Corium or internal layer is the true skin, since it possesses the vitality and sensibility of this membrane, and contains all its vessels. It is made up of white and yel- low fibrous tissue, the white predominating, except in those parts w^here occasional extension is required, where the yellow exists in larger proportion. The blood-vessels of the corium are very abundant, terminating in the minute tubes which supply the sudoriparous and sebaceous glands : the proof of the abundance of which we have in puncturing any part of Why do the nails sometimes grow after death? Why do the nails seldom grow nat- urally after an injury? At what portion arc the nails the thickest ? 522 a. What is tho middle layer of the skin ? 523. Of wliat is the corium composed? What is said of tha abundance of blood-vessels in the corium ? AND PHYSIOLOGY 299 the skin \\ith the finest needle, when a drop of blood is sure to follow. The nerves of sensation too are very abundant, as we know by the insertion of a pin into any part of the body, which invariably pains us, because we have wounded a nerve, and not an expanded surface, like a membrane. 524. Sebaceous or Oil Glands. — The Sebaceous Glands are small elongated sacs which are generally gathered in clusters about each, of the hairs of the body, varying Fig. 290. in number from four to twen- ty. They pour their secre- tion into the hair-canals near their orifices, and are most abundant in the parts of the body most exposed, as in the skin of the nose. Their se- cretion in most places resem- bles fat, although in the pas- sage of the external ear a substance resembling wax (cerumen) is poured out. 524ti5. Parasite in the Sebaceous Glands. — It is a fact curious, if not at first sight revolting, that there is very constantly found in the outlets to many of the sebaceous glands a parasitic animal, as represented by the cut. (Fig. 291, p. 300.) The occurrence of this animal in almost every individual has led one anat- omist to call it a '' denizen" of the human body. 525. Sweat Glands. — Length of Sweat Tube in the Human Body. — The Sudoriparous or Sweat Glands essen- What of tlie nerves in the corium ? 524. What are the sebaceous glands ? Where are they the most abundant ? What is their secretion ? 524 a. What Is said of the parasite in the skin ? A View of the Cerumen Gland formed by the Contorted Tubes. 1, 1; The Tubes. 2, The Excretory Duct. 3, The Vessels supplying it. 300 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 291. Parasites of the Sebaceous Glands. Orifice of the Gland, b. Short Variety. Two seen in their ordinary position at the LoniT Varietv. tially consist of long tubes convoluted and twisted upon them- selves, (Fig. 293, p. 301), located just beneath the corium, several of which join to form an outlet, which passes through the epidermis in a spiral manner, so that as it opens exter- nally, a valve is made preventing the entrance of substances from without, but allowing a ready exit to all substances to be discharged externally. The size of the gland proper is about ■y^th of an inch in diameter, and that of the tube is about 4 |-oth inch. The outlets of these tubes (Fig. 292, p. 301,) are called the pores of the skin, and are somewhat larger than the diam- eter of the tubes. The most remarkable fact, however, con- nected with these glands, is their immense number in the sys- tem. Each tube when straightened measures on an average one fourth of an inch in length, and by actual count there are at least 2,800 in every square inch of the body. (Fig. 293, p. 301.) Now the number of square inches in a man of or- dinary height is 2,500, which would make the number of pores or op3ning3 about -7,000,000, or the whole length of 625. Wliat is tho frenoral outline of the sweat plands ? What is their size ! on every square iach of the body ? What is their as^Tcgato length ? How many AND PHYSIOLOGY, 301 Fig. 292. Fig. 293. Skin of the Palm showing Kidges, Fur- rows, Cross Groves, and Pores, or Orifices of Sweat Ducts. tub,e 145,853 feet, or 48,611 yards, or nearly 28 miles. Dalton says, 153,000 inches or two and a half miles. 526. The Perspiration. — Sensible and Insensible Perspiration. — The secre- tion poured out by these glands, is a transparent liquid of an acid reaction, and of a saltish taste, commonly known as sweat or perspiration. This is produced in two forms, known as sensible and insen- sible perspiration, which is escaping from the body in one of these forms constantly during health-j the sensible being given off whenever excretion i3 so great as to leave moisture upon the skin. 520. Deecribe tlio pei-siiiratioo. W'liattwolormsof it? • Vertical Section of the Sole of the Foot. a. Epidermis. &. Papillary Structure. c. Cutis, d. Sweat Gland magnified forty- diameters. ;c2 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 527. Amount of Walery Yapor Discharged from the Cody. — The amount of fluid which is lost from the body both bj the skin and lungs, is about eighteen grains per minute, eleven bj the skin and seven by the lungs. This amount, however, varies exceedingly with the state of the health and the dryness or moisture of the air, which, as already men- tioned, regulates the temperature of the system. 528. The flair. — The hair is distributed over nearly every portion of the human frame, and presents differences according -pj^ 294 t^ ^o^j s^^j ^^^^5 <^^ individ- ual peculiarities. In length, the hair is most fully devel- oped on the heads of females, sometimes equaling the length of the body, while in male beards it seldom reaches to the waist. The coarsest hair is also found on women. 529. Size of the Hair- Oil Glands . — In diameter the hair varies from yjo-th to ooVotti of an inch, and its section is always of an oval outline, but never circular. 'Nor is the hair of a uniform diameter, but it is spindle- shaped almost always, and terminates m a point. At its base it expands into a bulb which is lodged in a sac in the true skin, as is seen in Fig. 295, p. 303. Just beneath the epidermis one or more glands are situated which empty their ^ Sections of Human Hair, a, &, Trans- verse Sections showing the Cortical (or external) and Medullary (or internal) Sur- face, c, d, Longitudinal Sections of Hair. c7, Shows the overlapiilngof the Epidermic Scales of which hair is composed. • 527. What is the amount of watery.fluid discharged from the body ? 528. What is said of the distribution of tho hair? How long has the hair been known to grow? 529. What is the diameter of the hair ? What is the shape of it? What glands empty their content* upon the base of each hair ? ... . A-^B PHYSIOLOGY, 303 contents into tlie same pore in which the hair itself is lo- cated. This secretion is an oil which keeps the hair in a smooth and moist state. 530. Tiieir Number.— The number of the hairs varies with the color and portion of the bodj. In one case there were found on the same sur- face 147 black hairs, 162 brown, and 182 blonde. On a surface one fourth of an inch square the same author found on the scalp 293 hairs and on the chin 39. Fig. 295. Layer from Scalp. Hair c, Follicle. a, Oil Glands. &. 531. Their Distribution and Direction— They are implanted either singly or in twos or threes, or even four or five together, and their direction is rarely perpendicular to the skin, being, in a natural state, downwards. They may, however, be changed in their direction by persevering efforts, as is sometimes seen by the brushing of the hair away from the forehead. ^ 532. Chemical Composition— Durability.— They differ from most tissues of the body by containing ten per cent, of sulphur. This, together with the fact that they contain a large per cent, of nitrogen, accounts for the unpleasant odor given off while burning. They resist decomposition better than most of the tissues. Those of Egyptian mummies re- main quite unchanged. And it is owing to their durability that they are used as. relics of departed friends. 530. What is said of the number of hairs on the body ? 531. How are they distributed, ond what direction do they take? 532. How do they differ from most other tissues ia chemical composition ? How durable is hair? 304 HITCHCOCK'S A K" A T O M Y Fig. 296. 533. Constitution. — In constitution the hair con- sists of three distinct por- tions, an epidermis or outer portion, a fibrous, and a med- ullary portion. The epider- mis is arranged in the form of ring-like scales, whici overlap each other like tlic shingles of a house, and is about ioVoth of an inch thick (Fig. 294, d). Hence we see the reason why we can brush the hair in only one direction. The fibrous portion makes up the prin- cipal bulk of the hair, and is composed of longitudinal cells, which contain paint granules and air cavities which give the color to the hair. The medullary portion constitutes the central part of the hair (usually from one third to one fifth its diameter), and is made up of cells varying in diameter from e oVo'^^ ^^ o o io otti of an inch in diameter. 533 a. Color. — The color of the hair is thought by some to be owing to the iron contained in it, since it is said that there is the most of this metal in the darkest hair. 533 h. Pliysical Properties. — Hair is so elastic that it will stretch without breaking to nearly one third more than its original length. A single hair of the head will support six ounces without breaking. It readily absorbs moisture, and is dry and brittle or moist and soft, according as the skin or atmosphere is dry or moist. The beard is abundantly Highly Magnified Eoot of Ilnir. «, Shaft of Hair. 6, c, Epidermic Sheath of Hair, d. Dermic, or External Sheath of Hair, e, Epi- dermic Scales. 533. What three portions is each hair constituted of? What makes the principal part of each hair? 533 o. What is it possible that the color of the hair is owing to? 5S3 J What is the strength of the hair ? AND PHYSIOLOGY, 305 Fig. 297. -supplied Tfith blood-vessels, as is seen bj the cut. 533 c. Rale of Growtli.— In one set of experiments the hair has been found to grow seven lines per month. Frequent shaving greatly increases its growth. It also grows faster by day than by night, and in summer than in winter. A small portion of the Follicle of a Hair of the Beard, with the Arteries supplying it— very highly Magnified. 1, Its Follicle. 2, Its Pulp. 3, The Trunk of the Hair without the Follicle. 4, 4, Two Arteries going to the Base of the Follicle. 5, 5, Their Distribution. 6, 6, The Eeticulatcd Tissue of the Follicle. FUNCTIONS OF THE SKIN. 534. The Skin a Covering.— The skin is the natural cov- ering of the body of man, and he is not furnished with any further and more complete covering, as is the case with many of the lower animals, since he is endowed with an ability to devise means of covering better suited to his condition than one of hair, wool, or feathers. 535. Use of the Epidermis — To Protect the Nerves. — The epidermis is of use to protect the corium and its vessels. Without this covering many of our sensations acquired through the skin would be very painful. The contact of the softest Eider down with the exposed nervous filaments would impart tlie acutest pain, and the rays of the noonday sun would in- flict the keenest torture. The body could not endure the lightest clothing, and even our motion through the air would 533 c. What is said of the rate of growth of the hair ? 534. What is said of the sldn as a covering ? 535. What is said of the epidermis as a source of protectioa to the delicate nerves of touch ? 306 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY be a source of misery. But these delicate nerves are pro- tected by an insensible membrane, which, though hard, elas- tic, and a very perfect guard of these faithful sentinels, per- mits all the necessary impressions to pass through them. The epidermis also guards the most delicate parts in a careful man- ner, by thickening its substance over the ends of the fingers, and in all places where sensation is most acute. It is also speedily renewed where friction or accident removes it, as on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. 536. To prevent Absorption. — Another important use of the epidermis is to prevent undue absorption. For the lym- phatics only penetrate the corium, and cease at the under sur- face of the epidermis. Consequently but very little fluid can enter these vessels unless the epidermis is removed or satu- rated with fluid Were it not for this protection, almost every liquid substance brought in contact with the surface of the body would at once be introduced into the general circulation, thus exposing the system to serious danger by absorbing poi- sonous matter. 537. To Preienl Excessive Perspiration.— Danger from an opposite direction is also warded off by the impenetrability of the epidermis. Were it not for the tortuous direction which the outlets of the sweat glands take as they empty themselves upon the surface of the body, an excessive amount of water would be set free, and thus greatly reduce the system. But owing to this arrangement of sweat ducts, it is only when the system is very much stimulated that any considerable amount of water can be discharged by sweating. Were not this the case, the body would often be reduced to a low state from the loss of the watery portion of the blood, as is sometimes seen in excessive sweating. 538. Use of the Corium — Contains the Blood-Vessels 53G. What is tlio use of the cpiderinis to prevent undue absorption ? 537. How docs the epidermis prevent undue perspiration?. What harm would result from excessive sweating? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 307 and Nerves— AmoiHit of Waste Escaping from the Skin. — In the cerium, or internal layer of the sliin, resides the vi- tality. Here the arteries terminate in the capillaries and the nerves double upon themselves^ producing the highest sensi- bility to external impressions. So that when any function of the skin is spoken of, reference is usually made to this inner layer. And we see that the skin is not only useful as a pro- tection and covering to the body, but is of great value as an excretory apparatus. And in this office the skin is pecu- liarly valuable, since it removes a great amount of matter from the system that the lungs cannot remove. The actual amount of waste matter escaping daily from the skin is given variously by dilFerent writers. All, however, make out an average of from thirty to forty ounces, or if condensed to water, about two pints. A proof that the vapor of water es- capes in the form of insensible perspiration is had by placing the dry hand upon a cold glass or polished metallic substance, when moisture in a few seconds condenses on the surface. 539. Uses of the Oil Glands— Renders tlic Hair Soft — Softens tlie Skin — Protects the Eye — Guards the Mem bran a Tympani.— The function of the sebaceous, or oil glands of the skin seems to be the secretion of substances pro- tective to the skin. These are mainly oily products, and are given off at the roots of the hair, so as to give it flexibility, that by its stiffness it may not irritate the skin. The oil tubes are most abundant on those parts of the body which are most exposed, and especially the face and neck. The design of the secretion seems to be to give flexibility to the skin, to prevent the heat and air from drying it so that it would crack in many places, and also to lubricate it when brought into contact with foreign substances, as is the case so frequently with the hands. The oil of the skin also prevents moisture from adhering to it, and thus its functions can be more perfectly carried on, and 53S. Whore lies the vitality of the skin ? What otlier use than a protection is the skin ? How much waste matter escapes daily from- the skin ? How many pints ? 539. What is the use of the oil glands? How does it aSfuct tho hair? What value does it Impart to the skin ? • • 308 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY it will not retain all dust -which chances to fall upon it. At the flexions of the joints, and all those places where two sur- faces of the skin are frequently brought in contact, this oily secretion is abundantly poured out, in order that there may be as little friction as possible between the opposing surfaces. Upon the edges of the eyelids is situated a row of glands which pour out their secretion in such a manner as to retain the tears — the lubricating fluid of the eye — when produced in their ordinary quantity ; but when in excess, as in weeping, they run over their boundaries, and flow down the cheek. The us3 of these glands may be well appreciated in some diseases of the eye, where the tears constantly run down upon the cheek, producing irritating sores. In the passages of the ears we find the same glands, al- though their secretion is of a somewhat difierent character. Here it is a clammy, viscid substance, of a yellowish color, and from its appearance it is called the wax of the ear. Its service is to prevent dust and fo eign substances generally from gaining access to the internal ear, where they would injure the sense of hearing. HYGIENIC INFERENCES. 540. — 1. Great Value of this Membrane in the Ani- mal Economy . — From the complicated structure of the skin, we see that this membrane is of great service in the animal economy. It stands next in importance to the lungs as an excretory organ, and if its functions are interrupted the whole system very soon feels the disturbance. 541.— 2. Its Health Requires Cleanliness. — The skin must be kept clean to secure the proper functions of the per- -spiratory glands. This not only implies the necessity of fre- llow (l(jos it nfft'ct the skin nt the joints? Of what service is it totheej'e? Of what to the ear? 540. State the relative value of the skin in the animaJ economy. 641. Why U cleanli.ness essentia! for the health of the skin ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 309 quently washing the whole surface of the skin, but also the frequent change of the bed-clothes, under-clothes, etc. And it should be a fixed rule with every one to change the linen and under-garments both night and morning ; that is, the under-garment worn during the day should not be worn at night, and the reverse. 542. — 3. Must be Kept at a Uniform Temperature.-— We also learn that the skin should be kept at a uniform tem- perature, and up to its normal standard. It therefore needs proper clothing, not so much in the coldest weather — for then our feelings will impel us to do it — but at the changes of tem- perature so common and so great in our climate in spring and autumn, for then we are too apt to neglect it because we feel no especial inconvenienc3, and yet at these times there is more danger of disease from a want of proper clothing than at any other season of the year. We seldom injure ourselves by too much clothing, because we can easily throw of superflu- ous garments, but often do it by too small an amount of pro- tection. An important rule for every one is, when going abroad even a short distance from home, to carry with him an over garment when exposed to evening air. 543.-4. Must Come in Contact with the Air.— The skin imbibes oxygen from the air, and hence it is important that air be brought in contact with this membrane. The clothing should be worn so loosely that a thin layer of air Avill be in contact with nearly every part of the skin. 544. — 5. Needs Friction. — Frequent and thorough dry friction applied to every part of the skin greatly promotes the health, not only of this membrane, but of the whole body. So smooth arc the clothes we generally wear next the skin, that but little stimulus is received by them, and hence a thorough 542. What is necessary for the temperature of the skin, especiallj for chan-res in ■weather? What is said of an over-coat as a constant traveling companion ? 54-3. Why .fihonkl the skin have air in contact with it ? 644 What is the use of friction to tho skin? 310 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY rubbing of the whole body every night and morning -vvill aid greatly in this matter. 545. — 6. Injurious Effects of Moisture upon the Skin. — Moisture if applied to the skin for a considerable length of time interrupts its functions, and accordingly we infer that wet or damp clothing should not be allowed to remain on the body any longer than is absolutely necessary. If, however, dry clothing cannot be procured immediately, the body should be kept in vigorous action of some kind until the clothes can be changed. This inference is of equal application, whether the whole of the body be wet, or only a portion of it, as the feet. 546.-7. Service of a Daily Cold Water Bath.— We in- fer again that a daily cold water bath is of great service for all students and sedentary persons who are in health. Not only is it desirable on account of cleanliness, but a serviceable shock is thus imparted to the nervous system. It, however, should be taken as speedily as possible, the essential thing desired being, that pure water should be spread over the whole surface of the body, and after it that the skin should be speedily and vigorously wiped dry. The secondary effect, however, the stimulus imparted to the nervous system by the shock, is by no means an unimportant issue to bo gained. COMPARATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 547. Covering of Mammals. — The skin of mammals very closely resembles that of man, with the exception of the epi- dermis and its horny appendages, which are usually covered by hair. The fat tissue, too, just beneath the skin, is often develop- ed in a surprising degree, and the corium in many instances is very thick. Some have horny scales, and others long plates. 545. What arc tho injurious effects of too much moisture applied to the skin? 546. What is said of a daily bath, and what regulations concerning it? 547, What is^said o| the covf rinij of mammals ? AND PHYSIOLOGY 311 548. Callosities. — In many of the rodent or gnawing ani- mals, the carnivora and camels, the epidermis about the joints becomes very thick, making callosities or pads for the sup- port and protection of the parts exposed. 549. E p [ d e nil i c Scales . — True Epidermic Scales are found on the tails of many animals, such as the Beaver. 550. Horn of Rhinoceros. — The so-called horn of the Rhinoceros is nothing but a thickening of the epidermis until is assumes the form of a hollow cone. 551. Varieties of Hair.- The hairs upon the external surface of mammals either present no greater irregularities Fig. 298. Fig. 299, Hair of Sable. Hair of Musk Deer. than do those of man, or they are slightly rough, like those of the Squirrel, or knotty, as in the Bear, or furnished with pointed processes, like the teeth of a saw, in other animals. Some of these peculiarities are exhibited in the adjoining cuts. The spines of the Porcupine and Hedgehog differ from hairs only that they contain the same materials in a more con- densed form. 552. Glands of the Skin. — Cutaneous and sebaceous glands are present in most mammals very abundantly. The 5^. To whicli membrane of the skin do the callosities of camels, etc., belong? 5i9, Where are epidermic scales found ? 550. What is the horn of the rhinoceros ? 551. What are the varieties of hair In different animals ? 552. What is said of glands of the skin 312 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMT Fig. 300. Fig. 301. B c Transverse Section of Hair of Pecart A. B. Hairs vf Squirrel. C. Hair of Indian Bat. latter secrete an unctions fluid, which is usually of a strong smell. 553. Skin of Birds. — The Skin of Birds is thin and desti- tute of cutaneous glands, except one at the tail, which is gen- erally present. The whole body is covered by feathers, except certain parts of the head, legs, and feet. There it becomes very much thickened, forming callosities, wattles and combs, in which, beside the cellular tissue, are found the elastic and erec- tile tissues, as well as red and blue cells of coloring matter. Upon the toes and feet are found plates and scales of horny tissue. 554. Feathers of Birds. — The Feathers of Birds are made up of the Quill and Vane: the former giving it attach- ment to the body, and the latter forming its expanded surface. The Vane is made up of a small number of laminae or plates, which both form a light and firmly resisting medium to the air, and serve to retain the heat within the body. When per- fectly formed the laminae are furnished with a booklet at their free extremities, by which they are attached to each other, 553. Wliat is the thickness of the skin of birds compared with that of mammals? What are the wattles and combs? 554. What two parts are feathers made np of? Why oje the laminai furnished with a barb at each extremity? What is the design of their overlapping each other ? ^ AND PHYSIOLOGY. 313 thus making each feather an impenetrable plans, surface. The feathers also overlap one another to a considerable de- gree, and as they thus contain air, and are themselves non- conductors, they afford the most perfect protection to the body against the cold. 555. Skin of Ampliibia. — The naked Amphibia, such as the Frogs, have a smooth slippery skin, which is continually being cast off in patches or shreds. This skin surrounds the solid parts of the body very loosely, and spaces for lymphatic vessels are found beneath. It is always composed of several layers of fibres which lie at right angles with each other. 556. Scales of Serpents. — Upon some serpents, scales are found which overlap one another, like the shingles of a house, as is also the case with fishes. Scales with tubercular spines are met with on some reptiles, and in some instances, as those of Crocodiles and Tortoises, they contain bony matter, and coalesce with the bones of the skeleton. 557. Exuviation of Serpents. — Many Serpents cast their skin several times during the year, either by piecemeal, or by drawing off the whole at once. One species of Tortoise does the same thing, as well as several Lizards. This is an anal- ogous function to the moulting of birds, and shedding of the coat in mammals. This generally takes place in Spring, but frequently upon a change of weather several times in the year. At each period, when this is effected by the Rattle- Snake, a new segment is said to be added to the tail, which seems quite probable, since the rattle is merely a condensed portion of the epidermis. 558. Scales of Fishes. — Classification of Fishes by their Scales. — Fishes have an Epidermis which is sometimes covered with scales, and sometimes not, though always lubri- cated most thoroughly by a copious mucous secretion. The 555. What Is said of the skin of frogs ? 556. Do serpents ever have scales ? 557. What Is the exuviation of serpents? When does this take place? What peculiarity in the rattld-snalte 7 55S. How are the scales of fi&hes arracged? 314 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY scales are sometimes disposed in an imbricated manner upon the body, and are not situated in the epidermis, ''but really in the skin, and included by it." The scales contain both phosphate and carbonate of lime as a rule. Their shapes are various, though Professor Agassiz, the best living authority on fishes, has grouped all bony fishes under four orders, de- pendent mainly upon the form of the scale. First, the Pla- coidians, including such fishes as the Sharks and Rays, where the scales are either large and covered with bony tubercles, or simply with small enameled scales. Second, the Ganoi- dians, including the Sturgeon and bony Pike, which have angular bony plates coated with a thick layer of enamel. Third, the Otenoidians, such as the Perch, which have hard scales jagged on the outer edges, like the teeth of a comb. Fourth, Cycloidians. These have soft and circular scales with simple margins. In this order are found the Herring and Sal- mon. Sometimes the scales are provided with a hook-like process, which overlaps and fastens itself into a depression in the scale beneath. 559. Tegument of Articulata.— Horny Case of In- sects.— The Tegumentary envelop of the sub-kingdom Arti- culata has already been described under Comparative Oste- ology, since the skin of many of this sub-kingdom, especially the Crustacea and insects, is in reality the only skeleton these animals have. Insects have a covering sometimes leathery and soft, and sometimes horny and solid, which contains a peculiar proximate (chemical) principle known as Chitine. 560. Mantle of Molluscs, — In Molluscous animals, a dermis, which is a muscular skin, envelops all the viscera, and hence is called the cloak or mantle, w^hich secretes the hard calcareous covering known as the shell. Generally the shell is external to the mantle, as in the Clam and Oyster, What are the four orders dependent upon the form of the scale? Who is the author of this arrangennent ? Give examples of each. 559. What is the covering of the articu- lata? What is peculiar about its chemical composition ? 660. Describe tlii) outside cov- ering of molluscs. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 315 but often, as in the Cjprgea or Cowry, the mantle extends over the shell. 561. Radiates. — With the exception of the hard external skeleton of these animals already described, their proper skin is mostly thin and soft, allowing of great flexibility and some- times of great expansion and contraction. The Protozoa have a very delicate, cutaneous envelope, sometimes smooth and sometimes covered with cilia. Effect of Fright on Hair. — A Sepoy of the Bengal Army, brought as a prisoner for examination before the British officers, was terribly affrighted, trembled like a leafj and was almost stupified with fear. Such was the shock upon his brain that his hair, from a glossy jet black, became gray within tho space of an hour, the subject being only twenty- four years of age. Also a boy, let down from a high cliff on the coast of Scotland to get ^^^^ of sea-birds. He, in defending himself from the birds with the sword, struck the rope by which he was suspended, and cut off every strand but one. When drawn up his hair was white. Maria Antoinette experienced a change in the color of her hair during one night's excessive fear. CHAPTER SEVENTH. THE INSTRUMENTS OE ANIMATION.— NEUROLOGY, OR THE BRAIN AND NERVES. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 562. Main Features of the Nervous System. — We now come to an organization which is very complicated in structure, some of whose functions are the most obscure of any in the body. It is called the Nervous System : and the different grades in the animal kingdom are established by placing those having the most complicated nervous system highest on the scale. Man having the largest brain in pro- portion to the rest of his body, and possessed of the greatest relative amount of nerves, is therefore placed at the head of the animal kingdom. 563. Microscopic Structure. — Tubular Portion.— Diam- eter of the Tubes, — In microscopic structure the nervous tissue presents two essential elements : the fibrous or tubular, which is mainly found in the nerve trunks, and the cellular or vesicular, existing more abundantly in the ganglia or nerve centers. In the former the tubes are the largest in the trunks of the nerves, and gradually diminish as they approach the brain, varying in size from the 2 oVoth to the ot^o oth of an inch, and sometimes existing even as large as the 5 ioth of an inch. They are sometimes conical also, measuring at one end from jo'ooth of an inch to 24000th: the smallest end being found near the nerve trunks, and are sometimes called coarse 562. Give the leading features of the nervous system. 663. What are the two inicro- scopic elements of nervous tissue ? Give the size of the tubular portion. AND PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 302. 817 Tubular Nerve Fibers. nerve fibers. These fibers have the appearance of a double tube, or a small tube within a larger one, and sometimes exhibit small nucleated cells within the two. 564. A closer examination shows an inner or grayish por- tion which is called the axis cylinder, and a ^vhite substance around this called the medullary matter, or substance of Schwan, and outside of the whole a membranous tube. (Fig. 302.) They are often called Fine Nerve Fibers. The sym- pathetic system, on the other hand, seems to be made up of tubes without this double structure, and when several of them are joined in a bundle, they present a grayish appear- ance. They are also of a much smaller size, varying mostly from T50 ooth to u-oVoth of an inch. 565. Vesicular Structure . — The vesicular substance is composed of cells or vesicles, which present very curious forms, being somewhat stellate or caudate. The central por- tion is globular, consisting of a nucleated cell, which sends off processes in different directions, as seen in tlie annexed Figure 303. Their diameter is exceedingly variable, meas- What is the structure of the sympathetic system ? 5G4 What still more minute struc- ture can be detected by the microscope ? 565. Describe the vesicular structure. Givo the diameter of the cells. 318 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 303. Vesicular Nerve Corpuscles, a. Cell "Wall. 7>. Cell Contents, c. Pigment, d. Nu- cleus, e. Prolongation forming Sheath of the fiber. /. Nerve Fiber, magnified 350 diam- eter. Tiring from -.V.th rth of an inch. These are found in the ganglia and the substance of the brain. 5Q6. Divisions of the Nervous System. — The nervous system consists of a central portion contained within the cav- ity of the skull and the spinal column, and a great number of white threads ramifying through every part of the body. The physical condition upon •which the activity of the ner- vous system depends, is the supply of arterial blood. 567. C c r 8l) r 11 III . — If we examine the parts within the skull, (Fig. 804, f . 319,) we shall find the greater mass of it to be of a spheroidal form, divided nearly into two halves by a deep fissure or cleft, and its surface is singularly roughened by elevations and depressions called anfractuosities. 588. This mass is the Cerebrum or Great Brain, and the two divisions are called its hemispheres. (Fig. 307, p. 321.) 569. In man the average weight of the brain is fifty-four ounces, in females forty-five; the maximum being sixty-four, 536. What principal divisions does the nervous system consist of? 567. Describe the cerebrum. 569. What is the average weight of the brain ? AND PHYSIOLOGY, 31 a 5'' Vertical Section of the Brain, Cerebellum, Pons Varolii, and Medulla Oblongata. a. Anterior Lobe of the Brain, b. Middle Lobe, c, Posterior Lobe, d, Cerebellum, e, Me- dulla Spinalis. /, Section of the Corpus Callosum. The Lateral Ventricles of the Brain are situated on either side of the Corpus Callosum, which assists in forming their Upper "Wall, ff, Optic Lobes : 1, Olfactory Nerves. 2, The Eyeball, from which may bo traced the Optio Nervo as far as the Optic Thalami or Lobes. Close to this is the Kervo of the Third Pair. 4, The Fourth Pair, distributed, like the Third, to the Muscles of the Eyes. 5, Superior Maxillary Branch of the Fifth Pair. 5', Ophthalmic Branch of tho same Pair of Nerves. 5", Inferior Maxillary Branch of the same Pair of Nerves. G, Sixth Pair, proceeding to the Abducentes Muscle. 7, Facial Nerve : — under the origin of this nerve may be seen a portion of the Acoustic 9, Nerve called Glosso-Pharyngeal. 10, Pneumogastric Nerve ; close to it is 12, the Spinal Accessory. These three Nerves, tho Glosso-Pharyngeal, Pneumogastric, and Spinal Accessory, are by some reckoned as ono pair. 11, The Ninth Pair of some, and the Eleventh of others, called also Hypoglossal. 1-i and 15, Cervical Nerves. and the minimum twenty ; the average capacity of the cra- nia of Germans and Anglo-Saxons is ninety cubic inches. Daniel "Webster's cranium contained 122 cubic inches. 570. Cerebellum. — The Cerebrum, by a band of thick fibers, is connected with another body, of a pear shape, at- tached to it by its base, called the Lesser Brain or Cerebel- lum. (Fig. 306, p. 820.) This has about one eighth of the state the average capacity of Anglo-Saxou crania, aJid al^o that of Daniel Webster. 570. Describe the cerebeUuin. 14* 320 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY weight of the Cerebrum, and lies directly behind and be- neath it. Fig. 305. The Lateral Ventricles of tbo Cercbruai. 1, 1, The Iavo Ilemi- rphercs cut down to a level -with the Corpus Callosnm, so as to show the Centrum Ovale Majus. The Surfiice is studded with tho small Puncta Yiisculosa. 2, A small portion of the Anterior Ex* tremity of the Corpus Callosum. 3, Its Posterior Boundary ; the in- termediate portion, forming tho Eoof of the Lateral Ventricles, has been removed so as to completely expose these Cavities. 4, A part of the Septum Lucidum, showing a space between its Layers which is the Fifth Ventricle. 5, The An- terior Cornu of one Side. 6, Tho commencement of the Middle Cornu. 7, The Posterior Cornu. 8, The Corpus Striatum of one A^entricle. 9, The Trenia Striata. 10, A small part of the Thalamus Opticus. 11, The Plexus Cho- roides. 12, Tho Fornix. 13, The commencement of the Hippocam- pus Major in the Middle Cornu. The Pounded Oblong Body in the Posterior Cornu of the Lateral Ventricle, directly behind the Figure 13, is the Hippocampus Minor. A Bristle is seen in the Foramen of Munro. Fig. 306. A View of tho Interior Surface of the Cerebellum and a Portion of tlje Medulla Ob- lon:rata. 1, 1, The Circumference of the Cerebellum. 2,2, The two Hemispheres of the Cerebellum. 3, Lobulus Amygdaloides. 4, Tho Vermis Inferior. 5, Lobulus Nervi Pneumogastrici, C, The Calamus Scriptorius. 7, Its Point. S, Section of tho Medulla Oblongata. 9, Points to tho Origin of the Pneumogastric Nerve. AND PHYSIOLOGY 821 571. Cerebral Ganglia. — Also Ijing directly upon the base of the brain, are found several distinct enlargements or Fia. 307. A Yiew of the Base of the Cerebrum and Cerebellum, together with their Nerves. 1, Anterior Extremity of the Fissure of the Hemispheres of the Brain. 2, Posterior Ex- tremity of the same Fissure. 3, The Anterior Lobes of the Cerebruin. 4, Its Mid.Ilo Lobe. 5, The Fissure of Sylvius. G, Tlie Posterior Lobe of the Cerebrum. 7, The, Point of the Infundibulum. S, Its Body. 9, The Corpora Albicantia. 10, Cincritlr.s Matter. 11, The Crura Cerebri. 12, Tlic Pons Varolii. 13, Tiic Top of tl:c Med.:];a Oblongata. 14, Posterior Prolongation of the Pons Varolii. 15, Middle of tl:c C^^rib.'!- Inm. IG, Anterior Part of the Cerebellum. 17, Its Posterior Part an. 1 the Fissure of itj Hemispheres. IS, Superior Part of the Medulla Spinalis. 19, Middle Fissure of t'. 3 Medulla Oblongata. 20, The Corpus Pyramidale. 21, The Corpus Eestifornie. 22, Ti.j Corpus Ollvare. 23, The Olfactory Nerve. 24, Its Bulb. 25, Its External Eoot. 23, Its Middle Eoot 27, Its Internal Boot. 2S, The Optio Nervo beyond the Chiasm. 29, The Optic Nervo before tlic Chiasm. 30, The Motor Oculi. or Tidrd Pair <>f Nerves. SI, The Fourth Pair, or Pathetic Nerves. 32, The Fifth Pair, or Trigeminus Nerves. S3, The Sixth Pair, or Motor Externus. 34. The Facial Nerve. 35, The Anditn-y— tho two making the Seventh Pair., S3, 37, 33, The Eighth Pair of Nerves. (The Ninth Paii- arc not here seen.)- 5»i. 'What are the cerebral ganslia ? 322 H ITCH COCK A N A T O M Y ganglia, the most important of which are the Thalami Optici, Corpora Striata, Olfactive Ganglia, and Tubercula Quadrige- mma. Fig. 308. 572. Spinal Cord. — Upon the an- terior portion of the Cerebellum, commences the Spinal Cord, the up- per portion of which, situated within the skull, is about three inches in length and one in breadth, and is called the Medulla Oblongata. 573. Cerebro-Spinal Center These portions of the nervous sys- tem constitute what is known as the Cerebro-Spinal Axis or Center, and are all made up of two kinds of mat- The Cerebro-Spinal Axis seen Anteriorly. Tho Nerves have been cut through at a short distance from their Origin or central termination, a, The Cerebrum. &, Anterior Lobe of the Left Hemisphere of the Brain, c, Middle Lobe, c?, Posterior Lobe, al- most concealed by the Cerebellum, e, The Cerebel- lum, f, The Medulla Oblongata or Bulb. 1, First, or Olfixctory Pair of Nerves. 2, Second Pair, or Optic. 8, Third Pair, or Motores Oculornm. 4, Fourth Pair, or Pathetic. 5, The Facial, or Fifth Pair. 6, Sixth Pair, or Abducentes. 7, Nerves of the Seventh Pair, or Facial ; also the Acoustic, or Portio Mollis, by some called the Auditory, and viewed as a division of the Seventh ; others call them the Eighth Pair. 9, The Glosso-Pharyngeal Nerves, called the Ninth Pair by some, by others the Anterior Division of tho Eighth Pair. 10, The Pneumogastric, by some in- cluded in the Eighth Pair, by others called the Tenth Pair. 11, Nerves of the Eleventh and Twelfth Pairs, the first being vievvcd by some as a Division of tho Eighth Pair, and called Spinal Accessory ; the latter, called by some the Ninth, by others the Twelfth, is the Motor Nervo of tho Tongue. 13, Nerves of the Thirteenth Pair, or Sub-Occipital. 14, 15, IG, The First, Second, and Third Pairs of Cervical Nerves, ff. Cervical Nerves form- ing the Brachial Plexus, 25, One of tho Pairs of Nerves of the Dorsal Portion of tho Spinal Marrow, 33, One of tho Pairs of Lumbar Nerves, h. Lumbar and Sacral Nerves forming tho Plexus whence come tho Nerves of tho Lower Extremities, i and J, Tor minntion of tho Spinal Marrow, called Cauda Equina, k. Great Sciatic Nerve proceed* ing to the Lower Extremities. 572. What is the medulla oblimgata ? 573. What two kinds of matter, does a slicing oi tixe brain show, and how is the gray and white matter disposed? AND PHYSIOLOGY 323. ter ; the gray or external, and the white or internal. This structure is best seen when the brain is cut through in a hori- zontal direction; the gray showing itself as an outside layer with an irregularly scolloped edge, while the white is internal, and constitutes the greater portion of the whole brain. t574. BIood-Yesseh of the Brain —Venous Sinuses, • — The blood-vessels of the brain are very numerous, since one sixth of all the blood is sent to this organ, although its weight is about one fortieth of the body. The arteries are the most numerous, and as already mentioned, those entering the head from the front side of the neck, communicate very freely with those coming in at the back side of the head, (see Fig. 213), making a perfect circle of communication, so that there may be no impediment to the cir- culation of the blood through Fig. 309. the nervous center. The veins are not numerous. Some are found on the surface of the brain, but only a few pene- trate into its substance. But large channels are found be- tween the membranes called Sinuses, which do not pre- sent the ordinary characteris- tics of veins, except that they convey the blood to the heart. The two sinuses which are of the largest size, discharge their contents into the jugu- lar veins. (Fig. 309.) 575. Membranes of the SmnsesoftheBaseoftheSkuIl. i,0ph- CcrebrO-Spinal Center. — thalmic veins. 2, cavernous sinus. 8, 1» |.T . rp. Circular. 4, 6, Inferior Petrosal. 6, 9, Oc- iJUra iUaiCr. inree mem- dpital sinuses. 7, I-nternaUugnlar vein. 574. What proportion of the blood- goes to the brain? Whicla are the most numerous, the arteries or the veins ? What are the sinuses found there? 324 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY branes envelop the brain, although to the unassisted eje they appear as one. . Thej are of great importance in the economy of the brain, and are often the seat of severe disease. The outer one is called the Dura Ma1;er, that covers both the brain and spinal cord, and is attached firmly to the bones which it covers. It has the same composition as the liga- ments of the body — white fibrous tissue — and consequently is very tough, being the firmest of the three membranes. 576. Arachnoid MembiTiiic— The Arachnoid Membrane lies directly beneath the dura mater, and receives its name from the Greek word signifying spider's web. 577. Pia Mater.— Closely beneath it is the Pia Mater, which lies directly upon the surfac3 of the brain, and dips into all the cavities or convolutions on its surface. This membrane is especially serviceable in the nourishment of the brain, and receives the arteries which enter at the anterior and posterior part of the skull. Its nerves are branches of the sympathetic system. 578. Surface of the Brain . — The surface of the brain is very uneven, being covered with convolutions or tortuous ridges and corresponding depressions, the design of which is not as yet well known, though probably merely to procure a greater amount of surface, and they do not correspond to the irregularities on the surface of the skull from which phre- nologists profess to judge of character. 579. Ventricles of the Brain . — Within the brain are sev- eral cavities called ventricles, of which the special use has not been determined. (Fig. 805, p. 320.) It is a curious fact, however, that a post mortem examination of the brain of in- ebriates frequently discovers these cavities to be partially filled with alcohol. : 580. Division of the Nerves.— All the nerves that pro- b75. IIow many membranes cnvelopiri'j: the brain? Describe the dura inn.' or, 576. Describe the arachnoiil membrane. 577. Describe the pia mator. Wliat arc its nerves? 57S, What is tlie oonnition of tlie surface of the l)rain ? 579. What are the cavities, in tha braia called ? 5S0. IIow are all the nerves given off from the braia and spinal cord ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 325' ceed from the cerebro-spinal axis are given off in pairs on opposite sides of the median line of the body. They are di- vided into two sets ; those which are given off from the great brain, little brain, and medulla oblongata, being called cranial nerves^ and those from the spinal cord, sj^incd nerves. 581. Cranial Nerves. — Many of the cranial nerves, and all of the spinal nerves, arise by two roots, and soon form a small protuberance, which is called a Ganglion or knot, in which the fibers are confusedly mixed together, after which they proceed in the same sheath to their destination. 582. Of the cranial nerves there are twelve pairs, named as follows : First pair. .. .Olfactory. Second "... .Optic. Third "... .Motores Oculorum. Fourth " ... .Trochleares. Fifth " Trifacial. Sixth " Abducentes. Seventh pair . . Facial. Eighth " ..Auditory. Ninth " . .Glosso- Pharyngeal. Tenth " . . Par Vagi. Eleventh " .. Spinal Accessory. Twelfth " ..Lincrual. 583. Olfactory. — The olfactory nerves arise from the an- A View of the First Pair, or Olfactory, with the Nasal Branches of the Fifth. 1, Fronp tal Sinus. 2, Sphenoidal Sinus. 8, Hard Palate. 4, Bulb of the Olfactory Nerve. 5, Branches of the Olfactory on the Superior and Middle Turbinated Bones. 6, Spheno- palatine Nerves from the Second of the Fifth. 7, Internal, Nasal Nerve from the First of the Fifth. 6, Branches of Seven, to Schnoidorian Membrane. 9, Ganglion of Cloquet jfl'tlie.fon'/mgntTi.cwisiifOTriD, Ahastoiriosis on the inferior Turbinated Bone of the Branches of the Fifth Pair. What are the two principal groups of nerves? 5S1. How many roots do most of tlio nerves liavo ? 533. IIow many pairs of cranial nerves, and what are their naraea ? 326. HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 311. terior portion of the base of the brain, and are distributed upon the mucous membrane of the nostrils ; especially that part of it which is spread out upon the turbinated bones. 584. Optic— The optic nerves arise at a point be- hind that where the olfac- tories are given off, and about one inch from this point come together and form a ganglion ; after this they are again separated and proceed to the posterior portion of each eye-ball^ where they are expanded into a membrane, called the Ketina. (Fig. 311.) 585. Motores Oculonini. — The tJm^d jj«ir are also given off from the base of the brain near to the pons varolii, and are sent to a part of the muscles of the eye. 586. Troclileares.— The trochlear es have nearly the same origin as the last-men- tioned pair, and are distrib- uted to the superior oblique muscles of each eye. (Fig. 312.) 587. Trifacial.— The fifth pair, or ^n/acm/, is the largest of the cranial nerves. It is analogous to the spinal nerves in A View of the Second Pair or Optic, and the Origin of Seven other Pairs. 1, 1, Globe of the Eye. The one on the left hand is per- fect, but tiiat on the right lias the Sclerotic and Choroid removed to show the Eetina. 2i The Chiasm of the Optic Nerves. 3, The Corpora Albicantia. 4, The Infundibiilum. 5, The Pons Varolii. 6, The Medulla Ob- longata. The figure is on the Eight Corpus Pyramidale. 7, The Tliird Pair, Motores Oculi. 8, Fourth Pair, Pathetici. 9, Fifth Pair, Trigemini. 10, Sixth Pair, Abducentes. 11, Seventh Pair, Auditory and F.acial. 12, Eighth Pair, Pneumogastric, Spinal Acces- sory, and Glosso-Pharyngeal. 13, Ninth Pair, Hypoglossal 5S3. Give the anatomy of the olfactory nerves. 5S4. Describe the optic nerves. 555. Describe the motores oculorum. -SSS. Give the anatomy of the fourth pair. 5ST. De« Gcribe the tri£icial. AND PHYSIOLOGY, 82> Fig. 312. A View of the Third, Fourth, and Sixth Pairs of Nerves. 1, Ball of the Eye, the Rec- tus Externus Muscle being cut and hanging doAvn from its origin. 2, The Superior Max- illa. 3, The Third Pair, or Motor Oculi, ^distributed to all the Muscles of the Eye except the Superior Oblique and External Kectus. 4, The Fourth Pair, or Patheticus, going to the Superior Oblique Muscle, 5, One of the Branches of the Fifth. G, The Sixth Pair, or Motor Externus, distributed to the External Pectus Muscle. 7, Spheno-Palatino Ganglion and Branches. 8, Ciliary Nerves from the Lenticular Ganglion, the short Eoot of which is seen to connect it with the Third Pair, Fig. 313. A View of the Distribution of the Tri- facial, or Fifth Pair. 1, Orbit. 2, Antrum of Ilighmore. 3, Tongue. 4, Lower Max- illa. 5, Eoot of Fifth Pair, forming the Ganglion of Casser. G, First Branch, Oph- thalmic. 7, Second Branch, Superior Maxillary. 8, Third Branch, Inferior Maxillary. 0, Frontal Branch, dividing into External and Internal Frontal at 14. 10, Lachrymal branch, dividing before en- tering the Lachrymal Gland. 11, Nasal Branch. Just under the figure is the long Eoot of the Lenticular or Ciliary Ganglion, and a few of the Ciliary Nerves. 12, In- ternal Nasal, disappearing through the Anterior Ethmoidal Foramen. 13, Exter- nal Nasal. 14, External and Internal Frontal. 15, Infra-Orbitary Nerve. 16, Posterior Dental Branches. 17, Middle Dental Branch. 18, Anterior Dental Nerve. 19, Terminating Branches of In- fra-Orbital, called Labial and Palpebral. 20, Subcutaneous Mal?e,or Orbitar Branch. 21, Pterygoid or Eecurrent, from Meckel's Ganglion. 22, Five Anterior Branches of Third of Fiftli, being Nerves of Motion, and called Masseter, Temporal, Ptergoid, and Buccal, 23, Lingual Branch joined at an acute angle by the Chorda Tympani. 24, Inferior Dental Nerve terminating in 25, Mental Branches. 26, Superficial Temporal Nerve. 27, Auricular Branches. 28, Mylo-hyoid Branch. 328 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 314. Distribution of the Fifth Pair of Nerves, a, Submaxillary Gland. 1, Small Eoot of the Fifth Nerve. 2, Casserian Ganglion. 3, Ophthalmic Nerve. 4, Upper Maxillary Nerve. 5, Lower Maxillary Nerve. G, Cliorda Tympani. 7, Facial Nerve. that each nerve arises bj two roots, and afterwards, before distribution, forms the Casserian ganglion. This ganglion is separated into three branches : the ophthalmic, which supplies ^iG. 315. the region of the eje and nose ; the superior maxil- larj, supplying different parts of the face from the temporal muscle to the A View of the Origin and Disiribu- tion of the Portio Mollis of the Sev- enth Pair, or Auditory Nerve. 1, The Medulla Oblongata. 2, The Pons Var- olii. 3, 4, The Crura Cerebelli of the Eiglit Side. 5, Eighth Pair. 6, Ninth Pair. 7, The Aii. IIow are the sympathetic g;in;,'',ia grouped together? AVhat is said of the sym- pathetic plexuses? 606. Describe the solar plexus. 607. What are the five principal func- tions of the nervous system ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 341' Will evidently reside in the brain (cerebrum), and re- quire that this organ should be in a healthy state, since, if any disease aifects its whole substance, their power is destroyed. Voluntary muscular movements depend on a sound and healthy brain, although reflex movements, and the motion necessary to sustain animal life, are often carried on in some animals for a considerable time, when they are born without a brain. But the whole brain does not seem to be absolutely essential to life and mental operations, for many instances are mentioned, where a considerable portion of the brain has been removed by accident, such as a bullet or iron bar being shot through the head followed by a discharge of nervous matter : and yet the persons have lived for years subsequent to the accident in as sound a condition as ever. 608a. Necessity of two Cerebral Hemispheres.— One may be injured, and not the other. — The reason of the division of the brain into lobes or hemispheres is not so easily understood. Perhaps it may be that so large an organ of so soft a substance could not easily sustain its own weight, es- pecially when reclined on one side, and at the same time properly perform its functions. A more probable reason, however, is this. It is a well-known fact, that one of the hemispheres may be diseased or injured, so as to perform its functions imperfectly, and yet the other hemisphere be in its ordinary healthy state. Also, one hemisphere may be so much affected, that the opposite side of the whole body is paralyzed in motion or sensation, or both. It then seems reasonable to suppose, that, since the brain would be so liable to injuries, it was made in two portions, so as to prevent the entire destruction of life by an injury to one of the hemi- spheres. 60S. Where arc the intellect and the will located ? What movements depend on tho brain? Is the whole brain absolutely essential for intellection ? COS a. Why arc thcra probably two hemispheres to the brain? S42 n ITCH COCK'S anatomy 609. To secure Precision in all Voluntary Actions. —In Draper's Physiology is found another hypothesis for the division of the brain into two parts : this is to secure precision in the efforts of the intellect and will. ''For there is no doubt," he says, "that the hemispheres have not only the power of acting separately, but also conjointly ; thus there is no student but must have observed, when busily engaged in I'oading, that his mind will wander off to other things, though liQ may mechanically cast his eye over page after page ; and the same may occur in listening to a lecture or sermon. But though the insane man may indulge in two synchronous trains of thought, he never indulges in three, for the simple reason that he has not three hemispheres to do it with, the same re- mark applying to the sane man in the accidental v/andering of his thoughts." GIO. TliongM, Memory, and the Reasoning Powers require a Sound Brain. — As already mentioned, the brain is not the seat of motive power : this does not originate here, although voluntary movements are controlled by it. But automatic or reflex movements, such as the twitching of the muscles of the leg and foot, when the sole of the foot is tickled with some slightly irritating substance,' are entirely beyond the control of the cerebrum or will, since they take place nearly as well in a person who is asleep or stunned by a blow, or even when the nerves of sensation and motion are paralyzed. Thought, memory, reasoning, and all the intel- lectual states demand a healthy and a sound brain for their perfect action, while the ordinary muscular movements and the functions of respiration, circulation, and digestion, are dependent upon the Spinal Cord, Sympathetic Nerve, and Cerebellum. 611. Definition of Sleep.— Need of Sleep. — Sleep, '■tired nature's sweet restorer," is a state of the body, iii coo. How can two hemisplieres secure a precision in voluntary actions ? 610. Are reflex movements under tlie control of the brain ? What powers of mind are dependent on the cerebrum ? » AND PHYSIOLOGY. 843 wbich there is a more or less perfect suspension of the activ- ity of the brain. The functions of digestion, secretion, and respiration, proceed during the soundest sleep, though with less activity than during the wakeful state. In many cases, however, the functions of the brain do not entirely cease, as is seen in the phenomena of dreaming, where the brain seems to be actively at work, but the senses and animal functions are quiescent. Sleep is demanded by all animals to procure rest to the different organs of the body, and in health it comes to all, though in different degrees of soundness, but generally the greater the exhaustion, the more complete the sleep. 612. Periodical Tendency of Sleep.— The Will can for some Time overcome Sleep. — The tendency to sleep is periodical. All persons feel an inclination to sleep during some portion of the twenty-four hours, and during the night, if health be good and nature not perverted. Some strong intellectual effort, however, or some powerful emotion, will overcoms drowsiness for a long time, as in the case of the student working out a difficult problem, or a mother w^atching her sick child. But when the problem is mastered, and the child has safely passed the crisis, sleep comes on with irresist- ible force. Cases occur constantly to show that the brain must have its repose in spite of intellectual effort or danger. It is related that boys wearied out with continued labor in the battle of the Nile, slept during a part of the action, and in another naval engagement, a captain slept two hours within a yard of his largest gun, which was kept in action during the Avhole time. Indians at the stake of torture will sleep on the least remission of agony, but awake as soon as it is renewed again. And we learn that a most barbarous punishment is still practiced in China, that of keeping a victim awake until he dies of sheer exhaustion. The distress' of it is said to be temblev -—- . ■ Gil. What is sleep? What powers aro inactive durin? sleep, and what processes are carried on during it? What is sleep necessary for? 612. State the fact of a periodical tendency to sleep. Can tha will overcoma sleep? For how lon^ a time ciu it do it? -fielate the facts mentioned. 15* ^44 HI'TC II C OCR's ANATOMY 613. liiducemeiits to Sleep.— Sleep sometimes under the Control of the Will, — 0 rdinaril j darkness and si- lence promote sleep ; but if a person once becomes habituated to noise during slumber — if it be a continuous one — he can not sleep well without it. Thus persons living in the vicinity of forges and noisj mills can not readily sleep elsewhere. And a monotonous repetition of sounds is a most favorable provo- cative to sleep, the cause of which is that other impressions can not so readily be made on the mind, and thus the sleeper is less easily roused. A dull reader on a dull subject has a most ready effect in producing sleep, as well as the sound of a distant waterfall, or the rustling of leaves in a forest. Rub- bing many parts of the skin, or combing the hair by another person, will often cause drowsiness, and sometimes sleep. Again a person can sometimes put himself to sleep, if restless, by a monotonous intellectual effort, such as the rehearsal of a Latin paradigm, or counting the rain-drops, as they fall from the eave trough into the spout. 614. Effect of Habit on Sleep.— The effect of habit is powerful in producing sleep. Let one be accustomed to retire early — in accordance with nature — and sleepiness comes at the usual hour for retiring ; but if a person for a series of years is in the habit of sleeping the latter part of the night and early in the morning, it is almost impossible for him to sleep early in the night. Those persons who, like sailors, soldiers, and watchers, are obliged to catch sleep when they can get it, and then only in small amounts at a time, sleep with but little difficulty when the opportunity presents itself. Captain Barclay, who walked one thousand miles in as many consecutive hours, had such a power over himself, that he was asleep the moment he lay down. Some physicians liave the same power. C18.- What arc the common -inducements to sleopj r>o any persons over •require a noise, in order to sleop soundly ? What effect docs rubbing or chafinj? certain pai'ts of tho body have upon sleep? Can sleep ever be brought about by an action of the will? How ? C14. What clTect has habit upon producing sleep ? Mention the case of Captain Ikurclay. ' AND PHYSIOLOGY. 345 615. Preventives of Sleep . — Any unusual noiso or place of sleeping will prevent or disturb the sleep of many persons. Thus the singing of a mosquito keeps many a man awake a long time. But if a noise be repeated often, it will have no effect of this kind. The college Freshman for the few first mornings is readily awaked by the first stroke of the early prayer-bell, but in a short time it has no effect whatever. '• A gentleman who had taken his passage on board a man of war, was aroused on the first morning by the report of the morning gun, which chanced to be fired just above his head ; the shock was so violent as to cause him to jump out of bed. On the second morninsj he was aorain awakened, but this time he merely started and sat up in bed ; on the third morning the report had simply the effect of causing hira to open his eyes for a moment and turn in his bed ; on tho fourth morn- ing it ceased to affect him at all, and his slumbers continued to be undisturbed so Ions; as ho remained on bo.ird." 61G. An Absence of Accustomed Sonnds prevents Sleep. — The reverse of this sometimes happens, if there be a cessation of monotonous and unaccustomed sound, by which sleep was induced. Thus a person who has bean read or preached to sleep, will awake if the reader or preacher pause or stop, before any disturbance is made, and a person asleep in a railway train, will often awake on the stopping, or even on the slackening of the train. 617. Amount of Sleep. — The amount of sleep necessary for man, varies exceedingly, being affected by the condition! of age, temperament, habit, and exhaustion. Infants and very old people sleep the most. The former require il that the constructive process may go on as uninterru; tedly as possible, and they generally sleep three fourths cf tbe time. The latter need a large amount of sleep, because llie vital energies are sp- feeble. ^ ' ' ' - C15. What vrill often easily prevent sleep? Instance tlio collocro Freshman r.ml the pentleman on the raan of wur. 616. IIow does an .absence of acciistomcil sDiiiuli affect ^sloop ? 617. Wliat amount of sleep is necessai-/ ? What ages sleep tlio mojt ? 346 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 618. A Lynipliatic Temperament a Sleepy one. — Persons of a lymphatic temperament, those who are seldom excited, sleep more than those of a nervous temperament, who are always rapid and quick in their movements. The former live slowly, and but comparatively little waste is going on, and consequently the brain is all the time nearer to sleep than in the latter class, whose brain, when awake, is very active, and "vyhen asleep, is asleep very soundly. 619. Effect of Habit on the Amount of Sleep.— Re- markable Cases. — The amount of sleep is greatly modified by habit, and often the briefest sleepers have been men of the greatest activity. If a person acquire the habit of sleeping but little, he must sleep very profoundly, so that w^hat is lost in quantity, is made up in intensity. The habit of taking but little sleep, however, is not a sure indication that a proper amount of it has been secured. Frederic the Great, and John Hunter slept but five hours out of the twenty-four ; and General Elliot, engaged in the defense of Gibraltar, and Na- poleon, often slept but four hours out of the twenty-four. The general rule, however, seems to be that man should take from six to eight hours of the twenty-four, for uninter- rupted slumber. Women in general seem to require rather more. 620. Mode of Access of Sleep. — To some deep comes on instantly when the will determines upon it, but to others it is a gradual and tedious process, especially in ill health, or an excited mental state. Many physicians drop asleep as soon as the head touches the pillow, and are aroused by no ordinary sound, such as the tread of another person in the room, or the shutting of a door, but wake as soon as the night-bell ia rung. Sir E. Codrington, when a young man in the naval service, was very active ?it oae time in looking out for signals,. CIS. What aro the sleepy temperaments ^. What tho wido-iiwake ones? CI 9. How does liabit affect tho amount of sleep ? State some remarkable bases. What is an avprago amount of sleep for men? How mudi for-woaoen? 620. EjW does sleep come ou'» Give exampiea. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 34"? and was employed during his waking hours in this business. Hence his sleep was very solid, and he was roused by no or- dinary sound, but his comrades amused themselves by whis- pering the word "signal" in his ear, when he was at once aroused and fit for duty. 621. Functions of the Cerebellum. — The Cerebellum does not seem to be in any manner directly connected with the phenomena of mind. But it seems designed simply for the purpose of combining the actions of different muscles, or presides over the coordination of voluntary muscular move- ments, as in walking, speaking, and similar actions requiring several sets of muscles to be used at the same instant. Ac- cordingly in animals, which possess the greatest variety of movements, we find the largest cerebellum. 622. Effects when Removed from Animals. — The Con- trolling Power of Muscular Motions. — When this organ has been removed from some of the lower animals, it was found that they could not control their movements. When laid down they could not recover their erect posture, and when threatened with a blow, they in vain endeavored to avoid it. Another phenomenon attending a wound, or removal of both sides of the cerebellum, was the motion of the animal in a backward direction, and the rolling from side to side on the longitudinal axis of the body, and keeping up this motion uninterruptedly, for several hours, at the rate of sixty revolu- tions per minute. In some men who have been afflicted with a disease of this organ, an unsteadiness of gait has been ob- served, which gives additional strength to the belief that the Cerehellimi is the regulator of tnuscular movements. 62S. Functions of the Medulla Ohlongata.— The Me- dulla Oblongata seems to have for its function the sending of nervous power to the muscles of respiration and swallowing^ 621. Does tho cerebellum control the phenomena of mind? What aro its functions' 622. What effects does its removal causd in animals? How does a disease of it affiict iDf Q ? 623. What operations are controlled by the medulla oblongata ? 348 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY or, in other words, respiration and deglutition are controlled and performed by the medulla oblongata. 624. Function of the Cerebral Ganglia. — The series of Ganglia, Corpora stiiata, Thalami optici, etc., are regarded by Dr. Carpenter as the true sensorium in man, and this is one of the most important facts established with regard to the nervous system. A prominent reason for the belief, that the brain is simply superadded to them, is seen in many instances of children born without a brain, but with the sensory ganglia present, where the functions of animal life have been carried on for a considerable length of time. 625. Functions of the Spinal Cord. — The functions of the Spinal Cord are considered in a double aspect : First, as the means of communication between the roots of the spinal nerves, and those parts of the nervous system within the cranium, and second, as a center of nervous power to pro- duce reflex movements when an impression is made upon this cord. 626. Function of Sympathetic Nerve.— The Sym- pathetic Nerve '^in its offices is a motor nerve to many of the internal viscera of the body, the heart and the intestinal canal especially ; it is also a sensitive nerve to these parts, and it presides over the action of the blood-vessels of these as well as of the other parts, where it is distributed, as of the head and neck, and likewise of all the principal glands of the body." 627. Organic Functions depend on the Spinal Cord. — Effect of Pressure on this Cord. — Almost all the func- tions of organic life, such as breathing, digestion, and circu- lation, are greatly influenced by the condition of the spinal cord, and especially in its connection with the sympathetic nerve, although the brain has some controlling power. Yet 624. By what set of bodies aro the principal functions of animal life carried on? 625, ^hat arc the functions of the s[iinal cord ? 633. Give the use of tho sympathetic nerve. 627. Upon what p<>rtions of the nervous system do orgaaio function* depend? • AXD PHYSIOLOGY. 349 "when we are asleep, or the brain is stunned by a blow, the organic functions are carried on as in the state of the activity of the brain, though with far less energy. And in the case already mentioned of animals born without a brain, life (or- ganic) may. be sustained for a considerable time merely by the functions of the spinal cord. If this cord be severed near the head, or even if it be compressed, life soon ceases. This is the manner in which death ensues by hanging, or breaking the neck as it is termed ; where one vertebra is slipped from its place (put out of joint), so that by the unequal contraction of the muscles such a pressure is made on the cord that life speedily becomes extinct. And if this cord is compressed in any portion, sensibility and the power of motion in muscles supplied by the part below the point of compression are de- stroyed ; and if the pressure be long continued, or the cord divided, its vitality is for ever destroyed, although the parts above it are only indirectly affected. 628. Sensation Exists Previously to Motion— Centri- petal and Centrifugal Fibers — Rate of Movement through the Nerves. — From the fact that one portion of each nerve is designed for sensation, and the other for motion, it is probable that sensation must exist previous to the motion of the part. Thus, for example, if the hand be brought in contact with any substance without any previous knowledge of its presence, no matter how soon the hand may seem to grasp it, yet the in- terval must have been long enough for the sensation contact to have passed from the hand to the brain, and the will to de- termine upon the condition of the muscles, and the order to pass down through the white fibers to the hand again before the grasping can take place. Or the same thing may tala place on receiving a shock, or series of shocks, from a gal- vanic battery, the contrSxitions in this case being an instance of involuntary or reflex movement. And although this fact What is the effect of prcssura upon or division of the spinal cord? 628. What tvo fiinoUuus e^ist in eodi serve ? Wbicli c:cists first, motioa or scoeation ? 350 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY seems clearlj established, that one portion of each nerve trans- mits the sensation to the brain, called the centripetal or sen- sory, and the other conveys the order to the muscle, called the centrifugal or motor, yet no anatomical difference can be de- tected between the different fibers of the nerve. . From this fact a German physiologist has made a series of curious cal- culations, as a result of which he concludes that nervous in- fluence, such as the will to move a certain muscle, travels at the rate of 195 feet per second. 629. Ganglia Reservoirs of Power.— It has been sug- gested, and with reason, that the ganglia, abundant as they are in the body, act as reservoirs of nerve force, and the frequent commissures, or union and subsequent divergence of nerve fibers, is to draw off a part of the influence which is coming along the centripetal fiber, and directing it into a new chan- nel. 630. Divisions of the Cranial Nerves.— The cranial nerves may be divided, according to their function, into three groups : Olfactory. Special Sense ■{ Optic. Auditory. Motores Oculorum. Patlieticus. Abducentes. Facial. Lingual. Trifacial, Glosso-Ph aryngeal. Par Yagum. I Spinal Accessory. 631. The olfactory nerve is the one by which we gain the smell of odoriferous substances, as they are brought in con- tact with this nerve in the lining membrane of the nose. What are tho centripetal and what the centrifnfal fibers Af the nerves?" What is 4 probablo rate at which the influence is transniitted through the nerves to and from tho brain ? 629. What theory has been offered for the"nsTo7tireVaTTgiTa?~ 630.' What three groups of tho cervical nerves are here given ? 631-640. State the function of each paii- of the cranial nerves. Motion. Compound AND PHYSIOLOGY. 351 632. The optic nerve, as expanded in the retina, is the nerve of sight. 633. The auditory nerve receives the vibrations of the air, which produce sound. 634. The motores oculorum, pathetici, and abducentes are the nerves which furnish motive power to the eje-ball. 635. The facial nerve is distributed to the muscles of the face, and is the one that aids in the expressions of the emo- tions and will, as exhibited in the countenance. It is also the channel of the reflex actions in respiration, as when a person involuntarily gasps if cold water be dashed in the face. 636. The lingual (hypoglossal) nerve is necessary for the production of articulate speech, regulating and controlling as it does the muscles of the tongue. 637. The trifacial nerve administers the sense of touch to the surface of the tongue, and aids somewhat in the sense of taste. One branch of it is a muscular branch. Another is sent to the mucous surface of the* eye, and if it be cut off the eye is destroyed by suppuration. 638. The glosso-pharyngeal is the essential nerve of taste, and is closely connected in function with the trifacial. It seems also to be the nerve through which unpleasant sensa,- tions excited in the mouth are conveyed to the medulla ob- longata so as to excite nausea and vomiting. 639. The par vagum sends nervous power to the heart- stomach, lungs, and larynx, as well as conveys to the braift any disagreeable sensations excited in these organs. Conse- quently this is the essential nerve of digestion, respiration, circulation, and opening or closure of the glottis under ordi- nary circumstances. 640. The spinal accessory seems to be the nerve by which the regulation of the muscles essential to the production of voice is effected. 352 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 641. Use of Spinal Nerves. — The use of the Spinal Nerves is to convey impressions made at the surface of the body — including the extremities — to the brain, and to trans- mit impulses to the muscles from the brain. Both of these influences are transmitted by the same nerve or filament, though in opposite directions. From carefully conducted ex- periments it seems quite probable that the "coarse fibers" transmit the impulses to the muscles, and are called afferent^ while the fine fibers conduct the impressions to the brain, and are called efferent. And in the muscular nerves the coarse fiber is proportioned to the fine as 10 : 3.3, while in the trunk, as it issues from the spinal cord, it is in the ratio of 10 : 11. HYGIENIC IXFEREITCES. 642. Tlic Nervous System not easily Diseased. — 1. It is a singular fact that the nervous system, so delicate in its organization and mysterious in many of its functions, is to so small an extent dependent upon any particular rules for the maintenance of its health, the main thing necessary for its welfare being an attendance to the general health of the body. 643. It needs Action. — 2. The nervous system, like all other parts of the body, requires action for its health. If a person has nothing upon which he can exert his nervous energy, he is liable to disease ; and no class of people are so subject to nervous diseases as the wealthy, who are obliged to make little exertion to procure the necessaries and luxuries of life. Hence we infer that employment of some kind is indis- pensable to the health of the nervous system. 644. Sleep indispensable to its Health. — 3. This system G41. What is the use of the spinal nerves? What is the difference in function between the coarse and the fine fibers? 642. Is the nervous system easily aff^-cted by serious dis- ease ? 643. What is the necessity of action to the nervous system ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 353 requires sound sleep. For this alone can return to the brain its expended energies. It is as necessary to the brain as steam to the locomotive. And no person can enjoy the per- fection of health to old age, who does not gain a due supply of sleep. Hence the very ambitious student, or the man eager to make money, whose time, energies and thoughts are so engrossed that he can not, or will not, find time to sleep, vio- lates one of nature's principal laws, and sooner or later will receive the penalty. And, according to insane hospital re- ports, one of the principal causes of insanity is put down to a want of sleep. 645. Needs Rest and Recreation. — 4. The mind not only needs sleep, but also recreation or an occasional change of its objects of thought. Long-continued trains of thought are to the brain what working one set of muscles incessantly all day is to them — complete exhaustion. He then that would last the longest, must occasionally turn his thoughts from his or- dinary avocation completely, and so give the brain rest. This applies to every one, whether he is the business man, student, or the hard-working farmer or mechanic. And every one also needs a vacation, or at least some change of employment, once or twice during the year, when, for a few weeks or days, lie may break up the ordinary routine of life. 646. Necessity of various Objects for the Mind to di- vert itself with. — 5. If change or recreation be so impor- tant for the health, how necessary that the mind should have various objects on which to employ itself when free from daily duties. How pleasantly, and profitably, for instance, can one pass his leisure hours, if he will but cultivate a taste for music, reading, or some branch of natural history, as for example zoology, botany, mineralogy, or geology ! These pursuits not only give healthful physical recreation, but by 644. What is the effect of a want or scarcity of sleep ? What is often a prominent cause of insanity? 645. What kind of rest does the mind need besides sleep? Do all employments need a vacation ? C46. Is exercise, that is taken simply for exercise, ever the best ? What studies combine profit as well as recreation and exercise ? 3M HITCHCOCK'S anatomy the attractive and fascinating objects of study which they offer, they divert the mind from the ordinary cares and trour bles of life, and also exert a healthful moral influence. To literary and professional men, as well as many of business engagements, such a source of recreation and improvement is of very groat importance, since often they are not interested in many of the recreations and pleasures which divert the great mass of society, and also because new thoughts and means of illustration may be gained from them. 64T. The Brain must be worked Pliilosopliieally, not Spasmodically. — 6. The brain and nervous system will per- form more labor, if worked philosophically, than if worked spasmodically. That is, mental and corporeal labor performed regularly and steadily, and only up to the ordinary power of the brain and nerves to sustain, will not wear away the ner- vous system to such an extent as if it be performed by over^- working for a few days and then lying idle. 648. Value of iilental Abstraction.— 7. As a general fact the mind acting through the brain can not successfully work in the midst of noise and external attractions. But by practice many can engage in deep study and intense thought, even in the company of those who are talking, laughing, singing, or in the midst of any noise. This is a valuable acquisition and one that should be sought after by every one, since all of us are liable to be thrown into such circumstances, that we must work, think, and transact business in noise and confu- sion. 649. Tliebcst Time for Study.— 8. We see from this sub- ject that the best time for study is in the morning, for then the brain is rested, and can with the greatest vigor and alacrity engage in its efforts. But here the fact presents itself, that the morning is the best time for physical exercise, and to 647. How should the braia and nervous system bo worked ? 64S. What is said of tho value of mental abstraction ? 649. What is the best time for study ? AND PHTSIOLOaY. S55 which shall "sve give the preference ? Shall we deprive our bodies of exercise, or shall we give up the best eflforts of the brain ? Without hesitancy, as a general ruJe, we should say, attend to the physical exercise first, for if the general health be broken down, the brain will sympathize, and then close mental effort will be at an end. Hence, although morn- ing is the best time for study, yet we must not take the whole of it for that purpose, but must share it with exercise. To a student who is passing through a long course of study, early rising and retiring, and generally exercise in the morning before commencing study, will tend to preserve and invigorate health. Studying late at night and sleeping long in the morning, are injurious to no class of people more than to the hard student. 650. Peniicious Effect of Tobacco on the Brain.— 9. The effect of tobacco on the brain is thus described, in his medical lectures, by Dr. Solly, an eminent physiologist and practical physician: "I would caution you, as students, fi-om excesses in the use of tobacco and smoking, and I would advise you to disabuse your patients' minds of the idea that it is harmless. I have had a large experience of brain dis- ease, and am satisfied now that smoking is a most noxious habit. I know of no cause or agent that tends so much to bring on functional disease, and through this in the end to lead to or^inic diseases of the brain, as excessive use of to- bacco.'' 651. Power of the Feelings over the Nervous Syst£m. — 10. It is wonderful and interesting to see what is the power exDrted by the feelings and emotions upon the nervous sys- tem, and through that upon the whole body. Let the farmer feel that his severe labor is sure to bring him in good crops, and how happily does he persevere in his severe toil month after month. And if the merchant can only know that his But how shall exercise and study both bo properly attended to ? What is said of early rising? 650. How dops tobacco affect the braiu? 651. What effect have the emotion* upon the physical system ? 356 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMir gains are great, how incessantly will he work day and night, and jet consider his no hard life. But if there be no encour- agement, no prospect of reward to the working-man in his employment, what drudgery does it become ! In ay, how posi- tively injurious to health and vigor of body and mind. 652. To the scholar, however, this principle is much more important than to him who labors only with the muscles, since these organs can be worked to a considerable extent with an unwilling mind ; but to work a brain already depressed and discouraged is much more diificult, and sure to bring on grave disease. When the spirits are light and the mind free, the memory can be more readily stored with facts and principles, and the reasoning powers more easily developed. It is hence the duty of teachers to make study as pleasant and attractive as possible ; it becomes those who select the location and con- struct the buildings of colleges, academies, and school-house?, to have a reference to taste and comfort in their plans, so that physical inconvenience may not render study irksome, and that the taste of the student may be improved as much as pos- sible by the construction and arrangements of these buildings. 653. Control of the Nervous System by Moral aKd Religious Feelings.— 11. Finally, of all the sources and promoters of health, correct moral and religious feelings and principles are among the most powerful. The reaction of a guilty conscience upon the body, in obstructing the functions and in bringing on weakness and p emature decay, is well known. Equally powerful in promoting health and longevity is an approving conscience. A cheerful acquiescence in the divine will has often done more to restore the invalid and maintain good health against disease, than all medical reme- dies ; while pure and ennobling sentiments and religious hopes have sometimes been more efficacious to prolong life on earth t'lan all other hygienic prescriptions. 652. What offt'Ct has plensurnblo. feelings on tho progress of the scholar? 658. State tho valno of an approving conscience upoa all classes of society, as It simply respects physical teulth. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 35T COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY. 654. Among all the higher mammals we are able to trace nearly all the different parts of the nervous system as they are exhibited and arranged in man, though many of them are considerably modified. 655. Weight of Brains.— The relative weight of the brain is greater in the smaller ani trials. Thus, in the mouse it is said to be ^\d. the weight of the body. In the elephant the weiojht of the brain is Fig. Fig. 329. Brain of Squirrel laid open. B, Cere- brum. D, Cerebellum. C, Optic Lobes. thai., Thalamus Opticus, c, «, Corpus Striatum. Upper and Under Surface of Brain oi Rablit, A, B, D, as b<»fore. ol, Olfactive Lobes. op, Optic Nerve, mo. Motor Oculi. cm, Corpora Mamillaria. c, e, Crus Cerebri. pVy Pons Varolii, pa, Patheticus. tri. Trifacial, ah, Abducens. /rtc. Facial, av, Audi' tory. Tuor., Vagus. ^, Spinal Accessory. 7iyj9,, Hypoglossal. 655. What is said of the size of braias 5 B5^ HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY -g-ij^th the weight of the body; in the ox, ^Jo^h; in the fox, ^^jth; while in man it is ^'^th the weight of the body. 656. Proportion of the AVidtli of Brain and Spinal Cord in Man and other Mammalia. — This, as well as the comparison of cerebral mass and cerebral nerves, between man and other animals, is interesting. The breadth of the spinal marrow is, to that of the breadth of the brain, in man, as 1:7; in the dog, as 1 : 2. 657. Cerebral Nerves. — "The cerebral nerves correspond to those of man. The first pair, however, forms in some de- gree an exception, for though not absent in all the whale family, it is wanting in the dolphins. In most mammals the olfactory nerves are thick and have a cavity in them. The fifth pair of nerves is, in many mammals, of peculiar strength and thickness when compared with that pair in man." 658. Sympathetic System. — "The nervous system of organic life— the great sympathetic — is formed, as far as in- vestigations indicate, essentially as in man." It is situated mostly in the cavities of the thorax and abdomen, and follows the course of the blood vessels. 659. Tentorium.. — The tentorium cerebelli, which in man is a simple tough membrane that separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum, is very delicate in some animals, as the horse and dolphin ; while in the cat it is supported by a bony plate springing from the skull, and is a very firm membrane. Its use to protect the brain in those animals whose movements are at times violent and sudden, and especially those that leap great distances. 660. Spinal Nerves. — The Spinal nerves also, in general appearance, are like those in man. The number of pairs varies in difierent species, as might be inferred from the dif- fering, number of their vertebrae. C5G. Slate the proportion of the width of-the brain and spinal cord. 65T. What is said of the cerebral nerves of animals ? 658. What is said of the sympathetic system ? 659. What is said of the tentorium ? €60. What of the spinal nerves of aninaala ? AND THYSIOLOGY, 35d 661. Actual Proportion between Cerebrum and Cere- bellum.— According to Cuvier, the proportion of the cere- bellum to the cerebrum, by weight, in the baboon, is as 1:7; in the dog, 1:8; in the sheep, 1:5; and in the horse, 1:7. 662. Spinal Cord. — The essential difference between the spinal cord in man and the lower mammalia, is its greater length, and a narrow canal which runs longitudinally through the middle of it. 663. Nervous System of Birds.— The brain of birds is characterized by the smallness of the hemispheres, though more fully developed than in reptiles and fishes. In the sparrow the weight of the brain to the whole body is as 1 : 25 ; in the goose, 1 : 800 ; and in the cassowary, 1 : 1000. It is destitute of convolutions, or in other words is perfectly smooth on its surface, and has laroje cavities or ventricles con- tained in it : and, as in mam- mals, the mass of the brain is greater than that of the spinal cord. The pairs of the cerebral nerves are the same as in mammals ; also the principal divisions are the same. The cerebellum, as in man, exhibits the arbor vitse when cut through vertically. 664. Nervous System of Reptiles. — The brain of rep- Brain of Buzzard. B, Cerebrum, C, Optic Ganglia. D, Cerebellum, g, Pineal Gland. 661. What is the proportion between the weight of the cerebrum and cerebellum in some of the lower animals ? 662. What is the essential difference between the spinal cord of man and that of most quadrupeds? 663. How is the brain of birds characterized? Give some ef the proportional weights of it compared with that of the whole body f 10 360 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY ^i»- 332. tiles constitutes but a very small part of the body. In the frog the proportion to the whole weight of the body is as 1 : 172 ; in the Coluber matrix (snake), 1 : 792 ; in a turtle, 1 : 5688. The hemi- spheres are smooth and hollow internally. The optic lobes are large in proportion to the size of the eyes, and are hoi-, low internally. The cerebel- lum of frogs is merely a thin plate of nervous matter. 665. Nervous System of Fishes . — We find the lowest development of the nervous system among vertebrates in the fishes. The brain here does not fill the whole cranial cavity, so that between the brain and dura mater there is found a quantity of loose cellular tissue, with which is inter- spersed a fluid oil. The brain in weight does not equal that of the spinal cord, nor is it but a little broader than the cord. Its weight in proportion to that of the body is about y^'o o^th part. It is composed of eight lobes, partly in pairs, and partly unpaired behind one another, which seem to correspond to the cerebellum (divided), corpora quadrigemina, thalami optici, and medulla oblongata. Q6Q. Electrical Organs in Fishes. — There are at least seven species of fish that possess the power of giving electric discharges. The organs which accomplish this in the Torpedo are two large crescent-like bodies (see Fig. 334), which are Brain of Turtle. A, Olfactive Ganglia. B, Cerebrum. C, Optic Ganglia. D, Cere- bellum. 664. What Is said of the brain of reptiles? State its comparative size with that of the whole body. 665. State some of the peculiarities of the brain in fishes. What is its relative, weiziit? 666. What Is said of the electrical organs of some fishes? Give the anatomy of these organs. AND PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 333. 361 m tjj Brains of Fislies. A, Olfactive Lobes or Ganglia. B, Cerebral Hemispheres. C, Op« tic Lobes. D, Cerebellum, ol, Olfactory Nerve, op, Optic Nerve, pa, Patheticus. mo. Motor Oculi. ab, Abducens. tri, Trifacial, fa. Facial, aw, Auditory, vaff, Va« gus. tt, Tubercles or Ganglia of the Trifacial, io, Tubercles of the Vagus. made up of a large number of short, six-sided prisms, and are abundantly supplied -with nerves. And as these organs are made up of prisms, which stand end upon end, and not side hj side only, as they appear in the cut, the idea seema 362 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 334. Fig. 335. Electrical Apparatus of Torpedo, b, Nervous System of an Articulate. Brancliiae. c, Brain, e, Electric Organ. ff, Cartilage of Cranium, me, Spinal Cord, n, Nerves to the Pectoral Fins, nl, Lat- eral Nerves to the Body, np, Large Nerves (Pnoumogastric) to the Electric Organ. o. Eye. plausible that they may be regarded as Voltaic piles, or a reservoir of electric power which the fish can discharge at will. And it is necessary for the generation of this electrical discharge that the integrity of the nervous system be main- tained. 667. Nervous System in Articulata. — In the Crusta- ceans the nervous system consists of ganglia and cords. The central ganglion may be regarded as a brain, which sends off nerves of vision, audition, feeling, and smelling. A splanch- nic or sympathetic nerve is also found, as in the Arachnoidea and Annelida. The two latter classes have ganglia, which 667. State the general plan of th© nervous system In articulates. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 363 Fig. 336. Nervous System of a Beetle. may be called a brain. In Insects ^' the central parts of the nervous system con- sist of a brain and a ven- tral cord," as is shown on 'Fior. 336. In some of the o lower tribes of Articulates, as the Helminthes and Rota- toria, the nervous system is feebly and indistinctly de- veloped. 668. Reflex Actions in Ar- ticulates.— This sub-king- dom is remarkable for its reflex actions. Thus if the head of a centipede be cut off while it is in motion, the body will con- tinue to move by the action of its legs : and the same will take place, if the body is divided into several segments. The explanation is as follows. "The body is moved forward by the regular and successive action of its legs, as in the natural state : but its movements are always forwards, never back- wards, and are only directed to one side, when the forward movement is checked by an interposed obstacle. Hence, al- though they might seem to indicate consciousness and a guid- ing will, they do not so in reality : for they are carried on as it were mechanically, and show no direction or object, no avoidance of danger. If the body be opposed in its progress by an object of not more than half its height, it mounts over it, and moves directly onwards, as in its natural state : but if tlie obstacle be equal to its own height, its progress is ar- rested, and the cut extremity of the body remains forced up against the opposing substance, the legs still continuing to move J ^ What is the name of the principal ganglia? 668. What is said of the reflex actions of articulate animals ? What are these reflex actions sometimes mistaken for s Give the example. 364 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 669. Nervous System of Molluscs.— Cephalic Gang- lia.—Pedal Ganglia.— Parieto-Splanchnic Ganglia. — Ir. most of the Molluscs the nervous system is well de- FiG. 337. A "ferrous System of Argonauta Argo. A, As seen in front. B, As viewed in profile, •fihowing the relations of the Nervous Centers to the Buccal Mass. A, The Esophagus B, and the Eyo c. a. Cephalic Ganglion. 6, Buccal Ganglion, c, Sub-Esophageal Gang- lion, d, d. Stellate Ganglia of the Mantle, e, Visceral Ganglion. / Nerves of the Arms, with Ganglionic Enlargements, g, Optic Nerves, h, h, Eyes. *, i, Brijnchial Nerves with their Ganglia. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 365 veloped; the most so in the Cephalopods, which are the highest in organization. In these we find a central organ quite like a brain, enveloped bj a membrane analogous to the Dura Mater. This system is shown on Fig. 337. The general arrangement is that of three principal pairs of ganglia with nerves proceeding from them. The first pair is called the Cephalic ganglia, which is the largest, and is located above or on the sides of the esophagus, with a collar of nerves surrounding that tube. This gives off nerves to the organs of vision and taste, and to the muscular apparatus of the mouth. The second pair, called the Pedal ganglia, is located beneath the esophagus, giving off nerves to the foot and the organs of hearing, when thi3 sense is not actually located in the foot. The third pair, the Parieto- Splanchnic ganglia, are usually found in the posterior part of the body giving nerves to the muscular and sensitive walls of the body, the respiratory ap- paratus, the heart and large blood vessels. 670. Nervous System of Radiates.— Need of a Nerv- ous System. — Among the higher Radiates a nervous system of inferior organization can be found. For the most part it consists of a ring of nervous Fi^ 33 s. matter about the mouth, which sends off branches in different directions. " In Medusae the nervous system consists of a simple cord, of a string of ovate cells, form- ing a ring aroung the lower margin of the animal." — „ ,«. r-i ° Nervous System of Star-Fish, gr, gr, Live Agassiz. (Fig. 338.) Gang- oangua. lia, or reservoirs of force can but seldom be found. 671. Among the Infusoria no nervous system can be de- tected, and if any exist, its participation in the general course 669. What is the principal arrangement of the nervous system among moUuscs? 6T0. What is the nervous system of the radiates ? 6TI. How is the nervous system among Eadiates? 806 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY of A^tal action must be ver j trifling. For the simplest office of a nervous sjstem is to establish a communication between the different parts of the body ; but if every part of the body has similar endowments, there can be no object in such com- munication. For instance, where every part of the surface — as is the case in those animals — is equally susceptible of ab- Borption, there can be no need of a circulating system, and where contractility seems to be diffused through the body alike, a nervous system would be superfluous. 671. What of the nervous BjBtem of Infoaorlik CHAPTER EIGHTH. THE INLETS TO THE SOUL.— THE SENSES. ENERAL REMARKS. 672. The Senses.— Dependent on the Mind. — These are commonly known under the name of senses. Five are usually reckoned, Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Feeling, and Smelling; and it is by these alone that we are made acquainted with ex- ternal objects. In other words, sensation may be defined as the consciousness of impressions. The mind, for aught we know, might be able to carry on its functions of thinking, reasoning, and memory, and also be conscious of its own ex- istence, if it were deprived of the senses : but it could not make itself felt on other minds, nor increase in knowledge and discipline without their aid. And although the primary ob- ject of the senses is to promote physical enjoyment, yet their highest and noblest use is to subserve the purposes of the mind. 673. Senses best Developed in Lower Animals. — In man the senses are not so fully developed as in most of the lower animals. But this deficiency is much more than com- pensated by the superiority of his intellect. 674. Effect of excessive Use of the S e n s e s .—Excessive indulgence of any of the senses is apt to produce painful in- stead of pleasurable sensations. Thus heat of a moderate 6T2. Whnt are the inlets of the soul ? Is mind necessary for the existence of sense ? "What is the primary use of the senses? What should bo their hishest us3? 673. In -what animals are tlie senses the most perfectly developed ? 674. How does excessiva indulgeacd afifect the senses? 16* 368 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY temperature is always agreeable, but painful if much in- creased. Many odors snuffed in small quantity are pleasant, but when given to satiety, become disgusting. The probable design of this provision seems to be to prevent injury by an inordinate stimulation of any of the nerves. For instances are on record, where the mucous membrane of the nostrils has been severely affected by the fumes of ammonia given in fainting. 675. Habit makes painful Sensations pleasant.— It is a curious but interesting fact that the pain excited by un- accustomed sensations may sometimes be exchanged for its opposite, after the system has become habituated to them. Thus tobacco and alcoholic liquors are at first disagreeable to most persons ; but when the disgust has been overcome by any means a love for them succeeds, and generally a strong craving for excessive indulgence also. 676. Nerves of Special Sense can perform but one Function . — The nerves of special sense are incapable of per- forming any function except that for which they were orig- inally designed. Thus the optic nerve can perform the func- tion of vision only, the olfactory only that of smelling, and the auditory only that of hearing. 677. Effect of Belief on our Sensations. — The effect of previous belief in modifying our sensations, is shown in the two cases copied from Carpenter's Physiology. ''A clergyman told me that some time ago suspicions were enter- tained in his parish, of a woman who was supposed to have poisoned her newly born infant. The coffin was exhumed, and the procurator fiscal, who attended with the medical men to examine the body, declared that he already perceived the odor of decomposition, which made him feel faint, and in con- sequence he withdrew. But on opening the coffin, it was What instance of this from odors? 675. How does habit sometimes affect painful sen- sations? What examples? 676. What is said of the function of the nerves of special sense ? 677. How does our belief affect our sensations ? Give the instance of the infant AND PHYSIOLOGY. 369 found to be empty ; and it was afterwards ascertained that no child had been born, and consequently no murder committed. The second case is yet more remarkable. A butcher was brought into the shop of Mr. McFarlan, the druggist, from the market place opposite, laboring under a terrible accident. The man on trying to hook up a heavy pioce of meat above his head, slipped, and the sharp hook penetrated his arm, so that he himself was suspended. On being examined, he was pale, almost pulseless, and expressed himself as suffering the acutest agony. The arm could not be moved without causing excessive pain; and in cutting off the sleev^e, he frequently cried out : yet when the arm was exposed, it was found to be quite uninjured, the hook having only traversed the sleeve of his coat!!" THE SENSE OE VISION. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 678. The chief organ of this sense is the eye, although its appendages perform very important secondary functions. 679. Anatomy of the Eye. — The human eye is nearly globular in form, with a diameter a little less than one inch, the lateral diameter being one twentieth of an inch less than the antero-posterior. (Fig. 339, p. 370.) In general struc- ture it is made up of three membranes, and three humors, or transparent media, and is covered on the surface exposed to the air by mucous membrane, which also lines the insido of the lidj so that the two surfaces at some points are always in contact. 680. Sclerotica . — The membrane which covers the larg^ portion of the eye is called the Sclerotica, from the Greek Give the instance of the butcher. 678. What is the chief organ of sight? -679. What la the shape of the eye ? Its diameter ? Of how many media and membraues ia ik made up? 370 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Fig. 339. Longitudinal Section of the Globe of the Eye. 1, Sclerotic, thiclcer behind than in front. 2, Cornea, received within Anterior Margin of Sclerotic, and connected with it by means of a beveled edge, 3, Choroid, connected anteriorly with (4,) Ciliary ligament, and (5,) Ciliary Processes. 6, Iris. 7. Pupil. 8, Third Layer of Eye, Retina terminating anteriorly by abrupt border at commencement of Ciliary Processes. 9, Canal of Petit, encircles the Lens (12) ; the thin layer in front of this canal is the Zonula Ciliaris, a pro- longation of Vascular Layer of lletina to the Lens. 10, Anterior Chamber of Eye con- taining Aqueous Humor ; the lining membrane, by which the humor is secreted, is represented in diagram. 11, Posterior Cliamber. 12, Lens, more convex behind than before, enclosed in its proper Capsule. 13, Vitreous Humor enclosed in Hyaloid Mem- brane, and in cells formed in its interior by that membrane. 14, Tubular Sheath of Hyaloid Membrane, wliich serves for the passage of the Artery of Capsule of the Lens. 15, Neurilemma of Optic Nerve. 16, Arteria Centralis Retinje, embedded in the center. signifying hard, because it is a firm and stout membrane. Its color is nearly white, covering the posterior four fifths of the eye, it is commonly called the white of the eye, and is thickest in its posterior parts. 681. Cornea. — The external covering of the front fifth part of the eye is called the Cornea, from the Latin word meaning horn-like, and in two respects it bears the same rela- tion to the ball of the eye, as the crystal does to the watch, since it is fitted into the sclerotic by a beveled edge, as is a watch-glass, and also because it is perfectly transparent. The blood-vessels of this membrane are among the smallest in the body, being too small to allow the passage of the blood-cor- puscles, and only convey the plasma or serum. 630. Describe the sclerotic coat. 681. What is the cornea? To what may it be oom' pared in the watch ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 371 682. Choroid Coat— Iris. Fig. 34o. — Ciliary Processes. — The middle coat of the eye is made up of three portions, the Choroid membrane, the Iris, and the Ciliary pro- cesses. The first, Choroid, is named from the fact that it is entirely made up of blood- vessels, of a chocolate-brown color on the outside, and a deep black on the inside. It covers the posterior four fifths of the eye, and corresponds to the sclerotic coat outside of it. The Iris, so called from the diversity of color which Plan of the Structures in the Fore Part of the Eye, seen in Section. 1, Conjunctiva, 2, Sclerotica. 3, Cornea. 4, Choroid. 5, Annulus Albidus ; before this is is seen the Canal of Fontana. 6, Ciliary Processes. 7, Iris. 8, Ketina. 9, Hyaloid Membrane. 10, Canal of Petit (made too large). 11, Membrane of the Aqueous Humor (too thick.) a, Aqueous Humor ; Anterior Chamber, and (or,) Posterior Chamber. &, Crystalline Lens. c, Vitreous Humor. Fig. 341. - Choroid Coat of the Eye. 1, Carved lines marking the arrangement of Venae Vortl- cosae. 2, 2, Ciliary Nerves, 8, A long Ciliary Artery and Nerve. 4, Ciliary Ligament 5, Iris. 6, Pupil. 632, Of what three portions is the choroid coat composed ? Give their names. De- scribe the Iris. 372 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY it presents in different persons — and it is the color of this which we mean when we speak of the color of the eje — cor- responds in position to the cornea Ijing immediately under it. FiG. 342. Fig. 343. External View of the Iris. , Anterior Segment of a Transverse Section of the Globe of the Eye seen from within. 1, Divided edge of the three Tunics ; Sclerotic, Choroid (the dark layer), and Eetina. 2, Tiipil. 3, Iris, the surface presented to view in this section being the Uvea. 4, Ciliary Processes. 5, Scalloped Anterior Border of the Eetina. It is circular in form, containing a few muscular fibers, with a circular opening through its center, from one third to one twentieth of an inch in diameter, which is known as the pupil. The Ciliary processes are minute triangular folds of the Cho- roid coat, which lie upon the interior surface of the iris, with their bases directed toward the pupil. Thej are about sixty in number, and are divided into large and small, the latter being placed between the former. The Pigmentum Nigrum, or black paint, is an extremely tenuous membrane, which lines the inside of the choroid coat. It is of a jet black color, and is easily destroyed merely by allowing a stream of water to fall upon it. 683. Retina. — The inner membrane of the eye is. the Re- tina, which is merely an expansion of the optic nerve, upon What is the diameter of the iris? . What are the ciliary processes? How many are there ? What is the pigmentum nigrum ? 683. Describe the retina. AND PHYSIOLOGY 373 the inner side of a hollow sphere, formed bj the membranes already mentioned. 684. Microscopic Structure of tliesc Membranes. — The structure of these membranes, as revealed by the micro- scope, is very complex. The Cornea ia made up of four sim- ple membranes, tha Choroid of three, and the Retina of four. Fig. 344. --S-1'. .sP^^S^^yW¥M^?€W^^*^!PP^^^^P^ Vertical Section of the Human Eetina and Hyaloid Membrane h, Hyaloid Membrane. ^', Nuclei on its inner surface, c, Layer of Transparent .Cells, connecting the Hyaloid and Eetina, c', Separate Cell enlarged by imbibition of water, n, Cray Nervous Layer, ■with its Capillaries. 1, Its Fibrous Lamina. 2, Its Vesicular Lamina. V, Shred of Fi- brous lamina detached. 2', Vesicle and Nucleus detaciied. g, Granular Layer. 3, Light Lamina frequently seen. g\ Detached Nucleated Particle of the Granular Layer, m, Ja- cob's Membrane, m'. Appearance of its Particles, when detached. m'\ Its Outer Sur- face.— Masnified 320 diameters. The Sclerotic is for the most part made up of white fibrous tissue, and a large portion of the Choroid coat is composed of blood-vessels, although the inner membrane — the Pigmentum Nigrum or black paint — consists of minute six-sided cells re- sembling a tesselated pavement. The Retina is for the most part made up of the different forms of nervous tissue and its membranes. 6S4. Give the microscopic structure of the cornea. Of the choroid, the pigment, and thti retina. 14: HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 685. Humors of the Eye; Aqueous.— Of tbe three Hu- mors or liquid substances composing the eye, the Aqueous or "vyatery is situated in the anterior portion of this organ behind the cornea, and in front of the crystalline humor soon to be described. It is a liquid like water, with an alkaline taste, and only a few drops in quantity. The Iris is placed directly in the middle of this fluid. 686. The Lens. — The Crystalline Lens or Humor (so called because it refracts light and is transparent like a crys- tal) is a double convex lens, the posterior convexity being Fig. 345. Fig. 346. Front View of the Crystalline Lens. Side View of the Lens. 1, Anterior Fac«. 2, Posterior Face. 3, Circumference. greater than the anterior, and is located directly behind the pupil, so that all the light which enters the eye, must pass through this and be refracted. This lens is made up of con- centric layers like an onion, and also of three triangular seg- ments, with their sharp edges directed towards the center, both of which structures, by boiling the lens in water for a short time, can be readily seen. Fig. 347 represents the difference in diameters of the lens at different periods of life, a, rep- resents it at birth, b, at six years of age, c, its appearance in an adult, and c?, after it has been Fig. 341. o 0 () Crystalline Lens, a. At birth. 6, At six years old. c. Adult d. Altered by alcohol. 635. How many humors are there in the eye? Describe the aqueous. 6S6. What is the crystalline humor? What kind of a lens is it? Of how many segments is it made up? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 375 hardened and partially divided into segments by an immersion in alcohol. 687. litre oils. — The Vitreous Humor (from its resem- blance to glass) is of the form of a sphere, with the anterior portion removed, and constitutes seven eighths of the globe of the eye. It is a transparent fluid enclosed in a transparent membrane, and through its central portion from the entrance of the optic nerve, there passes a small artery to the lens, "which supplies it with blood. 688. Lachrymal Gland.— Nasal Duct. — At the outer angle of each eye is found a gland called the Lachrymal gland, nearly three fourths of an inch in length, and of a flattened oval Fig. 348. Posterior View of the Eyelids and Lachrymal Gland. 1, 1, Orbicularis Palbebrarum Muscle. 2, Borders of the Lids. 3, Lachrymal Gland. 4, Its Ducts opening in the Up- per Lid. 5, Conjunctiva covering the Lids. 6, Puncta Lachrymalia. 7, Lachrymal Ca- runcle as seen from behind. shape. (Fig. 348.) Passing from this gland to the eye, are from eight to twelve small ducts, which open upon the under side of the lid near its edge, about one twentieth of an inch apart, which carry the tears to the eye. By continual winking this 687. From what does the vitreous humor get its name? Describe it. 6S8. Where ara the lachrymal glands situated? What is their size ? How many ducts have they ? What do they secrete ? Of what use is winking? 376 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY ■^^^' ^^^' fluid is uniformly distributed over the whole ball of the eye, and the excess is carried away from the eye by the two lachrymal canals, which commence at the two little projections near the inner angle of each lid of the eye, appearing like minute black specks. Both of these very soon unite into a larger tube called the nasal duct, (Fig. 849,) which descends inwardly and empties itself upon the nostrils. 689. Eyebrows. — The Eyebrows are projecting arches of fat and skin, cov- ered with short and thick hairs which encircle the upper portion of the eye. They are provided with muscles, so that they can be made to shade the eye more or less perfectly, as ne- cessity may require. 690. Eyelids.— The Eyelids are movable membranous and mus- cular coverings which are placed directly up- on the eyeball, and are designed for protective organs against mechanical violence and too powerful light. Their free edges are called Tarsal Carti- Where are the hichrymrtl canals and what do they carry? What is the nasal duct? 6S9. Describe the eyebrows. 690. What are the eyelids ? What are their edges made up of? What glands directly ia them ? Lachrymal Canals. 1, Puncta Lachry- malia. 2, Cul-de-Sac at the Orbital End of the Canal. 8, Course of each Caual to the Saccus Lacrymalis. 4, 5, Saccus La- crymalis. 6, Lower Part of the Ductus ad Nasum. Fig. 350. 9 2 Front View of the Left Eye— moderately opened. 1, Supercilia. 2, Cilia of each Eyelid. 3, Inferior Palpebra. 4, Internal Canthus. 5, External Can- thus. 6, Caruncula lacrymalis. 7, Plica Semilu- naris. 8, Eyeball. 9, Pupil. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 3V7 lages, directly in the substance of which is placed a large quantity of minute glands, called Meibomian Glands. Fig. 351. Fig. 352. 1 ^' Meibomian Gland highly magnified. Meibomian Glands seen from the Inner or Ocu- lar Surface of the Eyelids, with the Lachrymal Gland— of the Eight Side, a, Palpebral Conjunc- tiva. 1, Lachrymal Gland. 2, Openings of Lachry- mal Ducts. 3, Lachrymal Puncta. 6, Meibomian Glands. 691. Muscles of llie Eye.— The Ball of the eye is moved by six distinct muscles, four straight and two oblique muscles, as is shown in the cut. Their names are Rectus Superior and Inferior, External and Inter nal, and Superior and Inferior Oblique. Muscles of the Eyeball. 1, A small FiG. 353. Fragment of the Sphenoid Bone around entrance of Optic Nerve into Orbit. 2, Optic Nerve. 3, Globe of Eye. 4, Levator Palpebrae Muscle. 5, Superior Oblique Muscle. 6, Its Cartilaginous Pulley. 7, Its reflected Tendon. 8, Inferior Oblique Muscle; the small square knob at its com- mencement is a piece of its bony origin broken off. 9, Superior Eec- tus. 10, Internal Rectus almost con- cealed by Optic Nerve. 11, Part of External Rectus, showing its two heads of origin. 12, Extremity of External Eectus, at its Insertion; the intermediate portion of muscle having been removed. 13, Inferior Eectus. 14, Tunica Albuginea formed by expansion of tendons of four recti. 691, How many muscles for moving the eyeball ? Give their names. 378 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY FUNCTIONS OF THE EYE. 692. The primary and obvious use of the eye is to receive the form and color of different objects, and to transmit them to the brain. 693. Use of llie Coats — Sclerotica — Cornea— Choroid — Black Paint — Iris — Ciliary Processes — The Retina.— The use of the firm and hard sclerotic coat is to give a firm attach- ment to the muscles which move the eye, and also secure pro- tection to the delicate parts within. The cornea is tough but transparent, so that the anterior portion of the eye may be firm and at the same time admit the rays of light. The cho- roid coat furnishes the blood to the eye, it being for the most part entirely made up of blood-vessels. It also secretes the black paint (Fig. 288), which is of great service in absorb- ing the superfluous or wandering rays of light which otherwise would obscure the image on the retina. A similar provision is made by painting black the tube of the telescope and mi- croscope. The iris regulates the amount of light entering the ball, by its contraction and expansion. This function is per- formed by the radiated and circular muscular fibers, the latter of which contract by the stimulus of strong light; but if the light be feeble, the radiated contract, and thus enlarge the pupil. The retina, with the vitreous humor in front and the black paint directly behind it, receives the image of the object before the eye. It bears the same relation to the other parts of the eye as the silvered or glass plate does in the camera of the photographist. This impres- sion is carried to the brain by means of the optic nerve. 694. Use of the Humors— Aqueous— The Lens— Vitreous^ — Of the three humors or media of the eye, the aqueous is the least important, since if by accident or operation it is re- 692, State the use of the eye. 693. Give the use of the sclerotic coat. Of the cornea. What does the choroid furnish to the eye? Of what service is the black paint? What does the iris do? What is the function of the ciliary processes? What is the use of tha retina ? 694. Which is the least Important of tho humors ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 3*79 moved, nature will soon replace it ; but this is true of no other medium. The aqueous humor, however, is of great use to keep the front parts of the eye in a soft and elastic condi- tion, and also to furnish a medium in which the iris may readily be contracted and relaxed. It also aids in properly refracting the rays of light, so that the most perfect image may be formed on the retina. The use of the crystalline lens is also to refract the rays of light, so that an image of suffi- ciently small size may be formed on the retina. Otherwise, when we look at any object larger than the diameter of the pupil, we should be unable to see it, only by successively looking at minute portions of it. The vitreous humor assists in the same refraction of the rays, and incidentally subserves the purpose of fixing at a proper distance the lens, so that the image may be formed exactly at that point on the retina called the focus, where it will be the most distinct. 695. iNeed of Three Media.— But what is the necessity for three media of refraction, and why will not the crystalline lens answer the whole purpose ? This is owing to some of the properties of light. Light is composed of seven rays or colors, some of which are more easily refracted than others ; that is, some rays are bent farther from a perpendicular to the sur- face than others. Hence, upon the edges of an image formed by a single lens, every part of which is of the same density, we should see several of the prismatic colors, which would give an indistinct image. In the telescope and microscope this difficulty is remedied by forming a lens of crown and flint glass, one of which has a stronger dispersive or refractive power than the other. In the eye the same error is obviated by means of the crystalline lens, which has a greater refrac- tive power than the vitreous humor, and consequently, when the ray is too much refracted by the crystalline lens, a ccm- State the \ise of the aqneous. The iise of the lens. What floes the vitreous humor aid in ? 695. Wliat is the need of three humors ? How many distinct colors does light con- sist of ? What similar purpose do lenses of different densities answer in telescopes? Which of the three humors has the greatest refractive power? 88iD HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY pensation is effected by the vitreous humor, -which refracts less than the lens. 696. The Secretion of the lachrymal Glands.— The lach- rymal gland is designed to secrete a saltish fluid known as the Tears. This is of great service in lubricating and keeping moist the surface of the eyeball, so that it may move readily in its socket, and also to keep the cornea from becoming hard and dim. The tears also moisten the back part of the nostrils, and are ultimately poured into the pharynx. The amount of tears which is daily secreted is estimated at four ounces, and it is greatly increased by strong emotions, whether pleas- ant or sorrowful, as it is well known that a person is apt to cry when very sad or very happy. 697. Service of the Eyelids— Necessity of Constantly Winliing— Eyelashes.— The eyelids are of service to keep the light from the eyes when it is too intense, or when it is necessary to exclude it entirely, as during sleep. Another valuable service which they perform is to spread the tears constantly and uniformly over the eyeball. This is the rea- son why we are constantly but unconsciously winking during every few seconds of our waking hours. The eyelashes which line the edges of the lids, prevent the perspiration which is secreted on the lids from entering the eye, and thus irritating it, since by the law of capillary attraction the tears will run towards the free extremity of the hair, where they will accu- mulate to such a size that they drop off. The eyelashes also prevent, in some degree, dust from entering the eye. 698. Use of the Eyehrows.— The eyebrows perform a similar office to the eyelids, though not so important. The hairs which cover them, like the lashes, convey away the per- spiration from the forehead, and allow it to fall in front of the eye, and not directly upon the ball ; while, by means of the 696. What is the secretion of the lachrymal gland? What is the iise of the tears? What quantity of tears are secreted daily? 697. Of what service are the eyelids? Why do we constantly wink? Of what service are the eyelashes? 698. What service do tbfc eyebrows perform ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 381 muscles attached to the integuments, whenever it is desired the J bring the brows in front of and above the eje in such a manner as to afford it a very considerable protection from ex- cessive light. 699. Short and Long-Sightedness.— The phenomena of short and long-sightedness are worthy of a passing notice. Short-sightedness results where the lens of the eye has too much convexity, which causes the image to be formed in front of the retina. In such persons the eye generally has greater prominence than in others. But persons thus affected will probably in later years have better eye-sight than if short- sightedness had not existed. A too much flattened state of the lens occurs in those who are long-sighted. This is gener- ally the case with those somewhat advanced in life. In this case the distinct image will be formed behind the retina, and it requires a convex lens, in the form of spectacles, to correct the error. 700. Other Interesting Phenomena of Vision.— A few other phenomena connected with the function of vision de- serve attention. One is the fact, that although we have two eyes and two distinct images are transmitted to the brain, yet but one object is seen. And if we look at an object with only one eye, we see the image nearly as distinct as with both eyes. Another is, that although the image on the retina is inverted, yet to the mind it appears in its true position. For, since the rays of light pass through the lens in nearly straight lines, the ray coming, for instance, from the top of a tree, will fall upon the lowest part of the retina, while the ray coming from the bottom will strike the upper part, and hence the image will be inverted, although to the " mind's eye" it will be erect. Another fact is equally wonderful. We are able to see with distinctness an object only a few inches from our 699. What is the cause of short-sightedness? What is the reason of long-sightedness? What kind of a lens is required for long-sighted people, and why ? 700. What curious facts connected with the physiology of vision ? 382 HITCHCOCK'S A X A T O M T ejes, and almost instantly, by turning them to a mountain top several miles distant, we can see an object there with per- fect cleaarness. No optical instrument can be made which will so quickly do this, for it is necessary to make a new ad- justment of the lenses to adapt it to different distances, but the eye is at once ready. It is supposed that this adjustment is effected by a shortening or lengthening of the diameter of the crystalline lens, or by drawing the lens towards the pos- terior part of the eye, by means of a few muscular fibers called the ciliary muscle, running from the bones of the nose to the cornea, which by their contraction would force the aqueous humor upon the crystalline lens in such a manner as to flatten it, and by a relaxation of the same fibers a dilata- tion in an antero-posterior direction is effected, and that in- stantly. 701. Experiment for Seeing the Arteries of one's own Eye. — The image of the arteries of one's own eye can be readily seen in the following manner. In a dark room place the left hand over the left eye, and in the right hand hold a lighted candle by the right side of the head, and very near to it. Then with the right eye open, looking towards the darkened wall, move the candle up and down rather quickly, and in a few seconds dark branches will appear at a short dis- tance from the eye, looking like the limbs of a tree, which are images of the arteries distributed on the retina. 702. limits of Vision . — ^What is the size of minute ob- jects that can be seen by the naked eye ? Ehrenberg, an eminent microscopist, says that nearly all eyes have equal power to discern minute objects, whether long or short-sighted. The smallest square magnitude visible to the naked eye, either of white particles on a dark ground, or the reverse, is about the ^—th of an inch. Brilliant particles which pow- IIow is tho telescopic and the microscopic power of the eye explained ? 701. How can we see tho image of the arteries of our own eyes? 702. What is the smallest square sur- face that can be seen with the naked eye ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 383 erfully reflect light may be distinctly seen when not half the size of the foregoing. Thus gold dust the ttV ith part of an inch in diameter is visible in common daylight. Lines may be more readily seen than points. Opaque threads 4 77V irth of an inch in diameter can be seen when held towards the light. Attention also greatly helps to discern minute objects, or at least to retain them in sight when once pointed out. Thus we are often able to see a faint star in the sky or a sliip in the horizon after they have been pointed out to us, although they were not seen before. "I myself," says Ehrenberg, "can not see oTVo^th of an inch, black or white, at twelve inches distance ; but having found it at from four to five inches distance, I can remove it to twelve inches and still see the object plainly." 703. Color Blindness. -Many people are afflicted with an inability to distinguish certain colors of the solar spectrum. This is called Color Blindness, or Daltonism. 704. Formerly it was supposed that this affection was very rare, but later researches show it to be quite common. Ac- cording to experiments made by Dr. Wilson upon 1154 per- sons in Edinburgh in 1852 and 1853, it was found that^ — ^ 1 ia 5 5 confcuuds iv.l W't'.i brown. q 1 in CO confounds brown with green. • p 1 ia 43 con!buuds bhi3 v,"iLli green. O Hence one in every 17.9 persons is color blind. THE SENSE OF VISION IN ANIMALS. 705. Tapetum— Pupil— Nictitating Membrane— Harde- rian Gland. — The general anatomy of the eye of mammals c differs but slightly from that of man. Between the sclerotic x and choroid in some animals is found another membrane of a f . Ho-w is it -n-ith brilliant particles? ITow is the ready vision of lines compared with points? How small a thread can be seen by the naked eye? What effect has the fa- miliarity with an object ? 703. What is color blindness ? How often is this peculiarity found f What coiora are most commonly confounded ? 17 ■ ' 584 HITCHCOCK'S anatomy"* metallic brilliancy, with different shade of color, known as the Tapetum. In horses and cows it has a variegated luster of green and blue, while in the tiger, cat, and whale it is of a silvery brightness. The shape of the pupil in the wolf and dog, which need vision in all directions, is circular ; while the fox and cat, which need a vertical range more than any other, have a perpendicular slit only. In cattle and the more timid grazing animals which obtain their food from the ground, and need to look behind with ease when pursued, the pupil is a horizontal ellipse. Nearly all mammals except man and the apes, have a third lid, which is a transparent membrane that is frequently slid over the ball by a peculiar muscular apparatus. This is called the " haw" or Nictitating Mem- brane, and, especially in birds, serves the purpose of remov- ing impurities from the eye, and also of spreading the secre- tions over it, in order to keep it moist and transparent. In addition to the lachrymal gland, in all animals which have the third lid there is another gland called the Harderian Gland, which prepares another secretion similar to and for nearly the same purpose as the lachrymal. 706. Kycs of Birds — Pecteii M a r s u p i u m .— All birds, without exception, are provided with perfect and well devel- oped eyes. They are always large, and largest in birds of prey. They are but slightly movable themselves, but this want of motion is compensated by the great mobility of the head. The sclerotic coat is strengthened in front by a series of bony plates, fourteen or fifteen in number, interposed be- tween its fibrous layers, a great use of which is to give at- tachment to the special muscular apparatus for adapting the eye to see objects at different distances. The anterior chamber is proportionally larger than in any other animals, so that the iris is far back from the cornea. The iris has different shades of color, commonly yellow or brownish. The yellow color of 70^. What is the tupetum ? What is its color? What is the shape of the pupil In tha wolf, dog, and in cattlo? What is the Nictitating: mernbrant'? Of what service is the " haw ?■' For what purpose is the Harderian (jland ? 7 '8. What Is said of the perfection of eyes In birds? How hi the sclepotie coat strongthenexl In them? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 385 this part in the owl is owing to the presence of cells contain^ ing fat. A curious structure is found in the eye of birds that is found in no other animal. It is called the " Pecten Mar- supium," and consists of a layer of blood-vessels arranged in several plications varying greatly in size. It extends some- times as far forwards as the lens, and is covered by black pig- ment. Its probable use is that of absorbing rays that enter the eye obliquely, and thus rendering sight from a forward direction more definite and sharp. The membrana nictitans jind the Harderian glands are present in these animals in their fullest perfection. 707. Eyes of Reptiles.— All reptiles have two eyes. In most, especially in serpents, they are small in comparison with the size of the body ; in the frog, however, in the gechos and chameleons they are large. In some they are covered by the skin. In the serpents there are no eyelids, but the skin which covers them is kept moist by a lachrymal gland, and thus performs the service of a lid. In other reptiles there are three lids, the middle one of which moves at right angles to the other two. The lachrymal gland often is very large. In some turtles and lizards there is a ring of bony plates which supports the eyeball. The lens has difierent degrees of sphericity in different animals. 708. Eye of Fishes— Pigmentary Spots.— The eyes of fishes are remarkable for the great size and spherical form of the lens, which is necessary in order to give sufficient refrac- tion to the rays of light that come from the dense medium in which they live. The size of the lens varies greatly, being largest in the bony fishes and smallest in those which lie buried in the mud like the eel. The lowest stage, however, is seen in the amphioxus, a condition which greatly resembles What makes the yellow color of the iris In birds? What is the pecten marsupium?. What is its use? 707. What is said of the eyes of reptiles? What of the bony platea Id the eyeball? 70S. V/hat characterizes the eyes of fishes? What oa«s hava the largest? 386 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOirT Fia. 354. that of the lowest invertebrata, being nothing but two pig- mentary spots. The eye is but slightly movable in fishes, since the body, and consequently the head, can be so readily moved in any direction through the water. 709. Compound Eyes — Number of F acets.— The eyes of many of the articulate animals are con- structed upon the com- pound type, that is, the visual organs are made up of an aggregation of single eyes placed upon each side of the head, each one of which is a complete visual instrument, but can re- ceive and bring to a focus only those rays of light which come to it from a particular direction. In many in- sects each composite eye forms a hemispherical protuber- ance upon the side of the head, which, when examined by the Fig. 355. Head and Compound Eyes of the Bee, sbov- J*^g the Ocelli in situ on one side (A), and dis- placed on the otliei- (B). a, a, a, Stemmata. h, &, Antennae. A, Section of the Eye of Melolontha Vulgaris (CockchafFer). B, A portion more highly Magnified, a. Facets of the Cornea, b, Transparent Pyramids surrounded with Pig- ment, c, Fibers of the Optic Nerve, d, Trunlc of the Optic Nerve. What are the pigmentary spots? 709. What are compoun. A View of the Labyrinth and Tympanum of the Ear, with the Bones in Situ, highly magnified. 1, Processus Longus of the Malleus. 2, Its Processus Brevis. 8, Its Manu- brium. 4, Its Neck. 5, Its Head. 6, Body of the Incus. 7, Its Processus Brevis. 8,8, Its Processus Longus, with the little head for articulating with the Stapes. 9, The Head of the Stapes. 10, Its Anterior Crus. 11, Its Posterior Crus. 12, Its Base. 13, 14, 15, The first turn of the Cochlea. 16, 17, 18, Its second turn. 19, Its half turn. 20, The Cupola. 21, The Fenestra Kotunda. 22, 23, The Vestibule. 24, 25, 26, Anterior Semi- circular Canal. 27, Its junction with the Posterior Canal. 28, 29, 80, 31, The Posterior Semicircular Canal. 82, 83, 34, 35, The External Semicircular Canal. The Enlargements on these Canals are called Ampullaj. it resembles a snail shell, and some of the others semicircular canals, because they are tubes containing fluid called Peri- FiG. 363. Cochl«a without the Nerv^. AND P HTSI OLOGT. 393 lymph and nerve fiber, which take the general direction of a semicircle. Of these cavities, however, tiie cochlea is not filled with the perilymph, but contains the finest subdivisions bf the auditory nerve. Besides the cochlea and semicircular canals there is a small three-cornered cavity called the Vesti- bule, into which the five openings of the semicircular canals enter. 718. Auditory Nerve.— The nerve of hearing belongs to the eighth pair of Cranial nerves. It divides into tv>o branches just before it enters the ear, one of which is called the cochlear branch, because it is sent to the cochlea, and an- FiG. 364. Auditory Nerve taken oi:t of the Cochlea. 1, 1, 1, Trunk of the Nerve. 2, 2, Its fila- ments in the Zona Ossea of the Lamina Spiralis. 3, 3, Its Anastomoses in the Zona Vcsj- cularis. other the vestibular, since it enters the vestibule, a portion of the labyrinth. Besides this a branch of the facial nerve en- ters the ear in company with the auditory.. 719. Location of the Internal Ear.— In man and all the higher animals there, are two separate organs of hearing, Describe the cochlea. -What are the semicircular canals ? What are they filled with? ns. What Is tlio nerve of hearing? 719. In what 'bono is the ear located ? . - . 894 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY or an ear upon each side of the body, and no internal connec^ tion exists between them, so that one may be injured or de- stroyed while the other performs its office. In fact, the inter- nal ear is protected by the hardest bone (the temporal) in the body, and is inclosed in a bony sac to which the only opening of any considerable size is that of the auditory canal. FUNCTIONS OF THE EAR. 720. Functions of the Pinna.— The object of the pinna is to convey sound to the auditory canal. This it does by con- duction and convection ; that is, it acts as a funnel to collect the vibrations of air a,nd transmit them to the auditory canal, and also conducts sounds by means of its own substance in the same manner as a stick of timber conveys the sound made by the scratching of a pin to its opposite extremity with great distinctness. Hence the use of the external ear is to collect sounds from as large a surface as possible, and concentrate them at the small end of a funnel, so as to increase somewhat their intensity. The probable design of the ridges and fur- rows upon the pinna is to give a greater exposed surface to it as well as to receive vibrations more accurately which come in various directions. 721. Use of the Auditory Canal. — The use of the audi- tory canal is to give greater intensity to the sounds collected by the external ear. This can be illustrated by placing a long tube close to the ear, while another person speaks at the other extremity. The voice will be greatly increased in in- tensity, because every vibration is transmitted to the ear, and none are dissipated upon the air or surrounding substances. The auditory canal performs the same office, although in a less degree than in the above experiment. This canal also exists Is there any cominunication between the two ears? 720. What is tLe object of tlio pinna? How does it convey sound to tho internal ear? Why is the pirtia of .«uch an tineven surface ? 721. Of what service is the auditory canal ^ ■ How may lt4» use b« iUus* trated? ' ■ ._ ' . AND PHYSIOLOGY. 895 for protection to the membrana tympani and the delicate or- gans of the ear, which must be placed within the head to such a distance that no harm could come to them from exter- nal violence. T22. Fnnction of Membrana Tympani— Use of the ''Lit- tle Bones." — The membrana tympani is a very thin and elas- tic membrane, not half an inch in diameter, which is designed to receive all the vibrations of the air falling upon it. On this account it is stretched directly across the auditory canal, and is so arranged that by means of muscles it may be ren- dered more or less tense, so that if it is desired to catch a very faint sound, the drum may be made so sensitive as to catch the slightest vibration. The sound received by the drum of the ear is transmitted to the auditory nerve by means of the chain of bones already mentioned, the broad side of the malleus resting directly against the drum, and the broad end of the stapes closing the opening in the semicircular canals w^hich contain the nerve of hearing. The use of this arrange- ment seems to be to catch all the vibrations of the drum, and instead of allowing them to expend themselves upon the air in the tympanum, to transmit them directly to the auditory nerve. The use of the cavity of the tympanum seems to be to allow a free vibration of the membrane of the drum. An- other reason for the large size of the tympanum is to prevent the conveyance of sound to any other part of the ear but the semicircular canals, and that by means of the chain of little bones. And in order to convey the sound only to the nerve of hearing the stapes joins on to the canal, not by a solid ar- ticulation, but simply by cartilage, so that none of the vibra- tions can be conveyed to the walls of the canals, but all to the nerve. 723. Fnnction of Enstachian Tube.— The design of the What does this canal protect? 722. What is the function of the membrana tympani ? Of wi^at use are .the " little bones ?" What service, is rendoreU. by the tympanum ?. How does the stapes unite with the canal ? 396 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY Eustachian tube is evidently to allow of equal atmospheric pressure upon both sides of the membrana tympani. For were theair in the tympanum closely confined, the atmosphere, varying as it does in density, would sometimes create such a pressure on the drum that all vibrations would be indistinctly conveyed to the brain. This is the same arrangement that is found in bass and tenor drums used for musical instruments, a small orifice always being necessary to give free access to the air. Hence, when we have a cold, or especially a sore throat, where the mucous membrane is inflamed, we often find hearing difficult, because the lining membrane of the Eus- tachian tube is so much swollen that air can not pass through. Also when the same condition prevails we can, by swallowing the small amount of saliva in the mouth with considerable force, drive so much air into the tympanum that a sense of fullness occurs in the ear, which continues until the air has found some means of escape. 724. Functions of the Internal Ear.— The uses of all the parts belonging to the internal ear are not perfectly under- stood. Probably, however, the labyrinth and cochlea serve to give as great expansion as possible to the nerve in the small space provided for it. And the use of the fluid filling the labyrinth is to secure all the vibrations coming in through the bones of hearing, and give them greater intensity. Some experiments worked out by Muller, a German physiologist, throw considerable light on the subject. He found that sounds passing directly into water from the air lose consider- able of their intensity ; but if a tense membrane is placed be- tween the two, greater intensity is produced. The intensity is also greatly increased when to this membrane is attached a small solid body which communicates with the water alone. This seems to show why the drum receives all the sound 723. What is the use of the Eustachian tube ? In what instrutnenfaj of music is there h similar arrangement? Why docs partial deafness sometimes accompany a cold ? 724. What is said of the functions of the internal ear? Eelate the experiments made by Muller. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 397 ratner than some other part of the ear, and also the value of the three small bones of the ear, at one extremity fastened to the drum and at the other by cartilages to the semicircular canals. Other experiments also showed that a solid body of the form of the stapes alone was the best to communicate with the auditory nerve. 725. Function of the Cochlea and Semicircular Canals. —It has been thought by some that the cochlea enables one to determine the pitch of sound, since animals which possess the fullest development of this organ have the largest range of voice. Another speculation is, that the semicircular canals aid in the determination of the direction from which sounds come, since in animals where they exist, they are always placed at right angles to each other. 725 «. Three Physical Properties of Sound.— The three physical peculiarities of sound are intensity or loudness, pitch or length of the waves, and quality, or the difference between the same note on a flute and violin, although equal in intensity and pitch. And a theory has been proposed, substantiated by many facts, that the membrana tympani enables us to deter- mine the intensity, the cochlea the pitch, and the semicircular canals the quality of sound. THE SENSE OF HEARING IN ANIMALS. 726. External Ears — Semicircular Canals— Cochlea — Os Quadrat urn. — All mammals, as a general rule, have ex- ternal ears. These, in some animals, like the bat, are enor- mously developed in proportion to the dimensions of the body. Besides, in several genera they can be turned in any direction the anifflai may choose. In man the" ear consists of hut' one 725. What suggestion has been made of the use of the cochlea and semicircnlar canals? 725 a. What are the three physical peculiarities of sound ? 726. What mammals have external ears? What Is said of thetn in the bat? How many pieces has the pinna ia most animals? 398 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMT piece, while in the other mammalia it consists of three. But the most important part of this organ, the labyrinth, agrees in its structure throughout the whole class. The greatest variation that exists is in the semicircular canals and cochlea. In the cat the canals form the segment of a circle, while in the goat thej furnish a portion of an ellipse, and in the horse a parabolic curve. The cochlea varies in the number of its coils. In the whale and dolphin it makes but one and a half turns ; in man two and a half; in the ornithorjnchus half a coil much resembling that of a bird ; while in the squirrel it makes nearly four turns. No physiological effect of these variations has as yet been given. In man and the apes the whole cavity of the tympanum is concealed in a portion of the temporal bone, but in all other mammals we find a pecu- liar tympanic bone which varies exceedingly in the different classes. 727. Ear of Birds. — There are but few birds which have any thing like an external ear. One species of owl, however, has a membranous concentric fold which can be used as a valve. The cochlea has the form of an obtuse cone, which at its extremity swells into an oval tubercle. The tympanic cavity communicates with cavities in the cranial bones, which greatly increases the resonance of sound, in the same manner as the sounding-board in the piano, or the main body of a violin or violincello. 728. Hearing in Reptiles.— Although reptiles present a more imperfect form of the organ of hearing than mammals or birds yet they possess the tympanum, a membrana tym- pani, and a chain of ossicles or little bones. Also a cochlea is found, which is most fully developed in crocodiles and formed almost as in birds. How do the canals differ in different animals? What variation in the cochlea? . What is the OS quadratum ? I2Z. What bird ias external ears? Wliat is said of .the. .cochlea in birds? What does the tympanum communicate with? What is the use of this ar, rangement? 728. What is said of the organs of hearing in reptiles ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 399 729. Hearing of Fishes.— Among the lowest order of fishes the organ of hearing is simply a sac, which is full of a fluid that contains small bones or bits of bones called otoliths, and the auditory nerve is distributed upon its walls. In almost all fishes there is a more or less perfect form of the semi-circular canals. In some fishes the swimming bladder extends to membranous spaces in the cranium which are in connection with an auditory apparatus. 730. Articulates. — Among the Crustaceans hearing has been observed only among the Decapods. The sense exists in the Arachnoids, but no organ has been found. The same is true of Insects, Annelids, and Helminths. 731. M 0 1 1 n s c s . — Hearing has been ascertained in Lamelli- branchiata. In Cephalophora it is of a low grade : but an auditory nerve and organs exist in the Cephalopoda. 732. Radiates . — The organ of hearing exists in the Polypi and perhaps the Acalephs, but has not been discovered in the other Radiates. , . SENSE OF TOUCH. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 733. Location of the Sense of Touch.— The organ of touchy with the exception of the upper surface of the tongue, is the skin. This in some parts is much more sensitive than in 729. Do fishes have the regular organs of hearing ? What organs do they liave in a rudimentary state ? 730. What apparatus of hearing do articulates possess ? Do they seem to hear sounds? 731-732. What is said of the sense of sound in molluscs and rad* ates ? 73-3. Where are the organs of touch located ? 400 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY otherSj since some portions of the skin are more fully crowded with nerve fibers than others. We are conscious of resistance if we place a substance in contact with anj part of the bodj ; and although we are able with the tips of the fingers to tell, whether a body, which is pressed on them, is circular or rect- angular, yet we can not with certainty decide the same thing, if the substance be pressed upon any other part of the body. 734. The Direct Instruments of T o u c li .—The direct in- struments of sensation are minute loops of nerve fibers from the posterior roots of the Spinal' Column, lying in the true Fig. 365. Nerves of Sensation at the Extremity of fhe Human Thumb. skin, which are covered only by the Epidermis, as is seen in Fig. 365. These nerves of sensation are never known to ter- minate in a free extremity, but always in loops; and in the hand and foot are associated with the Pacinian Corpuscles, described under the nervous system. 735. Papillae. —Those parts of the skin which are the most sensitive, are cov- ered with minute projections called Papillae, which seem- to be mere elevations beyond the general surface of the Pig. 366. PapillfB of the Palm of the Hand. What is said of the whole cutaneous surface ? , 734. What are the immediate instru- ments of touch? How do the sensitive nerves always terminated 735. Describe the papillfe. .AND PHYSIOLOGY. 401 skin, in which are found the loop of a nerve, and a blood- vessel with some cellular tissue. The main use of them seems to be to place the nerve in such a position, that it will be most easily impressed with whatever external substances it may be brought into contact. FUNCTIONS. 736. The Superficial Parts of the Body most ahundantly Supplied with Nerves. — The parts of the body lying deep beneath the skin, are but sparingly supplied with nerves of sensation, which is a great comfort to those un- fortunate persons who are subjected to surgical operations, since the most painful part is in cutting through the skin, which is the quickest part of the operation. This, however, is the case only when the deep parts are in health (including the bones) ; for if any of these parts, and especially the bones and ligaments, are diseased, they constitute a source of the greatest pain. The necessity of this arrangement is obvious from the protection which the surface of the body requires from violence and heat. Were it not for these body -guards^ we by our other senses should seldom know when friction or heat was consuming the skin, nor when cold was destroying its vitality. 737. Value of this Sense to the Bliud.— To those de- prived of the sense of vision, this sense is of great value, since it is by this only that they are enabled to pursue any labor, or instruct and please themselves by raised alphabets, or play upon musical instruments. And it is interesting, not to say wonderful, to see what accuracy is acquired by the blind in detecting true from spurious coins, or in distinguishino^ the quality of cloth by feeling alone. It is said on good author- What is the function of the papilla? 736. Why are the superiicial parts of the body the most abundantly supplied with sensitive nerves ? Why does the skin need sensibil- ity? 737, What is said of the value of this sense to the blind? What examples ara mentioned as illustrating its extreme acuteness in the blind ? 402 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY it J, that one blind man became a botanist, another a con- chologist, and another a land surveyor, simply bj the aid of touch. 738. Effect of Habit on Location of Sensation. — Habit has a wonderful power in the location of sensations on the skin. Thus it is frequently the case, after an amputation of a limb, that the patient declares that he feels pain in the re- moved portion. This is owing to some irritation in a fiber or fibers of the remaining nerve trunk, which were originally sent to the supposed seat of the pain, and from habit the suf- ferer locates it in the removed part. Also after the Talia- cotian operation — which consists in making a new nose from the skin of the forehead, — if the nose itches, the patient scratches the forehead as the seat of the irritation. 739. Insensibility produced by a long continued Action of some painful Stimulus. — It is sometimes the case that the nerves are rendered insensible by the moderate but long continued action of some painful stimulus. A com- plete insensibility of the skin may be produced, so that the severest surgical operations may be performed without pain, by the application of snow and salt mixed in equal portions. Heat will also do the same thing, as shown by the following example. ''A traveling man one winter's evening laid him- self down upon the platform of a lime kiln, placing his feet, probably benumbed by the cold, upon the heap of stones newly put on to burn through the night. Sleep overcame him in this situation : the fire gradually rising and increasing, until it ignited the stones upon which his feet were placed. Lulled by the warmth the man slept on ; the fire increased until it burned one foot and part of the leg above the ancle entirely off, consuming that part so efiectually that a cinder- like fragment was alone remaining, and still the wretch slept on, and in this state was found by the kiln man in the morn- 738. What effect has habit upon localizin? our sensations? 739. How may insensibility be sometimes brought about ? What wonderful example ? AND PHYSIOLOGY. 403 ing. Insensible to any pain, and ignorant of his misfortune, he attempted to rise and resume his journey, but missing his shoe, requested to have it found : and when he was raised, putting his burnt limb to the ground to support his body, the extremity of his leg bone — the tibia — crumbled into frag- ments, having been calcined into lime. Still he expressed no sense of pain, and probably experienced none, from the grad- ual operation of the fire, and his own torpidity during the hours his foot was consuming." THE SENSE OF TOUCH IN ANIMALS. 740. "It is probable that among the lower animals the proportion of intuitive perceptions is much greater than in man ; whilst on the other hand his power of acquiring per- ceptions is much greater than theirs." 741. Touch in Mammals.— Cat, Rabbit, Elephant, Bat. — Among Mammals touch ordinarily depends on little projections known as papillae, which contain a loop of a sensi- tive nerve. In man this structure is principally found in the tips of the fingers, but in the Monkey it is found in both the hands and feet. In a majority of mammals the surface of the nose, upper lip, and the vibrissas or whiskers, as seen on the face of the cat, are organs adapted to the sense of touch. Cats are unable to catch mice when these whiskers are removed, and Rabbits without the assistance of their eyes can by means of these hairs find an outlet in a very narrow passage. In the Elephant this sense has its seat at the ex- tremity of the proboscis. The wing of the Bat possesses an extraordinary sensitive power. It is said that this animal is 740. What is said of the intuitive perceptions of the lo\rer animals ? T41. Where ia the sense of touch most perfectly developed in animals ? Of what use are the •whiskera of the cat and rabbit ? Where is the sense of touch in tha elephant ? - 404 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY able to flj through perfectly dark and irregular narrow pas- sages, and avoid all obstructions simply by the delicate sensi- bility of its membranous wings. 742. Touch ill Birds.— The only portions of the skin in Birds, on which tactile papillae exist, are found on the under surface of the foot, and the web of the web-footed birds. The bill of the Duck seems also to subserve the sense of toucli, upon the inside of which the skin is soft, and has many branches of the fifth pair of nerves distributed to it. 743. Toucll of Reptiles. — The sense of touch seems to exist in Reptiles, though the prominent use of the skin is to afford a protection to the body. It is quite probable that the acuteness of this sense in these animals is no greater than what is derived to the Horse through the hoof, or to a man through a stick or rod in the hand. 744. Touch of Fishes. — Fishes probably have a still more imperfect sense of touch than Reptiles. It is pos- sible that the lips may give an imperfect idea of the form of external objects ; but the surface of the body, covered as it is with scales and a thick mucous secretion, can be of no service in this sense. A few fishes have hair-like appendages about the head, which put them in a condition to be acquainted with the presence of external objects, though they are not by any means organs of active touch. 745. Touch of Articulates.— This sense is well devel- oped in all the Articulates, and shows itself especially in the antennae, the palpi, and feet ; and though these organs have a tough, hair-like consistence, yet they are efficient instru- Where in the bat? 742. Where are paplllse found in birds? What answers the pur- pose of papillag in the duck ? 743. What is said of the sense of touch in reptiles ? 744. Where is the sense of touch located in fishes ? 745. Describe the sense of touch in &rtic^< latea. . ANI> PHYSIOLOGT. 405 menta of sensation. ^^^- ^^'^' " For just as a blind man judges of the proximity and char- acter of objects by the impressions com- municated to bis hand by the contact of his cane, with which he examines them, so may an insect or crustacean receive sensory impressions from the nerves dis- ^ Foot of a riy. tributed to the basal joints of their long antennae, although the organs themselves may be as insensible (or rather as un- irapressible) as the stick." 746. Touch of Molluscs. — The sense of touch in this group is well developed. In some of the orders the organs are from two to four contractile tentacles situated upon the head, or the anterior part of the back." "With some Gas- teropods these tentacles are hollow and button-like at their extremity, and can be inverted like the finger of a glove." 747. Touch of Radiates.— ''The sense of touch is well developed among the Echinoderms." It exists here and among other Radiates in tentacles or feelers. Besides this, other individual Radiates seem to possess a sensitiveness of the whole surface of the body, though nerves can not be the agents which secure this sense to them. Is it by an active touch that this sensation is gained by articulates ? 746. Describa touch in molluscs. 747. What ia the touch of radiates ? im HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY SENSE OF TASTE. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 748. Anatomy of the Tong nentlj the organ of taste. Its Fig. 368. Front View of the Upper Surface of the Tongue, as well as the Palatine Arch. 1, 1, Posterior Lateral Half Arches, with the Palato-Pharyngeal Muscles and Tonsils. 2, Epiglottic Cartilage, seen from before. 3, 3, Ligament and Mucous Membrane, ex- tending from the root of the tongue to the base of the Epiglottic Cartilage. 4, One of the Pouches on the Side of the Posterior Fraenum, in which food sometimes lodges. 5, Foramen Caicum. 6, Papillai Capitata) sen Maximae. 7, The white point at the end of the line, and all like it, are the Pa- pillae Fungi formes. S, Side of the Tongue and Eugfe Transvers;e of Albinus. 9, Pa- pilla) Filiformes. 10, Point of the Tongue. uc. — The tongue is preemi- principal part is made up of muscular fibers which run in various directions, although thej run in similar directions upon the opposite halves of this organ. The tongue is covered with a thick mucous membrane, which contains a large number of papillae simi- lar to those of the skin, which are of three kinds, the Filiform, Fungiform, and Circumvallate. The filiform are from one thirty -sixth to one eighth of an inch long, of a conical shape, and are most abundant on the middle portion of the tongue. The fungiform are situated upon the tip and sides of the tongue, and are some- what smaller than the filiform. The circumvallate are from six to twelve in number, and are arranged upon the base of the tongue in the form of the letter V , the apex pointing downwards. Thej consist of a central round papilla flat- 743. What U the organ of tasto ? Of what is it made up, and with what Is It covered ? Name th* th»e« kindg of p.ipill*. Deseriba the flliform, fungiform, and circumvallate. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 407 tened at the end, one twenty-fourth to one twelfth of an inch in diameter, with a lower uniform wall closely surrounding the papilla. More nerves are distributed to the circumvallate than to either of the other forms of papillae. At its lower or posterior extremity the Pjp^ tongue is attached to the OS hyoides, and at its lower front portion to the lower jaw by the frsenum or bridle of the tongue ; so that it is left free to move ei- ther backwards or for- wards by the contrac- tion of the appropriate muscles. 749. Blood-Vessels of this Organ.— A great quantity of blood-vessels are distributed to this organ, as can be seen by looking at the under side of it, as well as by the free flow of blood when it is wounded. 750. Nerves of Taste.— Of nerves there are no less than three large branches supplied to the tongue from the cranial group : the gustatory or proper nerve of taste, a branch of the fifth pair which is distributed to the papillae ; the glosso- pharyngeal distributed to the mucous membrane, being both a nerve of motion and sensation ; and the hypoglossal distrib- uted to the muscles, being preeminently a nerve of motion. One of the smallest Papilke of the Tongue highly Mascnifled. FUNCTIONS. 751. Use of the Numerous Muscular Fibers in ihe Tongue. — To effect the numerous movements of the tongue in Which kind receive the most nerves? To what is the tongue attached by its lower «ttremity ? 749. What proportion of blood is sent to this organ ? 750. How many nerves are sent to the tongue, and what are they ? 18 408 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY mastication,- swallowing, tasting, articulation, etc. sarj that the muscular fibers should run in various directions. That, however, which is commonly known as the tongue is onlj the tip of it, while the largest portion lies in the front and lower portion of the pharynx, where most of the muscu- lar actions are performed. 752. Use of the Papillse.— The papillae of the tongue, as those of the skin, are constructed for the purpose of giving as much surface of nerve to be exposed as possible, leaving it mostly in t e form of a loop. The filiform papillae are not the seat of the sense of taste or touch, but are analogous to the lingual spines of lowxr animals (which gives such rough- ness to their tongues), which aid in mastication and protec- tion of the tongue. As the sense of touch is most acute at the tip of the tongue, it is supposed that the fungiform papillae are the instruments of touch to the tongue ; and as we acquire the sense of taste more at the base than at the tip of the tongue, and as the nerves are more abundant and finest at the circum vallate papillae, these probably administer mainly to the sense of taste. 753. Object of this Sense.— The main use of this sense is to direct us in the choice of proper articles of food, and by this means to excite the flow of saliva and mucus, to aid in digesting food. In man, however, this sense would be an un- safe guide, since this alone can not aid us to distinguish whole- some from poisonous food, although many of the lower animals seem able to make such a distinction by this sense alone. 754. Effect of Education on Taste. — Taste is made won- derfully acute by education. Epicures are able to tell the manner in which game was killed, the spices used in cooking it, and the length of time since it was killed, when eating it. 751. Why are tbore so many muscular fibers In the tongue? Where does the larger portion of this organ lie ? 752. Of what use are the papillfe? What sensation is gained liy the filiform papilla-? In what papillsB does the sense of taste mainly exist? 753. "What is the u.sq of this sense ? Is it alone a safe guide for man? 754, Wliat effect has edncation npon tasto ? Give Instaneea. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 400 Wine tasters can readily give differences in the age, growth of tlie grape, and the purity of wines, that to ordinary observers are imperceptible. 755. Taste as Influenced by Smell.— Taste, as to some substances, is dependent on the sense of smell. Thus, with the eyes and nostrils closed, if an aromatic or spicy substance be chewed it is impossible to say what the substance is, except that it is pungent, although it may be one with which the per- son is well acquainted. Yet smell does not aid us in deter^ minino- the taste of acids, alkalies, or salts. 756. A f t e r - T a s t e s . — An important point connected with this sense is that known as after-tastes. Thus, frequently after eating sweet substances a bitter taste is left in the mouth, and when bitter substances have been tasted a pleasant an(^ sweet taste is left in the mouth. This subject is a matter of great importance in the art of cookery. THE SENSE OP TASTE IN ANIMALS. 757. Use of llie Conical Papilla;.— This sense is in aU animals confined to the tongue and inner surface of the mouth. The sensation received from the sapid body is gained through the papillae, which are present on the tongue and in general structure resemble those of the skin. There are probably four kinds in mammals, those upon the central part of the tongue often being conical, hard, and even horny, and those upon the back part fungiform, or soft and cup-shaped, as is seen in the tongue of the cat. The conical papillse seem to act the part of a rasp, especially in the carnivorous animals, in order to remove all the particles of meat from bones. And 755. Give the connection between taste and smell. 756. What is said of after-tastes? 757. How many kinds of papillae in most mammals? What are the uses of the conical papillae to meat-eating animals ? How powerful an instrument do these at times consti- tute ? 410 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY SO efficient are these that the skin of some of the more deli- cate animals is removed simply by the licking of the tongue of one of the more powerful carnivora. 758. Tongue of Birds — In the Woodpecker and Hum- mi ng-Bird. — In birds this sense is very feeble, since the tongue is destitute of sensitive papillae, and is often of a hard, horny consistence, designed probably more for the means of obtaining food than of judging of its quality. In some birds the tongue is furnished with one or more ossicles for the pur- pose of giving stability and strength to it. In woodpeckers the tongue is not only long, slender, and stout, but it is armed Fig. 370. Head of the Woodpecker. with appendages like barbs on either side, in order that it may be thrust into narrow crevices in trees, to pierce and hold in- sects upon which it lives. (See Fig. 370.) Humming-birds have tongues very slender and slit at the apex, so that both sides can be formed into a sort of tube by curving them to- gether from the outside, in order that the bird may suck up the nectar of flowers. And in both of these birds the tongue can be extended for a long distance in front of the body. 759. Tongue of Reptiles — Chameleon. — The tongue of most of the class of reptiles seems to be constructed for other purposes than that of taste. Like that of birds, it is pro- vided with one or more lingual (tongae) bones, and is desti- 753. How is It with the sense of taste in birds ? Describe the tongue of the woodpecker. What is its use ? What is the tongue of the humming-bird ? How far can the tongue be protrud&d in either of these animals? 759. For what purpose Is the tongue of rep* tiles? AND PHYSIOLOGY 411 tute generally of papillae. In some of this class it is hardly perceptible, while in Serpents, Toads and the Chameleon, it is very long and capable of rapid motion. In Chameleons and Serpents, when the tongue is at rest, it lies in a kind of sheath at the base of the mouth. That of the latter is forked at its apex, while the former has a concave disk at its point covered by a viscid secretion, which, by the dexterity of the animal, can be thrown at once against the insects flying in the air, thus securing its food. In this case also the tongue seems longer than the body itself Fig. 311. Tongue of Common Fly. or, Lobes of Lingula. 5, Portion enclosing tho Lancets formed by the Metamorphosis of the Maxilla, c, Maxillary Palpi, a. Portion of one of the Metamorphosed Trache£c enlarged. How does the chameleon obtain his insect food ? 760. Have fishes any tongue, or tho sense of taste? 761. How well is this organ developed in some of the lower animals? 762. Describe the shape of the nose. Of what is it principally composed ? 412 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY 760. This sense in fishes appears to be very feeble. ''The part named tongue in them consists merely of the anterior ex- tremity of the tongue-bone covered by mucous membrane." If fishes possess this sense, the palate rather than the tongue is probably its seat. 761. Invertebrates. — Taste, doubtless, exists in all the lower animals else how could they select their food ? The seat of this sense is not always discoverable, as can be done in the Cephalopoda. But the sense exists in all, even in the Protozoa. Fig. 371 exhibits the tongue of the common fly, which is doubtless the' seat of this sense. SENSE OF SMELL, DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. Fig. 762. Anatomy of the N o s e .—The Nose which contains the organs of smelling, is a triangular pyramid placed upon the face, its apex connected with the forehead, and its base descending nearly to a level with the upper lip. It is prin- cipally made up of bone cartilage and integuments, having a thin plate of bone (the vo- mer) and cartilage in the middle which run in a verti- cal direction, and divide the cavity into two portions called the nostrils. (Fig. 372.) A View of the Cartilages of the Nose. 1, The Nasal Bones. 2, The Cartilaginous Septum. 3, The Lateral Cartilages. 4, The Alar Cartilages. 5, The Central por- tions of the Alar Cartilages which consti- tute the Columns. G, The Appendices of the Alar Cartilage. 7, The Nostrils. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 413 Fig. 378. 762 a. Use of the Bones.— Use of the Cartilages, and the Glands in Integuments.— The bones are the two nasal, which give form to the base of the nose, and fur- nish a firm attachment to the muscles. The cartilage is of use to give form to the nose, while its elasticity lessens the effects of injuries. The integument or skin is quite thick upon this organ, and aids the cartilage in giving form to it. It contains in its substance small glands, which secrete an oily matter to protect the nose from extremes of weather. These glands are liable to retain dust and other impurities in their orifices, forming the black specks on the nose. 763. Lined wi.th Mucous Membrane.— The whole cav- ity of the nostrils is lined with mucous membrane, which is continuous with the lining membrane of the fauces or throat, with which the nostrils are in communication. 764. Cavities of the No strils . — Nerve of Smelling — The cavities of the nostrils are very irregular, since upon their own outer sides are found the turbinal bones and a similar scroll-like por- tion from the ethmoid bone, for the purpose of giving as large a surface as possible for the expan- A Vertical Section of the Middle Part of the Nasal Fossae, giving a Posterior View of the Arrangement of the Ethmoidal Cells, etc. 1, Anterior Fossa; of the Cranium. 2, The same covered by the Dura Mater. 3, The Dura Mater turned up. 4, The Crista Galli of the Ethmoid Bone. 5, Its Cribriform Plate. 6, Its Nasal Lamella. 7, The Middle Si)on2y Bones. 8, The Ethmoidal Cells. 9, The Os Planum. 10, Inferior Sponsy Bone. 11, The Vomer. 12, Superior Maxillary Bone. 13, Its Union with the Ethmoid. 14, Anterior Parietes of the Antrum Highmorianum, covered by its Membrane. 15, Its Fibrous Layer. 16, Its Mucous Membrane. 17, Palatine Process of the Superior Maxil- lary Bone. IS, Eoof of the Mouth, covered by tlie Mucous Membrane. 19, Section of this Membrane. A Bristle is seen in the Orifice of the Antrum llijihmorianum. 762 a. State the use of bone and cartilage in the composition of the nose. Of -what ser- vice are the little glands in its skin? 763. What are the nostrils lined with? 764. De- scribe the cavities of the nostrils. 414 HITCHCOCK'S ANATOIIT sion of the nerve of smell, and at the same time furnishing such an arrangement, that the air containing the odor can be readily drawn over it. This nerve is the Olfactory or first pair of cranial nerves, which, as soon as it reaches the nostrils, is divided into a great number of filaments, and these are dis- tributed upon the mucous membrane — called Pituitary — al- ready described. The fifth pair of cranial nerves also sends branches to this membrane, by means of which it is that sneezing is efiected. 765. Smell under the Control of the Will —The sense of smell is somewhat under the control of the will, since the air containing the odoriferous particles can be carried over the nostrils or rejected at pleasure, and it can also be cultivated to a great extent, although some persons are naturally more sensitive to odors than others. It is related that a gentleman who had a great antipathy to cats, could tell if there was one in the next room by smell alone. And the blind boy Mitchell always formed a favorable or unfavorable impression of a stranger by this sense. THE SENSE OF SMELL IN ANIMALS. 766. The sense of smell is most perfectly developed in air- breathing animals, although many which live in the water, can distinguish odors or scents to a considerable distance. 767. Smell in Mammals. — In Mammalia the mucous membrane covering the turbinal bones is supplied with ol- factive nerves. And in carnivorous animals, like the Lion and Tiger, these bones are split up into several laminae, giving them arborescent or tree-shaped forms, so that the membrane Why arc tlio turbtnal bones placed here ? What is the nerve of smelling? 765. To ■what extent is smell under the control of the Avill ? What curious facts in this connec- tion ? 766. In what animals is this sense the most perfectly developed ? 767. Among Avhat mammals do we find this sense in the greatest perfection ? What peculiarity in the turbinal bones in the lion ? AND IBYSIOLOGT. 415 may be expanded over as great a surface as possible. Tho cavities in the bones of the face and skull in these animals; as Tvell as also the Horse and Deer, are very much developed, and all the mammalia, except the Whale tribe, are supplied with a turbinal bone, the cavities of which are lined by a membrane which greatly aids in the sense of smell. The sense of smell is also greatly developed in the timid grazing animals, so that they may in this way receive notice of the approach of their enemies and escape. For most quadrupeds give off a strong odor from their bodies, in the exhalations of the skin. 768. Smell in Birds.— A Nasal Gland.— Birds possess turbinal bones and a large nasal cavity, but it is doubted whether much of the power of discerning their prey de- pends on this sense, or whether it does not entirely depend on vision. For the olfactory nerve merely ramifies upon a part of the nasal cavity, the remaining portion being sup- plied with branches from the fifth pair. There is, how- ever, a peculiar gland called the nasal, which serves the pur- pose of lubricating the pituitary (or mucous) membrane, which is probably necessary from the fact that so much air is con- stantly passing over the nostrils that the membrane would otherwise become dry and thus impair the sense of smell. 769. Smell in Reptiles. — Reptiles seem by their organiza- tion of very simple nasal cavities, to have their sense of smell feebly developed. A few only have bony or cartilaginous turbinal organs, and a portion only have the cavities lined by a pituitary membrane ; and from the gormandizing habits of these animals, we see that the sense of smell could be of but little service to them. 770. Smell in Fishes.— Fishes possess a cavity lined by a What bone Is the whale tribe wanting in ? How is the sense of smell in grazing ani- mals? 768. How well developed are the organs of smell in birds? What is probably the case with regard to their powers of smell ? What gland is furnished to them which poF- Bibly aids this sense ? 769. What is said of this sense among reptiles ? Is this sense of any great vaiue to them ? 18* 41d HITCHCOCK'S ANATOMY pituitary membrane and furnished with olfactory nerves, which gives them a powerful organ of smell. This cavity, however, has no posterior orifice, its only opening being in front, and the water in it being continually kept in motion by the ciliae with which it is lined. In the sharks and rays there is a mus- cular appendage to keep the water in motion, so that Sir Richard Owen says these animals must actively scent (that is search for odoriferous impressions) as well as smell. 771. Artie 111 at a. — Crustaceans have the sense of smell, and the central ganglion sends off an olfactory nerve. The Arachnoids can smell without any discoverable organ. So also the Insects. Probably all of the Articulates have this sense, but perhaps without special organs. 772. Molluscs . — In Cephalopods olfactory organs are made out, but not in the other classes. 773. R a (1 i a t a . — No distinct organs for this sense have been found in these animals. But the presumption is that it exists with or without special organs in them all. Of the Protozoa the Infusoria clearly evince sensation and volition ; but no nervous system has been discovered in them, and though it is quite manifest that they are sensible to the contact with objects and to light, yet there is no evidence that they have the sense of smell. Equally probable is it that it is wanting in the Rhizophoda. HYGIENIC INFERENCES IN RESPECT TO THE SENSES. 774. — 1. Moderation in their Use Required.— All the organs of sensation require to be moderately employed. If 770. How is it with the sense of smell in fishes? What peculiarity amon? the sharks and rays? 771. Have articulate animals the power of smelling? Have they the orag'vXable^ capable of hardening. Coats of the eye, their use, 378. Coch'lea, 391. Coc'cyx, 41. Coeliac axis, 212. Colds and Coughs, 268. Colon, 162. Color blindness, 383. Compound eyes, 386. Cona'tus, attempt. Con'diments, their use and abuse, 184. Con'dyle, elevation or eminence on a bone. Con'voluted, rolled together like a tube. Coordina'tion, working or designing to- gether. Copper in the body, T. Cor'acoid bone, 96. Coria'ceous, like leather. Co'rium, 298,306. Cor'nea, 870. Gor'neous, like horn. Cor'pora stria^ta, 322. Cor'pusclts, little bodies or cells, ofblood, 220,228, 254. Corpulence, its efi'ect on capacity of lungs 254. Corpus callosmm, 819. Cra'nium, skull. Cra'nial nerves, 825-331. Cremation, 9. Cric^'oid cartilage, 260. Crusta'ceans, animals like the crab and lobster. Ctenoi'dians, 314. Cubical size of the body, 10. Cune'iform cartilage, 260. Cuta'neous, relating to the skin. Cu'ticle, 296, CycloiMians, 814. Cytogiii'esis, cell production. D. Daily water bath, 810. Daltonism, 383. Death universal, 429. Decussa'tion, crossing like an X. Degluti^tion, 172. Deity, argument for, from anatomy, 420, Den'tine, 51. Denti'tion, appearance of teeth. Den'izen, an inhabitant. DermatoVogy, science of the skin. Dermis, skin. Development hypothesis, argument against, 431. Development hypothesis, disproved bj an- nular ligaments, 481. Diarthro'sis, 67. Di'aphragm, 124, 150. Dias'tole, 226. Diet best adapted for man, ITT. Digas'tric muscle, 116. Diges'tion, its theory, 1T4, 175. ^ Dip'loe of cranium, 76. Disassimila/tion, process of wast*. Disease not to be avoided, 428. " of circulatory organs, 228. Dorsal vessel, 239. Duode'nal glands, 163. Duode'num, 160. DtipHca/tive folding or doabllng. Dura mater, S23. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 435 E. Ear, 889. " a proof of design, 420. " functions of all its parts, 394, 397. " of animals, 297, 399. Eating, hygienic inferences from, 183, 184. Echin'oderms, radiate animals. Efferent, carrying away from. Electrical organs of fishes, 360. Elemen'tary tissue, 14. Einacia'tion, wasting away. Enam'el, 51. Enarthro'sis, 67. EnMosmose, 17. Epider'mis, 296. " use of, 305, 806. Epifler^mic scales, 311. Epiglot'tis, 261. Epithe'lial, relating to the epithelium. Epithe'liinn, outer surface of mucous and other membrane. Esoph'agus, 157. " of horse, 186. Eusta'chian tube, 891. Evil incidental not intentional, 425. " " to every function, 429. Excrementi'tious^ waste or superfluous. Ex'osmose, 17. Extremities, anterior, of quadrupeds, 92. Exudii'tions, 15. Exu/via'tion, casting off. " of serpents, 313. Eye, anatomy of, 369. " a proof of design, 420. Eyebrows, 376, 380. Eyelids, 376, 380. Eyes of mammals, 383. " " birds, 384. " " reptiles, 386. " " fishes, 386. " " insects, 386. " " mollusca, 388. " " radiata, 388. F. Fac'et, a little surface or face. Face, 47. Fa'cial nerves, 329, 351. Fats in the body, 11. Feathers, 312. Fel'on, 35. Fera'oral artery. 212. Fe'mur, 63, 79, 97, 100. Fever sore, 35. Fiber, simple, 17. " muscular, 107. Fi'bril, " 107. " in contraction, 137. Fibrin, 12. Fib'ula, 63. Flu'orine in the body, T. Fol'licles, 289. " of Lieberkuhn, 168. Food< for what purposes required, ITfi. Foram ina of bones, 85. Forces of blood circulation, 228, 226. Fore arm, 58, 78. Fright, effect of on hair, 815. Frontal bone, 43. Functions, the mode for their performance, 425. jN/aiform^ epindle shaped. G. Gall-Bladder, 165. Gang'lia, small knots or masses of nervous matter. Ganglia, uses of, 350. Ganoid^'ians, 314. Gastric luice, 15, 173. " follicles. 159. " artery, 212. Ge'nus, a group of species. Gills of Fishes, 274. Gin'glymus joint, 67. Giz'zavd, second stomach of fowls. Glands, their anatomy, 289. " ductless, 292. " of the skin in mammals, 812. Gliding motion, 68. Glob'ule, spherical particle of matter. Glob'uHn, 12. Glosso-pharyngeal nerves, 330, 851. Glu'ten, 12. Glu'teus muscle, 128. Gompho'sis, 66. Granules of cells, 18. " " bone, 34. Gymna'sia, their use, 141, 144. H. Habit, effect of on sensations, 368, 402. Hair, number and distribution of, 303. '* chemical composition of, 303. " constitution, color, and properties off 304. ^ ^ ' " rate of its growth, 305. variety of, in mammals, 811. ffdm-^ter, a rodent animal. Happiness the object of all organs, 424. Harde^rian gland, 283. Harmo'nia, 66. Haver'sian canals, 33. Head of birds, 93. Heart of man, 201. " " mammals, 230. " " birds, 232. " " reptiles, 234. " " crocodile, 236. " " fishes, 237. " " articulates, 239. " " Crustacea, 241. Heat producing organs, 256. Hem'atin, 13. Hepatite, pertaining to the liver. " artery, 212. Herhiv'orous, vegetable eaters. Bexag'onnl, with six sides. Hippu'ric acid, 9. Hiss of serpents, 272. HUtogenePic, tissue making. HistoVogy, 14. Homogefneous, o{ the same characie? throughout. Honey comb, 187. Horn of rhinoceros, 811. Hu'merus, 67. 91, 97, 100. Humors of the eye, 874, 878. Hy'drogen in the body, & HygroKbgy, 14 Hyoid bone, 55. 436 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Ichorol'ogy, definition of, 282 Il'iac arteries, 212. li'iiun, 61. Imbibi'tion, 17. Im'bHcated, overlapping like shingles on a roof. Iratne''diate principles, 7. Imparities exhaled from lungs, 255. Inci'sor teeth, 54. Indian club, 145. Infuso'ria, microscopic animals. Ingiu'vies, ISS. Innoinina'tum, 61. InosauUi'tion — see anastomosis. Inspirations compared with pulsations, 355. Interartic'ular cartilage, 71. Intercos'tal muscles, 125. Intermax'illary bones, 89. Inteross'eou.% between the bones. Intes'tinal fluid, 16. " glands, 163. Intes'tine, leniith of, 155, 1S9, 192. Inver'tebrate, without internal skeleton. Iris, 371. Iron in the body, 7. Irritability of muscular fiber, 134. Is'chium, 61. Jeju'num, 161. Joints, design shown in them, 421. " motions of, 68. Jugal bone, 93. Kidneys, 171. L. LaVyrinth, 391. Lach-'rymal gland, 375. " bones, 49. Lac'teals, 169, ISO, 282. Zacn^nce, spaces. " of bone, 33. Lacu'nar, filled with lacunse. Lamell'(je, thin laj^ers or plates. jMryn'geal, relating to the Larynx. " pouches, 279. Lar'ynx, 248, 259. " of birds, 279. " " reptiles, 280. " its similarity to a reed instru- ment, 264. Lead in the body, 7. Lens of the eye, 374. life, characteristic of organic substances, 5. Lig^aments, 69. ^ annular, show design, 423. " used as braces, 74. Lime, carbonate and phosphate o^ 11. Lin'gual nerves, 831, 351. Liver, 165. " of mammals, 189. LoVules of lung, 247. Lower jaw, 50, 89. Lumbar arteries, 212. Lumbar plexus, 834. Lunglet, lobule of lung. Lungs, their liability to disease, 265. " " action essential for health, 266L " pure air essential to, 266. " capacity of, as aflfected by posture, 267. " capacity of may bo increased, 267. " of mammals, 270. " " birds, 270. " " reptiles, 272. Lymph, 15. Lymphat'icE, 182, 284. " their function, 287. " material absorbed by, 287. Lymphat'ic hearts, 236. " glands, 285. Magne'sium in the body, 7. Malar bones, 48. Malle'olus, 64. Man not without hope, 429. Manganese' in the body, 7. Man'dible, 50, 89. Mantle of Molluscs, 314. Many-plies, 187. Marmot, a rodent or gnawing animaL Mass'eter muscle, 116. Mastication, 172. 3Ie'dia, or humors. Medull'a oblonga'ta, 322, 347. Ifedtt'sce, radiate animals. Meibo'mian glands, 377. Membra^na tym'pani, 390. Membrane, simple, 17. Mesenter'ic artery, 212. " glands, 169. Mes'entery, 168. 3fetamor'phosi,% change. Metacar'pus, 60, 79, 91. Metatar'sus, 65. " of birds, 97. Milk, 16. 3Iimo^sa, plant of the order leguminosae. Moisture, its effect upon lymphatics, 289. Molar teeth, 64. Mollusca, 85. " skeleton of, 104. 3/otor, exciting motion. " nerves, 3o6. « oculi, 326, 351. Mouth, 155. Movements of radiata, 153. Mu'cus, 15. Muscles, number of in man. 111. " suspensory,''152. " of birds, feathers, 152. " design shown in them, 421. " looped, show design, 422. " need use, 139. " ." gradual rest, 140. " require regular exercise, 140. " time they may be employed, 154 " forms ot; 110. " of the fore arm, 120. « " birds, 151. *' " fishes, 152. *♦ " articulates and molluscs, 153. Muscular development, 141. INDEX AND GLOSSARY, 43^ Muscular strength, examples of, 137, 154. " contraction, cause of, 135. " moveuaent, disadvantage of it, 136, " contraction, its rapidity, 13S. " " " duration, 13S. " " " precision, 139. Mus'culin, 12. MyoKogy, definition of, 107. Myotil'ity, 26, 134. Mystery as great in physiology as in relig- ion, 432. Mystery in muscular movement, 432. " in connection of mind and matter, 432. N. Nails, 277. Nasal bones, 4S. " duct, 375. Nasmyth's membrane, 53, Neck, its length dependent on, 87. " how to" be dressed, 269. Nerve tubes and fibers, 317. " vesicles or cells, 318. Nerves over sensitive, 42S. Nervous power shows design, 423. '-' system, its hy2;iene, 352. Neurol'ogy, definition olf, 316. Nictitating membrane, 383. Ni'trogen, 6. Mtrog'enoufi, containing nitrogen. Normal, according to the standard. Nose, 412. Nostrils, 415. " their use in the voice, 265. Nn'clear, pertaining to a nucleus. Ifa'clented, IS. Nucle'olus, IS. Nu'cleus, IS. 0. Oil, 16. '• glands, 299. " " ' use of, 807. O'lein, 11. Olftic'tory nerves, S25, 850. Oina'sum, 187. Omen'tnm, 16S. Optic nerves, 326, 351. Orbicula-'ris pal'pebrje, 114. oris, 115. Organ, definition of. 29. Organs adai)ted to circumstances, 426. Omitlioryn' chus, an animal of the class mammalia. Os'cillatory, vibrating. Oss'icleti^ little bones. Os quadra'tum, 397. Os'teiii, 12. Osteol'ogy, definition of, 31, (>t'oUth.% bony particles of the ear. Ovalbu'men,. 12. Ox'ygen in the body, 6. Pacin'ian coipnscleSj836. Pal'ate bones, 49. Palmar arch, 209. Pau'creas, 166. Panci-eat'ic fluid, 16. Papil'lfB, 295, 400, 40S. Par'asite of skia, 2991 Pari'etal bone, 44. PatelFa, 63. Paunch, 187. Pecten marsu''pium, 3S4. Pedun'cU, a stalk or stem. Pedun'culated, having a stalk or peduncle. Pelvis, bones of, 61. reii'niform, feathei-^shaped. Pep'sin, 15, 160. PericarMium, 204. Per'ilymph, 391, Perios'teum, 34. Peristal'tic, moving like a worm. Peritone''um, 16S. Pcrspira'tion, 3ul. Peyer's patches, 163. Phalanges, 60, 65, 79, 91, 97. Pharyn'geal, belonging to the pharynx. Pha'rynx, 156. Phos'phorus in the body, 7. Phvsiolosy, definition of, 6. Pia' ma'ter, 324. Pig'ment cells, 295. Pigmen'tary spots, 385. Piginen'tiim ni-'grum, 372. Pinna, 3S9. Pitic'itary onemhrane^ the lining mem- brane of the nose. Placoid'ians, 314. Pliui, unity of, in animal system, 424. Plasma, watery portion of the blood. Plas'tron, 99. Pleasure superadded to functions when not necessarv, 425. Pleura, 248. Pleurisy, 248. Plexus, 832. Pneumogas'tric nerves, 330, 851. Pneumonol'ogy, definition t.f, 244. Poison introduced by lymphatics, 2SS. Pol)jhe'dj-al, witli many ends. PolypH, radiate animals. Poplit'eal artery, 213. Pores of bones, 34. Portal system, 218, 236. Potass'ium in the body, 7. Power reserved for exiicencifts, 426. " vicarious in organs, 426. " recuperative in the system, 421, Prehen'sile, adapted for seizing. Prehen'sion, the act of grasping. Primary tissue, 14, 22. Principles, immediate, grouped, 8, 9. Prismoid, like a prism. Pi'Wtine, primary. Process, an elevation on a bone. Processes of bones, 35. Pro'tein, 13. Psoas muscle, 126. Pty'alin, 172, Pu'bis, 61. Pulsations of heart, 227. Pylor'ic appendages, 194. PyU/ruSy tae lower ^ri fioe of tho storaaclj. . Quadran'ffitlar, with 4 angtea. Qaadrilat'eral^ " •' sides. Ea'dial artery, 20S. Kadia'ta, So. (438 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Eadiata, skeleton of, lOG. Kadicals, organic, 8. Ba'dius, 59. Bam'ify, to give off branches. Eectura, 162. Ked or Rennet, 188. Ecflex actions Jn articulates, 363. Religious applications of anatomy, 420. Respira''tion, process of, 252. Respi-'ratorv organs of mammals, 270. " " " birds, 270. " " " reptiles, 272. " " " fishes, 275. " " " articulates, 276. " " " molluscs, 278. » " " radiates, 279. Retic'ulnm, 186. Ret'ina, 372. Retractile, capable of being drawn back. Ribs, 55, 96. Rickets, cause of, 82. Eo'dent, gnawing. Rota^tion, 68. Bu'minants, animals that chew the end like the cow. s. Sac'ciform, like a sac. Sa'cral plexus, 334. ida'crum, 41. Sali'va, 16, 172. Sal'ivary glands, 155. Salt in the human body, 11. S(ipona'ceoio>^, soapy. Sarcolern'ma, 108. Scales of serpents, 313. " fishes, 314. Scap'ula, 57. Scepter, Indian, 145. Schindyle'sis, 66. Science, its highest use, 420. Seba'ceous glands, 299. Sclerotica, 369. JScle'rous, hard like bone. Secre'tion, vicarious. 292. after death, 291. " function of, 291. " eff'ect of emotions upon, 291. Seg'menis, divisions. Semicir'cular canals, 391. Sensa'tions, effect of habit upon, 368, 402. Senses often a source of misery, 418. " dependent on mind, 367. " effect of excessive use of, 367. " development in lower animals, 367. Sensual happiness not perfect, 419. Seralbu'men, 12. Serra'ti muscles, 125. Sc'rum, 15. Ses'amoid bones, 65, 97. Sighted, long and short, 8S1. SiKicon in the body, 7. Si'nuses, 217. Skeleton, design showed In, 421. " human, weight of, 82. Skin, ^295. " uses of, 305. " its hygien^ic value, SOS. " attention necessary for, 809, 810. " of mammals, 810. " " birds, 312. Skin of amphib'ia, 813. " " ra'diates, 315. Sleep, 342, 347. Smell under control of the tdll, 414. " sense of. In animals, 414, 416. So'dium in the body, 7. Solar plexus, 340. Solitary glands, 163. Sound, organs essential for, 264. Sounds of heart, 227. " " insects, 280. " " moUusca, 281. Special sense, nerves of, 868. Sphe'noid bone, 45. Sphinc'ter, 111. Spinal cord, 322, 332, 348. " column, 42, 78, 85. " nerves, 332, 352, 358. " accessory nerve, 330, 851. Spi^racles of insects, 276. Splanchnology, 155. Spleen, 293. Sple'nic artery, 212. SteU'ate, star-shaped. Stem'mata, 387. Sternum, 55, 96, 101. Sterno-cleido mastoid muscle, 116. Stim-'ulants, their value and injury, 135. Stomach, 158. " of ruminants, 187. " " birds, 190. Styloid bones, 89. Subcia'vian artery, 206. Sugar in the body, 11. Sulphur " " T. Superior Max'illary, 50. Suppura'tion, forming of pus- Suspen'sory muscle, 152. Sutu'ra, 66. Su'tures, 46. Sweat, 17. " glands, 299. Sympathet^ic system, 337, 848, 853. " ganglia, a39. Sympathy between heart and lungs, 245. Sym'physes, 67. Synarthro'sis, 66. Syn'ehronou.% at the same time. Syndesmol'ogy, definition of, 66. Syno'vial membrane, 73. Systems of organization mutually depend- ent, 424. Sys'tole, 226. T. Tac/tile, susceptible of touch. Tailor's muscle, 129. Tape'tum, 383. Tarso-metatar'sus, 97. Tarsus, 64, 81. Taste, nerves of, 407. " effect of education upon, 403. " - its connection with amell, 40S. *' a guide for the appetite, 418. Tears, 16, 880. Teeth, human, 51. " esophage'al, 192. " of reptiles, 191. " of fishes, 102. " development of, 58. " names of, 54, 90. " fracture of, 54. INDEX AND OLOSSART 43^ Teeth, care needed for, 82. " generally decay early in Ufa, 83. Teg'ument of articulata, 314. Tegument' ary, relating to the skin. T^guraenfary muscle, 150. lemperature of human body, 257. Tem'poral bone, 43. " muscle, 116. Tendons of fingers and toes, 120. " ossification of, in birds, 151. Tensitr vag'infe fem-'oris, 129. Tento'rium, 358. ThaKami op'lici, 322. Thoracic, pertaining to the chest. Thorac'ic duct, 170. " aorta, 211. Thy'roid cartilage, 260. Tib'ia, 63. Tib'iai artery, 213. Time during which .muscles can be used- 154. Tissue, simple fibrous, 22. " white fibrous, 22. " yellow " 22. " areolar, 23. " fibro-cellular, 23. " cellular, 24. " sclerous, 24. tubular, 25. " muscular, 26. " nervous, 28. Tobacco, its efl'ect on the brain, 355. Tongue, human, 406. " of reptiles, 191. " use of, in speech, 265. Tonic'ity, muscular, 134. Tonsils, 155. Tortoise shell, 99. Touch, instruments of, 400. " of lower animals, 403, 405. Tra'chea, 248. " of mammals, 270. " " insects, 276. Transverse, crosswise. Transuda'tions, 15. Triangle for exercise, 145. Triceps muscle, 119. Trifa'cial nerves, 326, 351. Trill of birds, 279. Triquet^ra ossa, 47. Trochan'ter process npon the upper part of the femur. Troch-'Iear nerves, 326. Tuberc'ula quadrigem'ina, 322. Tur'binal bone, 49. Tym'panic bones, 88. Tym'panura, 390. TT. TJlcera'tion, ulcer-forming. Ulna, 58. Ulnar artery, 208. Unicellular animals, 199. Uniformity of animal heat, 258. Unity, Divine, proofs of from anatomy, 430. " " proved by the conspiration of all the parts, 430. Unity proved by mutual relation, 430. Urine, 16. V. "Valves of the heart, 203. Veins, 217. " valves of, their discoverer, 219. Yentral trunk, 241. Ven'tricles, 202. " of brain, 324. Ventu-'ri, principle of, 181. Ver''tebra, cervical, 40, 85, 93. dorsal, 41, 85, 93. " lumbar, 41, 85. " sacral, 85. " caudal, 85, 93. Ver'tebral artery, 209. Vertebra'ta, 85. Vessels protected, 423. Ves'tibule, 391, Vibra'tile, susceptible of vibration. Villi, hair-like appendages. Viscera, contents of an animal carity. Viscid, thick like syrup. Vision, limits of, 382. Vitaliza'tion, the act of giving life. Vitreous humor, 375. Vocal cord, 262. Voice, organs of, 259. " its strength dependent on, 269. Voluntary motions, on what dependent 340. Vo'mer, 51. w. "Waste the cause of muscular contraction. 135. Water in the body, 10. " amount consumed by an adult, 11, " " discharged by the skin, 3021 Wax, 16. Wonder nets, 231, 234. Wounds of arteries, 229. World fallen, proof of, from anatomy, 429L INDEX OF CUTS 87 PAGE Blood Cetstals 9 10 " " 13 Milk r 16 Simple Fiber 17 Cells 18 " 18 Cattdate Cells 19 Stellate " 19 Development of Cells 20 " 20 " " " 21 White Fibrous Tissue 22 Yellow " " 22 Areolar Tissue 23 Cells of Areolae Tissue 23 Adipose Tissue 24 Cartilaginous Tissue 24 Osseous " 25 Lacuna of Bone 25 Lymphatic Vessel 26 Muscular Tissue 26 Diagram op Muscular Fibril.. 26 Muscular Tissue 27 " 2T " 27 Tubular Nerve Tissue 28 Vesicular " " 28 " " " 29 Fibula after Immersion in Mu- riatic Acid 32 Canaliculi of Bone 83 Lacuna " " 34 Ultimate Granules of Bone.. 34 Periosteum 85 Development of Cartilage ... 87 Knee Joint 88 Lateral View of Spinal Col.. 88 View of HuMA^f Skeleton 89 Atlas 40 AxTS 43 A Doesal Vertebea 41 Sacrum 41 PA